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Musharraf Loses Last Shred Of Credibility


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The future of Pakistan is probably the most important geopolitical issue in the world at the moment - even beyond Iraq or Iran.


Pakistan - a nuclear armed dictatorship, ruled by a strongman, where Muslim radicals and Al-Qaeda have secure large scale base areas and training camps. A country which has been (still is) actively involved in exporting terrorism to its neighbours, has agressive territorial claims on its neighbour's territory and has been involved in nuclear brinkmanship and military sabre rattling.


The irony that this country is a key ally in the "War in Terrorism" is so rich! Musharraf was the architect of the border war with India in 1999 and used the influence he gained from that conflict to seize power later in the year; he has at the very least an ambiguous relationship with Kashmiri militants and uses militant Islamic Parties to keep himself in power.


Musharraf is only just able to control the country and his destruction of the rule of law and political due process is creating anarchy and feeding the radicals.


Who knows what the next year will bring. Musharraf has built himself up as the only person who can save Pakistan and destroyed any institutions that would allow an alternative political leadership to peacefully develop, but if a bomb or a bullet gets through and kills him what structures will remain to allow a deeply divided country find new leaders - none. That cannot be a good thing - violence is likely to be the other alternative.

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In a way it would be quite handy if the whole Middle East just nuked itself into oblivion, and then we could pop across when the radioactive dust had settled a bit to get the oil, which is the only thing that's ever interested us about the region anyway.

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In a way it would be quite handy if the whole Middle East just nuked itself into oblivion, and then we could pop across when the radioactive dust had settled a bit to get the oil, which is the only thing that's ever interested us about the region anyway.


Uh, has Musharraf moved Pakistan?

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In a way it would be quite handy if the whole Middle East just nuked itself into oblivion, and then we could pop across when the radioactive dust had settled a bit to get the oil, which is the only thing that's ever interested us about the region anyway.


Uh, has Musharraf moved Pakistan?


Well the whole "Eastern" side of things, it's all a bit dodgy.

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In a way it would be quite handy if the whole Middle East just nuked itself into oblivion, and then we could pop across when the radioactive dust had settled a bit to get the oil, which is the only thing that's ever interested us about the region anyway.


Uh, has Musharraf moved Pakistan?


Well the whole "Eastern" side of things, it's all a bit dodgy.

Not as dodgy as your geography!

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