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Jehoavh Witness's Idiocy


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Isn't suicide a sin? Because surely that's what refusing a blood transfusion that will save your life comes down to. So you wouldn't even make it to the pearly gates - it would be straight











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Isn't suicide a sin? Because surely that's what refusing a blood transfusion that will save your life comes down to. So you wouldn't even make it to the pearly gates - it would be straight












Oh well straight to a burning hell for me then.But then again , murder is a sin so straight down for that as well.Oh where does it end , oh no what am I going to do.But hold on , what happens if I then take a blood transfusion then die directly as a result of having infected blood , isn't that suicide as well.

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Oh well straight to a burning hell for me then.But then again , murder is a sin so straight down for that as well.Oh where does it end , oh no what am I going to do.But hold on , what happens if I then take a blood transfusion then die directly as a result of having infected blood , isn't that suicide as well.


I wouldn't have thought so unless you specifically requested infected blood

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Suicide is a conscious decision to take your life. I don't think the woman in this thread should be considered suicidal as she wanted to live. She should only be considered an idiot.


You still haven't answered mine and Chinahand's question though, where do people go if they don't make it to heaven?

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Do they even have a recognised Hell?


Oh you mean Sheol or Hades or Gehenna


In Hebrew, ²² Sheol (שאול, Sh'ol) is the "abode of the dead", the "underworld", "the common grave of humankind" or "pit".[1] In the Hebrew Bible, it is a place beneath the earth, beyond gates, where both the bad and the good, slave and king, pious and wicked must go at the point of death.[2] Sheol is the common destination of both the righteous and the unrighteous dead, as recounted in Ecclesiastes and Job.


Sheol is sometimes compared to Hades, the gloomy, twilight afterlife of Greek mythology. The word "hades" was in fact substituted for "sheol" when the Hebrew scriptures were translated into Greek (see Septuagint). The New Testament (written in Greek) also uses "hades" to refer to the abode of the dead.


By the second century BC, Oral Torah observant Jews had come to believe that those in sheol awaited the resurrection either in comfort (in the bosom of Abraham) or in torment. This belief is reflected in Jesus' story of Lazarus and Dives. While other Jews who rejected the Oral Torah believed that Sheol meant simply the grave.


Protestants, who do not share a concept of "hades" with the Eastern Orthodox, have traditionally translated "sheol" (and "hades") as "hell" (for example in the King James Version). However, to avoid confusion of what are actually quite separate concepts in the Bible, modern English versions of the Bible tend either to transliterate the word sheol or to use an alternative term such as the "grave" (eg. NIV). Roman Catholics generally translate "sheol" simply as "death."


Gehenna (or gehenom or gehinom (גהינום)) is the Jewish hell or purgatory. In Judaism hell is a place of purification[1] and fire for the wicked, most being punished there up to a year but some for eternity.[2]


In English, Jews commonly use the term "hell" in place of "gehenna." The name derived from the burning garbage dump near Jerusalem (the Hinnom gulch), metaphorically identified with the entrance to the underworld of punishment in the afterlife.


Gehenna also appears in the New Testament and in early Christian writing to represent the place where evil will be destroyed. It lends its name to Islam's hell, Jahannam.


In both Rabbinical Jewish and Christian writing, Gehenna as a destination of the wicked, is different from Tartarus (deepest sheol) and from hades (sheol) the abode of all the dead. In some accounts, the fiery punishment of Gehenna takes place in one level or section of hades.


God does not punish people in a burning Hell , contrary to what some religions teach.

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Suicide is a conscious decision to take your life. I don't think the woman in this thread should be considered suicidal as she wanted to live. She should only be considered an idiot.


You still haven't answered mine and Chinahand's question though, where do people go if they don't make it to heaven?




Awaiting the resurrection of both the righteous and unrighteous as John 5 v 28 says


So does a woman who has an abortion be considered a murderer then

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You still haven't answered mine and Chinahand's question though, where do people go if they don't make it to heaven?




Right. So that's it. Lights out, dead in the ground. No floating head, no spiritual presence, no eternal paradise. Just dead.


And you're more than happy with this arrangement? I'd want a refund. Maybe you should consider going Muslim. Not only do they have trendy fashion accessories, their afterlife sounds like a blast.

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All the above sounds like the design document for a World Of Warcraft expansion.


You did ask , if you don't want the answer , don't ask the question



Gosh, at least DjDan has a sense of humour when we're all mocking his religion.

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Actually the full passage is even better:


Matthew 13:40-42 (New International Version)


40"As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


A direct quote from the BIG JC himself - assuming you believe that sort of thing.

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