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Jehoavh Witness's Idiocy


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If she had received a transfusion she would be deemed as having rejected the church and it's teachings. She would no longer be a member of the church and her family would reject her spiritually and possibly her children also.

They would be shunned and rejected by their former friends.

Very christian indeed.

As has been said "what a load of bollox"

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They are certainly not brainwashed


I think that I would count refusing a routine life saving procedure on religious grounds as brainwashing. How can you not call it anything else?


Nurse: "I'm really sorry but you're going to die if you don't have a blood transfusion"


Patient "Thanks for telling me. I'd rather die thank you very much because if I accept it and live nobody in my church will talk to me for the rest of my life"


Nurse "But you'll never see your kids"


Patient "Yes. But I'd rather die. Thank you for asking"


Not brainwashed?


My arse. Human survival instinct says that its just wrong on so many levels.

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there's a lot of judging going on here


maybe you are right and it goes beyond my understanding why anyone will choose religion beliefs over their children or relatives...


you have to keep in my that every religion is taken up by choice even though in some circumstances you are born in one... you will choose to keep it or reject it as you please


and before bashing people around about their religious beliefs as questionable as they may be... maybe it would be better to have a little think about how many people and situations you could have made better but choose to turn away


having said that before i get stoned a labelled as a jw, i'm not a jw and not really into religion because i have this idea that life should not be lived according to pre-set rules set in stone, i believe life is an ever changing experience and should be taken with a little salt.


as regards the jw beliefs and this will apply to most other religions maybe the best solution would be to revisit the rules which no longer fit the true value of their beliefs

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Don't you just love the mind set of people who think that their "Lord God" will protect them when handling rattlesnakes because of a single sentence in an old book who, when one of their number gets bitten and dies, then try to sue the hospital that worked to save their life.




These single sentences are really big things for these people - What I want to know is why, if these type of people refuse blood transfusions and/or handle rattlers all because of a single sentence in an old book, don't they also drink deadly poison to prove they believe - odd that they're willing to handle rattlers, but not give elexir of hemlock a go - shame that the world might be a saner place if they did.


Mark 16:17-18 (New International Version)

New International Version (NIV)


17And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

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About a year ago, Linda Long was attending the East London Holiness Church in London, Ky. That's one of a handful of churches in the country that practice snake handling, which is exactly what it sounds like it is -- congregation members handle venomous snakes in the belief that the faithful will not be harmed


No, it sounds exactly like natural selection. Survival of the non idiotic.

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".......congregation members handle venomous snakes in the belief that the faithful will not be harmed."


Well if I was Linda Long's family I'd be wondering why you wasn't faithful enough! I mean, if she was then she wouldn't have been bitten!

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'Science' is a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as referring to the organised body of knowledge gained through such research. So science may not have the answers yet, but eventually it will - and the science we have now gives a fairly high probability already that religious people are on the wrong track, and that most of the mumbo jumbo in their 2000 plus year old books (like Noah and his flood, and the earth being 10,000 years old etc.) is just that - mumbo jumbo. Religious people have been trying to adapt their 'interpretations' as science has progressed - but are on a hiding to nothing. The trouble is, is that science is hard to study - and doing something easier, and/or obeying the beliefs of their parents, is what most people choose to do - instead of opening their eyes and minds to the big-ass universe they live in. People who say they are atheists without understanding why are just as bad.

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'Science' is a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as referring to the organised body of knowledge gained through such research. So science may not have the answers yet, but eventually it will -


..unless the Second Coming of Jesus Christ occurs before then. :P

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you have to keep in my that every religion is taken up by choice even though in some circumstances you are born in one... you will choose to keep it or reject it as you please


It's easy for someone who has not been indoctrinated into a belief system to say 'but surely you can just take it or leave it'.


I don't think that anyone who is brought up within a 'community' where everyone follows a certain belief, one where you will be shunned by all your friends and relatives if you leave, is going to be one that you can just easily turn round and say 'nah, I don't think I will' to.


So no - not every religion is taken up by choice.

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