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I have just purchased myself an Indian flute...but it is 32" long and the holes are too far apart for my fingers to reach them all...anyone any ideas on how to get longer fingers? - the surgial gloves and sausages option is looking hopeful atm.

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now now miss bees i was of the understanding you were a master of these instruments.

Unfortunately i don't think it's that easy to stretch your fingers, you may just have to learn to play it without jumping to far up and down the scale.

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now now miss bees i was of the understanding you were a master of these instruments


Master? ho humm, wouldnt go that far, but, I can get the odd nice tune out of me current silver (plated) flute. I'm gutted :( I will pass on the stanley knife idea, I have menaced myself with those 'safety' devices many times in the past and the scars are not pretty. I can cover the first 4 holes but there are 6 and another little one right at the very end, I think it might be a tandem flute..


WLTM, someone who can finger the bottom end notes on this moster of a flute :)

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