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Hate To Admit It

Dames Aflame

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No shit...I was actually referring to the fact that the stuff she's done on her own recently is not mainstream and so she's fit to be on these award shows. Until she becomes mainstream. I have nothing against people liking weird music or music I don't like but I don't get the snobbery, it seems that if it's popular, it's crap and they refuse to like it on that principle.

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I am a music lover and I hate that stupid Jo Whiley, new music? pants! my arse! you get paid to play the shit you do & the radio 1 listeners are brain washed into the 'popular crap' you pump out. Real new music has to be found using Myspace etc etc. For an example, have you ever heard Imogen Heap on Radio 1?


As well as what the guys have said above, "Hide and Seek" was Scot Mills record of the week, played every day for a week. Despite that, Imogen has never really been a huge sales success, and Radio 1 has a remit to not only play new music, but popular music.


Radio 1 can't win, if they play only new stuff people would bleat that it's shite and they want to hear popular stuff. If they play popular stuff, well you know the drill. I really like Zanes show on radio1, I've picked up a lot of new bands, and it's hard to find anyone in the world that pushes new music like Zane on a national mainstream radio station.

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Yeah the trentmoller track is good, not particularly my style of music but was something that i could listen to, certainly better than that Kylie electro-goldfrapp-ripoff-piece of wank that is currently being played on Radio 1.

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Also, seeing as I watched Trentmoller for you I think you should watch this, the series ending to 6 feet under. I know the show was a bit crap and i never really watched it but this is the best ending i've ever seen on television. The song is Breathe Me by Sia and gets used everywhere nowadays but this is the show that used it first. I think/hope you'll love the song, if you don't you may be a little dead inside!


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It is implicit in any phrase like "she's no Aretha" that this is an expression of opinion. Only morons would think otherwise.

That's a matter of opinion.


It would be a pretty dull world if everytime someone opines on music it carried a caveat that it is only the individual's opinion because that should be obvious.

Hm, that too is a matter of opinion.


I didn't use the phrase myself but I guess it was used because were people saying that she has a tremendous voice when the posters thought it was a good voice but not a great voice - Aretha apparently being the gold standard for female singers.

That is a matter of gibberish.


I think it is unfair to compare her to Aretha, because the songs that her reputation rests on are six or seven years into her career

I agree with that opinion.


and his lass is only at the start of hers.


Whose lass? Simon Cowell's?


Aretha's records on Columbia in the early sixties are pretty tame jazz influenced standards, it is only when she moved to Atlantic and hooked up with their tremendous studio musicians and writers that she unleashed the records that her reputation is based on.

Again, I agree, but it doesn't render the early stuff unimportant.


Of course, Keyboarder, this is only my opinion, other opinions are available but you'll need to ask someone else for them.


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I am a music lover

It does make me chuckle when people thrust their love of music forward to add weight to their subsequent arguments on how much they hate music. ; )


and I hate that stupid Jo Whiley, new music? pants! my arse! you get paid to play the shit you do & the radio 1 listeners are brain washed into the 'popular crap' you pump out.

Jo Whiley is not a music maker, in fact, having heard her sing, I believe her to be tone deaf. She is a dj, and a poor one at that. (see my thread on djs for my views on this sub species, lol,lol..... ) however, the Live Lounge section of her show is really good - warts and all (bar the usual R1 compression) performances by all sorts of artists. I think it's produced some great moments. It's particularly interesting to see various interpretations of established tracks.


Real new music has to be found using Myspace etc etc. For an example, have you ever heard Imogen Heap on Radio 1? she's about the 4th most popular artist on Myspace & her music is 'fablious' but she isnt with Sony so isn't worthy of Radio 1 air time. Have you heard Younger Brother on Radio 1? doubt it, more great music being missed by general ears because its not 'main stream' - Roisin Murphy, now, she is great & quite poppy too. Shri, - not messing about music. There is lots of fantastic music about, you just will never hear it on Radio one nor the X-factor.

You may be right about myspace. My internet connection doesn't allow me to use it. And it is owned by a corporation just as nasty as Sony. You are wrong about Radio 1, but others have already shown that.


AFAIG, I like lots of music, I can play classical flute music and attempt to make 'lovely noises' myself with all manner of other instruments/software/synths blah blah blah. I can appreciate Leona has a nice voice but she is nothing special, I'm glad others like her music, oh but it isnt hers is it? someone else wrote it. LOL @ BoyZone, Mika wrote a song for 'general fake musos' to sing but banned their version because it was too cheesy, rich coming from him but none the less amusing. So many artists play other peoples music without making it their own, its just empty to me.

That's a different argument - great performers do not have to be any good at composition and vice versa.


Tune of the year for me is Trentemollers Moan, its brilliant. Closely followed by Younger Brothers Psychic Gibbon and then its quite difficult to say what comes next - theres too many great songs, maybe Piece of peace by Shri, but his whole album (East Rain) is fantastic. YouTube that trentemoller, noone will be disappointed & if you are then you need your ears testing. Oh I nearly forgot SMD, Simian Mobile Disco cannot be forgotten and should not have been missed from my 'I love these' music list.

I agree that these are great tracks. However, to proffer them as "new music", when they are employing harmonic devices that are hundreds of years old is a bit rich. Debussy and Schoenberg were producing newer music than this, lol,lol...... ; )

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Love Debussy, I used to get Clair De Lune confused with Saties Gnossienne (or so) then I found out they used to hang out together which all made sense, it happens today which is one of the things I find quite interesting & exciting about music. I cant really be arsed with this thread anymore, if you cannot see what Im saying then /shrug I really couldnt give a monkeys.

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Love Debussy, I used to get Clair De Lune confused with Saties Gnossienne (or so) then I found out they used to hang out together which all made sense, it happens today which is one of the things I find quite interesting & exciting about music.

Without wanting to sound pompous, I was actually referring to Debussy's later harmonically experimental works. Suite Bergamasque, of which Clair de Lune is the third movement is based on traditional Western tonality, the same as the present day music to which you refer.

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Bloody hell, have i missed a ranting session? Never mind.


Leona Lewis, nice voice, weak song, but put a bit of oomph into Snow Patrol's shittest song, result was quite nice i thought. However, one Whitney Houston is already 1 too many.

Roisin Murphy, nice voice, really bland songs from what i've heard of her new stuff, shame because she's one of the better vocals about atm imo.

Kate Nash, crap, comes across as a Lily Allen wannabe, except without the humour, ends up being too "check me out, i'm dead normal, i fight with my boyfriend, i drink tea and brush my teeth".


Jo Whylie, check out that Duffy she's been playing, strong vocal, good song, sounds like a modern Dusty Springfield, and she's off of Myface too. Nice.


Simian Mobile Disco is all good apart from that D.A.N.C.E. tune, sounds like Sesame St. Digitalism also v good. Trentmoller too, we've been banging these sort of tunes out for ages on Beatfix.


With Keyboarder on the Live Lounge, it's great, Maximo Park doing the Proclaimers and 30 seconds from mars doing Kanye West, very different from the originals, and very good for it.


All IMO.

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X-factor is a waste of time, yes they can sing but they should be made to make their own songs to perform father than churning out everybody else's it would make a much better twist to the show and could help them once the show has finished to carve out a career for themselves as look at all the winner’s so far of these talent shows who is still around with success?


I can’t stand the show as it’s not about the performers it’s about the judges all getting one over each other and people voted out over spite & tactical planning rather than talent.


Agree about Trentmoller he’s been producing some quality tunes over the last 2 years.


Radio 1 is awful with the same 10 tracks being turned out every hour you can almost tell the time by when they come on but the live lounge is good and the only refreshing part as it offers something a little different to the norm. This is poor for what is the BBC’s flagship radio channel.


Missed all the earlier rantin so thought I’d get it all out in one go.


This house is clear

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I'm not particularly bothered about whether music is old or new although, if it is not original, I prefer the performer who manages to introduce some sense of their own individuality into it.

I'm also likely to be flamed by many feminists for saying this but, there are very few female singing voices that I actually enjoy listening to. In recent years, the only female artistes whose albums I've bought have been Andrea Marr and Krista Detor - both of whom write their own songs.

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I'm also likely to be flamed by many feminists for saying this but, there are very few female singing voices that I actually enjoy listening to. In recent years, the only female artistes whose albums I've bought have been Andrea Marr and Krista Detor - both of whom write their own songs.


OMG!! The Spice Girls have reunited y'know....how can you not count them!? They're ace!

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