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Wait For The Legal Challenge


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"An opportunity to own a property just minutes away from the Island's most picturesque and ancient location."

"Breathtaking views over the beautiful sunset City."


It was 'the Island's most picturesque' and 'beautiful sunset City' before the abominations created by these so-called 'developers' aka money-grabbing, landscape desecrating vandals were dumped upon Peel. Dandara and Heritage - both should be declared proscribed organisations. They will ultimately ruin this Island before your very eyes.

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Dandara are doing the same old thing.


Apply with too much, then read into the refusal, then re-apply using the refusal as an example, got the legal Boffs involved, run the uselass Planning Dept so they don't know what they're doing or saying, and get what you want.


Nothing new there then for Dandara?


Monkey, the main problem in Appeal is that people have to put money into it. The prespective developer, ie, Dandara, has loads, the Objector, doesn't.

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I love the way that the planning committee refuses a planning application and stills gets accused of brown envelope bribery.



things tend to get passed once the developer has appealed this and that, payed for lawyers and architects time in multiple, and jumped through the relevant hoops. once all extra costs of an appeal have been paid for you get your own way. its a round about way of making sure enough money ends up in the necessary places for all to be happy. similar i guess to driving examiners failing adequate drivers on technicallity's so they have to come back and pay again. on that note, i think all test's should have video camera's in the car and on the roof to actually SEE and hear what has been done. that way when your told you've failed because of XYZ you can be shown exactly what the instructor means. the instructors should welcome the cameras as it would back them up in their accurate decuissions??

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I love the way that the planning committee refuses a planning application and stills gets accused of brown envelope bribery.



things tend to get passed once the developer has appealed this and that, payed for lawyers and architects time in multiple, and jumped through the relevant hoops. once all extra costs of an appeal have been paid for you get your own way. its a round about way of making sure enough money ends up in the necessary places for all to be happy. similar i guess to driving examiners failing adequate drivers on technicallity's so they have to come back and pay again. on that note, i think all test's should have video camera's in the car and on the roof to actually SEE and hear what has been done. that way when your told you've failed because of XYZ you can be shown exactly what the instructor means. the instructors should welcome the cameras as it would back them up in their accurate decuissions??


Someone fail you then?

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I see one simple solution to all this development in Peel Ramsey etc...... if people stopped buying there sad excuses for houses they would stop building(ha... bolting together) and fuck off this island and go and ruin somewhere else.... Maybe Poland?? and re-house their work force

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Why would anyone want a flat on the edge of Peel?


Quite. Its like advertising flats built around the perimeter of Vanessa Feltz's ringpiece.


200 would be about right then???

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I see one simple solution to all this development in Peel Ramsey etc...... if people stopped buying there sad excuses for houses they would stop building(ha... bolting together) and fuck off this island



that is not going to work, they have many 'unsold properties' at present, they rent some out to members of the puplic and others are rented out to their workforce.this makes the place look like their is a great demand to the public eye so people jump in quick and buy before they are all gone, mugs. as long as you say your building X percent of first time buyers properties to help reduce the long waiting list in there somewhere you can build what you like. many years ago i was told by a tradesman working on a 'new estate' that they sat down one day and worked out the actual cost of the houses against their selling price. the mark up was 50%, and that was in the day when houses were built to a lasting standard by people who gave a toss. the biggest rip off is plot value. a field is bought for 20K, planning permission is granted in principal for the area and magically you have 20 plots valued at 50K each. politics won't allow anyone to build an estate and not rip off folks on plot price cos it would kick the arse out of the over inflated market for the rest of the island.

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