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Super Mario Galaxy


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Is it me or is SMG one of the best games ever?


Don't know yet as I've not played it but I'm hoping it will live up to the hype. I think I'll be holding off a while though got far too many games to get through and hardly touched Metroid Prime yet which looks to be an awesome game.

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It's stunning. It may be a tarted up super mario 64 with a fixed camera, but it's so polished and refined and well just fucking perfect that you can't stop loving it. It's amazing to watch the kids play it vs most of the pap they play too. Very few fustrations, fair challenges, fun shit (love the bug boss that shits on you!) and the coop mode is perfect for a little brother who wants a turn all the time, he just sits with teh 2nd wii mote looking for stars and stuff to stun making it easier for his older sisters to play.

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Fair enough. TBH I havent really been blown away by the Wii so far - maybe I am missing the point somewhat.


So far the bowling game you get with it has been the most fun to play.

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