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Jehoavh Witness's Idiocy


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I don't follow The Watchtower , I follow the Bible.


Ah Good - we've had quite a back and forward about the so called 144,000 - all down to a couple of references in Revelations.


Just wondering therefore about this little section of the same book and its references to lakes of fire - just two questions - how many names are in the book of life? - and do you think being thrown into a lake of fire fits in with my earlier questions?


You do know your bible don't you MarcusAurelius?


Revelation 20:11-14 (New International Version)


The Dead Are Judged

11Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. 14Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. 15If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

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Suppose all those witnesses that died in Hitler's concentration camps didn't stand up then did they


Estimated at 1,000 Germans and 400 from other countries, including about 90 Austrians and 120 Dutch. (The non-German Jehovah's Witnesses suffered a considerably higher percentage of deaths than their German co-religionists.) In addition, about 250 German Jehovah's Witnesses were executed -- mostly after being tried and convicted by military tribunals -- for refusing to serve in the German military.

Hardly compares with the 2,700 British casualties on (the first day of) D Day.

( Total Allied casualties on D-Day are estimated at 10,000, including 2500 dead. British casualties on D-Day have been estimated at approximately 2700. The Canadians lost 946 casualties. The US forces lost 6603 men. )

Compared to Gays of whom an estimated 5 to 15 thousand were put in the camps. A study by Ruediger Lautmann found that 60% of gay men in concentration camps died, as compared to 41% for political prisoners and 35% for Jehovah's Witnesses.

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Just because the majority on here and life in general view Abortion as okay


Whoa there hoss. Where's your evidence to back that claim up about the views of the majority on here?


You might be used to throwing out wild claims without evidence in your religious dealings, but you should know by now that you can't get away with it on an Internet forums :)


Oh come on in the age of the internet just Google abortion poll and you will see that most ( majority is 51% you know !! ) people say Abortion should be legal.This in my eyes shows that the majority view Abortion as okay otherwise they would say it should be made illegal.


So is Abortion okay ans ? Just Yes or No will do.

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So you know she would have died do you.Maybe cheap skanks who sleep around and have abortions at the drop of a hat are okay as well.

I must say this thread is remarkably well titled.



why thank you! :lol:

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I don't follow The Watchtower , I follow the Bible.


Ah Good - we've had quite a back and forward about the so called 144,000 - all down to a couple of references in Revelations.


Just wondering therefore about this little section of the same book and its references to lakes of fire - just two questions - how many names are in the book of life? - and do you think being thrown into a lake of fire fits in with my earlier questions?


You do know your bible don't you MarcusAurelius?


Revelation 20:11-14 (New International Version)


The Dead Are Judged

11Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. 14Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. 15If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.


Read the first verse of Revelation onwards where it says it was presented to John in signs.How many names are written in the book of life.I can't answer that because I think it says that the number of them is as the sands of the sea.


1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in signs through him to his slave John


Do you think that God would throw people into a lake of fire to burn for all eternity ? Hardly Christian is it ? Hardly the act of a loving God.


14 And death and Ha´des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire


Second death refers to a death from which there is no resurrection.

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So you know she would have died do you.Maybe cheap skanks who sleep around and have abortions at the drop of a hat are okay as well.

I must say this thread is remarkably well titled.



why thank you! :lol:


It would be if you could spell


b4mbi spelling retard lunacy


Anyway all you well informed thoroughly knowledgeable people are boring me now.Not that you oh so predictable lot don't fulfill scripture


Please dont hate me , I so crave your good opinion.


Hope you don't have too good a life and that you blame God for all your own sufferings


Me brainwashed haha , be careful you don't follow all those other sheep , otherwise your colleagues at Isle Of Man Freethinkers will not be impressed.

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But how can you the patient know if its infected if the medical experts can't even answer that.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like you just hear the answers you want to hear.


You make it sound like it's a bit of a lottery as to whether you get 'infected' blood or not - what rot. Complications from infection of transfused blood are extremely rare.



With the greatest of respect though , people can mock all they like but they do so from a point of view of ignorance.


There is no more ignorant view than that of someone who takes their entire life philosophy from a book written hundreds of years ago and refuses to acknowledge scientific advances and proofs that negate anything that's said in that book.


So you know she would have died do you.Maybe cheap skanks who sleep around and have abortions at the drop of a hat are okay as well.


I can't believe you actually wrote something so insulting! but maybe I'm coming to get the measure of you now - I sincerely hope that you're not representative of your faith!

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Oh come on in the age of the internet just Google abortion poll and you will see that most ( majority is 51% you know !! ) people say Abortion should be legal.This in my eyes shows that the majority view Abortion as okay otherwise they would say it should be made illegal.


You specifically said 'here'. As in this forum. I am asking you to provide your evidence to back up this claim. Is there a forum poll I've not seen? Have you canvassed all members? I could probably find a poll where the majority of respondents were against it if I tried.


Polls are only as good as your sample set. You survey 1000 bible belt Americans, and you'll get a totally different response. I'm asking how you can ascertain that the majority of people on this forum, this sample set, support abortion.


So is Abortion okay ans ? Just Yes or No will do.


Honestly? I don't know. I see saw from one side of the debate to the other because it's a very difficult issue. It's not one I'm ever going to have to make an active choice in so I prefer to sit on the fence and let people be guided by their own morals and values.

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But how can you the patient know if its infected if the medical experts can't even answer that.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like you just hear the answers you want to hear.


You make it sound like it's a bit of a lottery as to whether you get 'infected' blood or not - what rot. Complications from infection of transfused blood are extremely rare.



With the greatest of respect though , people can mock all they like but they do so from a point of view of ignorance.


There is no more ignorant view than that of someone who takes their entire life philosophy from a book written hundreds of years ago and refuses to acknowledge scientific advances and proofs that negate anything that's said in that book.


So you know she would have died do you.Maybe cheap skanks who sleep around and have abortions at the drop of a hat are okay as well.


I can't believe you actually wrote something so insulting! but maybe I'm coming to get the measure of you now - I sincerely hope that you're not representative of your faith!


Maybe I am , who cares , I can't believe you are so insulting to someone you have never met , measure of me now , somehow I don't think so.


Now who's making generalisations , 'complications from infected transfusions are extremely rare' where is your evidence ?


What about scientific advances , like evolution ? Or how about things like the disposal of waste that were written down hundreds maybe even thousands of years in advance in Leviticus etc...


What other proofs are there that negate scriptures , again , no evidence.I wonder if you are the type of lovely manx lady that goes to Colours , Paramount City and sleeps with anyone.I am sure the webbed feet brigade in Foxdale will find you appealing.


Anyway , maybe one day I will be proven wrong , maybe I am totally barking up the wrong tree , but frankly I don't care , I don't do any harm to anyone , I am not a bad person , this just bores me , because I am wasting my time , I have my opinions , you all have yours , what is the point of this thread.Its just to take a bash on Jehovah's Witnesses.


Fine , you must be so thrilled with yourselves

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Oh come on in the age of the internet just Google abortion poll and you will see that most ( majority is 51% you know !! ) people say Abortion should be legal.This in my eyes shows that the majority view Abortion as okay otherwise they would say it should be made illegal.


You specifically said 'here'. As in this forum. I am asking you to provide your evidence to back up this claim. Is there a forum poll I've not seen? Have you canvassed all members? I could probably find a poll where the majority of respondents were against it if I tried.


Polls are only as good as your sample set. You survey 1000 bible belt Americans, and you'll get a totally different response. I'm asking how you can ascertain that the majority of people on this forum, this sample set, support abortion.


So is Abortion okay ans ? Just Yes or No will do.


Honestly? I don't know. I see saw from one side of the debate to the other because it's a very difficult issue. It's not one I'm ever going to have to make an active choice in so I prefer to sit on the fence and let people be guided by their own morals and values.


I have no conclusive evidence for my view on everyone's view on Abortion on Manx Forums , no poll , no canvassing of members.Does this make you feel more powerful ?


I see what certain people mean though when they say Manx Forums are full of people that just like an argument.Perhaps they ought to get out more rather than hide behind their keyboards.

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Clinton summed it up very well - abortion should be legal, safe and rare.


I aspire to a world where every pregnancy is met with joy. I find it a sad inditment of the ability of women to control their own bodies that this is often not the case. 193,700 abortions in the UK in 2006: I expect most women found having to take that option difficult. I'm sure MarcusAurelius can be crude and insulting, but it is sad that so many women find themselves in that position - men have a responsibility to be involved in the use of contraception etc, but women do to. Is not having contraception a good enough excuse - I'm not convinced, though I totally defend the woman's right to choose.

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Clinton summed it up very well - abortion should be legal, safe and rare.


I aspire to a world where every pregnancy is met with joy. I find it a sad inditment of the ability of women to control their own bodies that this is often not the case. 193,700 abortions in the UK in 2006: I expect most women found having to take that option difficult. I'm sure MarcusAurelius can be crude and insulting, but it is sad that so many women find themselves in that position - men have a responsibility to be involved in the use of contraception etc, but women do to. Is not having contraception a good enough excuse - I'm not convinced, though I totally defend the woman's right to choose.


As I totally defend this woman's choice to not take blood.I maybe crude and insulting but then again so was b4mbi in the name of this thread.

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Go to www.blood.co.uk or google infected blood transfusion - you'll find plenty of evidence if you can be bothered to look, instead of just making statistics up in your head.


For proofs that negate and argue against much of what is written in scripture, please be directed to any Richard Dawkins book.


Lady = colours = slut - is that a scientific proof, or are you just a narrow minded #@%*


If this whole thing bores you, don't post again troll.

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I'm already here. I'm just gonna keep myself to myself this time.

Wow, I didn't realise you were the messiah - I thought you were just a very naughty boy.


Those of you who follow my work will know that because of a weird happenstance in the early seventies, I was actually God for a couple of years. I got the sack for allowing Alvin Stardust get to number 1 in 1974, but that was only the final straw after a series of duff decisions I made.


I learned a lot in those two years, mostly about myself in previous times.


Firstly, the boy Jesus was nothing to do with me. I denied it at the time, it was a set up by Mary and her father, and eventually Joseph admitted it and did the decent thing. It has followed me down the aeons, but you know what rumours are. No smoke without fire they say. I say, try taking potassium out of water. Fair enough?


Secondly, all the bibles and writings. Nothing at all to do with me. Not one jot. All made up by greedy people.


The only writings I endorse are quite recent. I saw all the damage being done in my name, so about 1974, I sent a bit of a vision to Douglas Adams. He got it wrong of course, as they all do. That's why he is dead now. But that is the nearest you will get to my Word.


This is the Word of the Ex-Lord.

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