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[BBC News] Heart training for terminal staff


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Jesus christ this is well overdue.


I had the (dis)pleasure of a crossing a couple of years ago with some smack head who had snorted enough coke to kill an elephant on the mother of all bumpy sea cat crossings one October.


The first call was for a Doctor over the tannoy - by the third call they would accept a nurse. Two doses of vallium, and one hella expensive call to to Nobles ( £12 a second for the satellite thingy) and we got him to Douglas alive.


More through good luck than good management.


Sorry for the bluntness, but it is not the staff, but the passengers that need to be educated.

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Earlier this week, members of the public did chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth on a person who collapsed in the street in Douglas. They kept this person going until the ambulance arrived and restarted their heart with a defibrillator - they are now doing well and looking at leaving hospital soon.


A similar case happened last year too - when someone collapsed in a pub with a cardiac arrest (ie - heart stopped). That person is also still alive and OK. Even more lives have been saved when people have used these skills on their family members at home.


It does not take much to learn - 'CPR' (chest compressions and breathing for the person) can be one of the most important and life-changing things you could ever do for someone! Perhaps we should all get the chance to learn it!

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