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Hate To Admit It

Dames Aflame

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she's no Aretha.
Yes --- by no means is she anywhere close to the second coming of Aretha Franklin and I would never think to even put her in the same ballpark.


I'm very interested to learn what prompted these curious comparisons, and by what criteria you have arrived at the conclusions. Are you musicologists?

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Are only musicologists entitled to express an opinion?


Of course not. I read them more as statements of fact though, rather than opinions and I was hoping the posters could perhaps substantiate their comments a little, perhaps by pointing out differences in vocal ranges, or phrasing skills. Or even why the two artists were being compared at all. If I have misunderstood and they are mere opinions, possibly ill informed ones, then I will disregard them.

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Are only musicologists entitled to express an opinion?


Of course not. I read them more as statements of fact though, rather than opinions and I was hoping the posters could perhaps substantiate their comments a little, perhaps by pointing out differences in vocal ranges, or phrasing skills. Or even why the two artists were being compared at all. If I have misunderstood and they are mere opinions, possibly ill informed ones, then I will disregard them.


It is implicit in any phrase like "she's no Aretha" that this is an expression of opinion. Only morons would think otherwise. It would be a pretty dull world if everytime someone opines on music it carried a caveat that it is only the individual's opinion because that should be obvious.


I didn't use the phrase myself but I guess it was used because were people saying that she has a tremendous voice when the posters thought it was a good voice but not a great voice - Aretha apparently being the gold standard for female singers. I think it is unfair to compare her to Aretha, because the songs that her reputation rests on are six or seven years into her career, and his lass is only at the start of hers. Aretha's records on Columbia in the early sixties are pretty tame jazz influenced standards, it is only when she moved to Atlantic and hooked up with their tremendous studio musicians and writers that she unleashed the records that her reputation is based on. Of course, Keyboarder, this is only my opinion, other opinions are available but you'll need to ask someone else for them.

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I am a music lover and I hate that stupid Jo Whiley, new music? pants! my arse! you get paid to play the shit you do & the radio 1 listeners are brain washed into the 'popular crap' you pump out. Real new music has to be found using Myspace etc etc. For an example, have you ever heard Imogen Heap on Radio 1? she's about the 4th most popular artist on Myspace & her music is 'fablious' but she isnt with Sony so isn't worthy of Radio 1 air time. Have you heard Younger Brother on Radio 1? doubt it, more great music being missed by general ears because its not 'main stream' - Roisin Murphy, now, she is great & quite poppy too. Shri, - not messing about music. There is lots of fantastic music about, you just will never hear it on Radio one nor the X-factor.


AFAIG, I like lots of music, I can play classical flute music and attempt to make 'lovely noises' myself with all manner of other instruments/software/synths blah blah blah. I can appreciate Leona has a nice voice but she is nothing special, I'm glad others like her music, oh but it isnt hers is it? someone else wrote it. LOL @ BoyZone, Mika wrote a song for 'general fake musos' to sing but banned their version because it was too cheesy, rich coming from him but none the less amusing. So many artists play other peoples music without making it their own, its just empty to me.


Tune of the year for me is Trentemollers Moan, its brilliant. Closely followed by Younger Brothers Psychic Gibbon and then its quite difficult to say what comes next - theres too many great songs, maybe Piece of peace by Shri, but his whole album (East Rain) is fantastic. YouTube that trentemoller, noone will be disappointed & if you are then you need your ears testing. Oh I nearly forgot SMD, Simian Mobile Disco cannot be forgotten and should not have been missed from my 'I love these' music list.

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For an example, have you ever heard Imogen Heap on Radio 1?


This would be the same Imogen Heap, that attended the same Brit School sausage factory as Leona Lewis? Two sides of the same coin.


I agree about the Simian Mobile Disco lp however.

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For an example, have you ever heard Imogen Heap on Radio 1? she's about the 4th most popular artist on Myspace & her music is 'fablious' but she isnt with Sony so isn't worthy of Radio 1 air time.


Umm yes actually she was Zane Lowe's favourite artist after Hide and Seek was used for the end of the O.C. The reason she's so popular on Myspaz and iTunes is that she featured on the O.C. soundtrack and then in the UK Zane's show and then was played repeatedly on, ironically enough, Jo Whiley's show. She's even appeared on a Ministry of Sound album!


Roisin Murphy is also getting publicity, Colin Murray mentioned one of her gigs the other night. She's also doing something for a TV show, or appeared on T4 Music or something like that (She was on the telly the other day anyway).


As for Simian Mobile Disco they DJ'd at Radio 1's big weekend.


I'll admit that what you're saying is true, MySpace, blogs and the internet in general are the place to go for new music but Radio 1 seem fairly good at picking up on those bands that can really go on to become successful. As examples go Heap was perhaps the wrong name to choose.


Finally I will agree with you on Jo Whiley, she is annoying and seems to just steal tracks from Zane Lowe's show (Although i have to say Zane Lowe annoys me even more, even if he does know his music) and Colin Murray's show. I think Whiley's show is simply a way to get the stuff that has been successful on the evening slots into the mainstream radio airplay.

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Good Attitude Miss Bees. It doesn't really matter the background or the route to market that an act takes, especially now in Britain where the Indie scene is as prepackaged as the pop scene, just whether it is good. No genre has a monopoly of good and almost genre is capable of producing remarkable music. And there's no such thing as credible. The advantage nowadays is that you can bypass the radio and the music press and pick your own route.

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oooh I can feel my ass burning....must be all the flames I'm being shot down in....lol, you get my point though. I dont ever listen to Radio 1 :S so Im not the ideal person to be commenting, when did that ever stop me? - glad you read my post though, have you heard that trentemoller yet? jump to it!

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I am a music lover and I hate that stupid Jo Whiley, new music? pants! my arse! you get paid to play the shit you do & the radio 1 listeners are brain washed into the 'popular crap' you pump out. Real new music has to be found using Myspace etc etc. For an example, have you ever heard Imogen Heap on Radio 1? she's about the 4th most popular artist on Myspace & her music is 'fablious' but she isnt with Sony so isn't worthy of Radio 1 air time. Have you heard Younger Brother on Radio 1? doubt it, more great music being missed by general ears because its not 'main stream' - Roisin Murphy, now, she is great & quite poppy too. Shri, - not messing about music. There is lots of fantastic music about, you just will never hear it on Radio one nor the X-factor. Blah, blah, blah....


See, now I know that music 'taste' is all opinion etc. but this kind of attitude annoys me. Imogen Heap, hmmm....Scott Mills had one of her songs as record of the week and she was on the B playlist on Radio 1 for however long and a song of hers featured on the O.C, I mean, can you get any more mainstream or bland teenage, Dawsons Creek stylie crap than the O.C? The fact I've pointed this out to you will probably mean you no longer like Imogen Heap.


Roisin Murphy, she's been on a few supposedly underground late night channel 4 awards shows recently, the type of show watched by 30 somethings trying to be trendy and 'down with the kids', the same people who trawl MyWank looking for some obscure band to download on to their ipod so they can be cool, like they were when they were students....if their wife let them, they'd have an artsie poster on the living room wall.


Yes, there are lots of good bands around on MySpace but why is there this snobbery that as soon as they make it ie get played on Radio 1 or sign to a big record lable, that they've sold out and now they're rubbish because they're mainstream and only 8 year old girls like them? Arctic Monkeys for example, they're not amazing but they were different at the time, as soon as they became maintream, the people who downloaded their songs and put them where they were didn't want to know anymore because now Gordon Brown said he owned their CD! It strikes me that it's not the music these trendies like but the fact that these bands are new and the general Radio 1 listening public haven't heard of them yet. As soon as they do, they will dropped in favour of the Psycho Noddle Acid Heads or something.

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