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Albert Tatlock

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They are spending all their time hiding behind the bleeding obvious.


FFS! Admit it! it was a cock up! No police prosecutions in 30 deaths? - this just amplifies the fact that many people believe we live in a police state.


We need to reassess this - AND, People need to start going. NOW!

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Albert Tatlock railing against the supposed Police State?


What a completely unexpected turn of events.

Ans - following the state sponsored facist line...yet again...yawn!


No doubt MR Menezes fell down the stairs!! Nudge nudge, wink wink! - Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!



...what justice for his family! - I don't think.

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I don't know why they don't just admit they made a mistake either. I'm mocking at you for trying to shoehorn your nanny/police state nonsense into yet another topic.


I suppose I should also mock you for completely failing to understand the meaning of facism and how it simply doesn't apply to me. But I might have to use big words and I'm not sure you could cope.

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No police prosecutions in 30 deaths?


I've searched far and wide and the only thing I can find the resembles this is found here.




I'm sure you just forgot to mention that a significant number of this 30 were shot for reasons such as:

  • He had been holding a gun-shaped cigarette lighter to a man's head.
  • Killed in Northumberland in July after he fired a gun as police broke up a disturbance.
  • Former mental patient shot in June at Heathrow after brandishing a blank pistol at police.
  • Shot in 2002 in Aylesbury after he confronted officers with a sword and shotgun
  • shot in 2001 running out of his house in Harrow firing at police.
  • Shot in 2001 waving a home-made shotgun in Derbyshire.
  • Shot in Bedford in 1998 aiming a replica Colt 45 at police.

They're just the ones I could be arsed copy/pasting. There are plenty more.


I'm sorry that you think that being shot for aiming a shotgun at an armed police officer is an indication of a police state. I'm sure if you were that Police officer you'd just try to reason with him, bribe him with sweeties or threaten to tell his Mum. You'd also quite likely be dead soon after that.


I'm also sorry for trying to introduce some balance, perspective and facts into your carefully constructed paranoid, delusional ramblings.

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The Stockwell shooting was a monumental cock-up, but in the context of the perceived threat to the London Underground at that time the lapses of judgment are perhaps a little more understandable although no more justifiable. As Ans has shown, most police shootings are justified: when you're faced with some nut brandishing a weapon and making threats do you wait to find out if it's a replica or loaded with blanks, or do you take him out before he kills someone?

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No police prosecutions in 30 deaths?


I've searched far and wide and the only thing I can find the resembles this is found here.




I'm sure you just forgot to mention that a significant number of this 30 were shot for reasons such as:

  • He had been holding a gun-shaped cigarette lighter to a man's head.
  • Killed in Northumberland in July after he fired a gun as police broke up a disturbance.
  • Former mental patient shot in June at Heathrow after brandishing a blank pistol at police.
  • Shot in 2002 in Aylesbury after he confronted officers with a sword and shotgun
  • shot in 2001 running out of his house in Harrow firing at police.
  • Shot in 2001 waving a home-made shotgun in Derbyshire.
  • Shot in Bedford in 1998 aiming a replica Colt 45 at police.

They're just the ones I could be arsed copy/pasting. There are plenty more.


I'm sorry that you think that being shot for aiming a shotgun at an armed police officer is an indication of a police state. I'm sure if you were that Police officer you'd just try to reason with him, bribe him with sweeties or threaten to tell his Mum. You'd also quite likely be dead soon after that.


I'm also sorry for trying to introduce some balance, perspective and facts into your carefully constructed paranoid, delusional ramblings.

Of course people get shot for a reason...though you missed out:


Shot - carrying a table leg

Shot - carrying a torch

Shot - unarmed, naked and with his girlfriend.

Shot - schizophreniac patient - holding up the Co-Op with a knife

Shot - several people for brandishing swords (did you realise you can stop most people by, if you have to shoot, shooting them in the thigh etc. !)

Shot four times in the back by police - after brandishing a gun shaped lighter and running away

Shot 10 times - unarmed IRA suspect during a raid on his home


...and JC Menezes - shot at least 5 times in the head.


Of course, you'll jump on the 'fact' that I'm suddenly an 'IRA supporter' - and miss out any point about police accountability. No prosecutions means no accountability.


And as to fascism, I'm all too familiar with what it means - you really need to read the definition of fascism: 'an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and other societal interests subordinate to the interests of the state' - to see just how far down that road the UK has travelled.

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Shot - several people for brandishing swords (did you realise you can stop most people by, if you have to shoot, shooting them in the thigh etc. !)


Police are trained to shoot at the largest part of the target - i.e. the body as this is the most likely way to stop him + the best chance of the bullet not missing it's target and ending up in someone else. A leg shot is very risky.


Suicide terrorists with bombs around their body are a different deal for obvious reasons.

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Of course people get shot for a reason...though you missed out:


I'm glad you agree that your initial claim of 30 was nothing more than sensationalist rubbish.


Still, looking at the papers today, it seems that the Daily Mail is in full agreement with you. I bet that's made you throw up a little in your mouth.

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Still, looking at the papers today, it seems that the Daily Mail is in full agreement with you. I bet that's made you throw up a little in your mouth.

With 365 publishing days in a year - I'm sure even that rag has some small probability of accidently publishing the truth.

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At the end of the day, an innocent man was executed.


That there may have been confussion, panic, whatever is not a get out.

The personel on the ground made a decision that they will have to live with.


If you wave a toy gun around or a weapon then you deserve what you get, even if it's a round. It's the direct consequences of your own actions.




If an innocent man can be killed and there's no blame attached and accepted and no effective measures put in place to avoid another such incident, then to quote Hamlet, " Something is wrong in the state "

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I have to say that if you know anything about the "New Laws" on terrorism they can basically take you somewhere kill you and there is nothing that you or your family can do.


When this happened i just thought we have finally reached the point where justice really is lost.


In my eyes every persons life is so precious and for the people who are "Meant" to protect us this is disgusting.


I think there is more to this story than meets the eye.


You don't just follow a guy and kill him without having evidence he is a terrorist ?


I think the officers involved should stand trial and also the people who let them pull the trigger.


The law is for everyone not just one side.


I also hope the family sue for millions

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That is probably the same in all laws as once they have killed you there is not alot you can do to reverse being dead!


I have to say that if you know anything about the "New Laws" on terrorism they can basically take you somewhere kill you and there is nothing that you or your family can do.
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