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Jehoavh Witness's Idiocy


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About the Mormon's you are refering to, they don't need work permits.. so that's one less load off your chest. And believe me, you can shout at them all you want, but it won't make them want to go home.

You need a licence to peddle goods in the street - so why don't you need a licence and a work permit to peddle bullshit?

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Well, if nothing more, the resulting clash of the Relgious titans gave me a giggle. My penny's worth states that religion is the basis of all evils in this world, you are all nothing more than a bunch of hate inspiring, fanatical idiots. YES, I do have some ideas that there is more to this world than what we see with our own eyes, but that is where my beliefs end.


I have no issues with the atypical person who goes to church on a sunday, and then gets on with their life, but when a family will gladly watch one of their own die because of an interpretation of some arsey scriptures, then I say WHAT THE FUCK?


I must admit, I pity the fools who knock on our door this Christmas....if they have the cahoonas to after last time. Now where are my goatskin leggins?

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Gee... what a good irrelavent question.


If I was a fisherman, I'd want you to be a fish.

You're just baiting him now.

Stop carping around...

You need a better line or a new angle when you're on the net.


You two are just talking a load of pollocks!

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