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Cardboard can be composted if that's preferable to burning it. Actually shreaded cardboard mixed in with grass cuttings (apparently) makes for better compost than grass cuttings alone.


I wonder if the people who take the garden waste from the tip for composting would take it?

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When you say people, do you mean you?




Aaagh, a reaction. In fact two reactions.


I did shove in "Speaking genrally here but:" at the start of my post, but yes indeed I do feel that "we are a very selfish society". We have lots and lots of money and are doing really well and lots of peoples have nice cars and nice jobs and there is loads of lovely money around to buy loads of things and we think we are the best place in the world because of it.


And yet our Recycling habits are pretty abysmal. Yes, we are getting there but as a small Island Nation we should have been leading the world in recycling policies not being shamed into it.


Oh, and do I know what I'm talking about? Probably, having been involved with rubbish landfill sites in various places, I saw for example the massive Wright's Pit East on a regular basis turning from being a huge empty cavernous hole into a landscaped landfill site in a very short time.


For an Island Nation of 80,000 people we seem to have a very easy conscience in turning our backs on our shiite once its goes out of our back doors.




*for the sake of pedanticism I am prepared to concede that there are probably some people including Slim and sarahc that have a responsibly approach to their rubbish removal on our Island.

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Demand for paper is still high, yet papermills in europe have been closing if industry reports are to be believed (hence many price hikes over the last 18 months).


The paperless society is a long way off it seems so I don't quite see why the mills are being forced to close.


I still think that in general, the industry isn't fully grasping the potential for recycled paper. I know from personal experience that it does sell well and that some manufacturers are offering decent quality product at reasonable prices.

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We seem to be about 20 years behind the UK socially and environmentally


Over here the wives drive huge 4x4s and drink Pinot Grigio, the husbands drive BMWs and drink Becks, hardly anyone recycles and we generate our electricity from imported oil, foreign food is still cool.


Could be Clapham 1987


Now the moneyed of the UK drive a Prius or cycle, drink wheatgrass and buy their power from a renewable supplier. They buy seasonal & fresh local food from the farmers market, recycle everything and bang on about how green they are


This is our future


Buying a carbon offset for a FlyBe flight could be a bit of a longshot though

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We took a car load of cardboard packaging to the Southern Amenity Site at the weekend. The cardboard had the recycling symbol all over it. When we asked the female assistant at the site where we put it to be recycled, she informed us to chuck it on the main pile as it would be ''recycled at the 'Energy from Waste plant' in Douglas"


Speechless .....



And I've since been told that so far no 'energy from waste' has been produced. I don't know if this has been the case .....


Is there any official word on what is actually recycled from what is put in the recycling bins, there are lots of rumours going round all the time but never any official word, if people are making the effort they have the right to know, agree with above re. 'Energy From Waste' any official answer on what is happening there, as far as I know its due to be de-commissioned in a few years time, given that one of the justifications for the incinerator was that it would produce energy (heating for homes in Pulrose / NSC I seem to remember being mentioned). What actually happens to all the paper / bottles that we recycle, somebody from the government please let us know


Does anybody know where there is a recycling bin for plastic bags and tin cans in the south of the Island ? - PSM currently has bottles and paper but don't know where to put plastics / tin cans, thanks



Paddy Lewis of Ask Buck is based at Balthane Ind Estate and he takes cardboard & plastic off the Island see Askbuck.com

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For an Island Nation of 80,000 people we seem to have a very easy conscience in turning our backs on our shiite once its goes out of our back doors.


You're just jealous 'cause I've got a bigger carbon footprint!

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