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Jehoavh Witness's Idiocy


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Oh.. and just so you know.. I've read this topic. Don't be so childish to play that one with me.

Next thing he'll be saying is "my dads bigger than your dad"

When people start to lose ideas for credable argument, they start name calling. Shame on you DjDan.



haha, this is nothing. If you browse through any religious topic you'll get you see some real name calling there!!

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JWs - Strange Beliefs


There's 101 of them here, such as:


5. Heaven is only for select Jehovah's Witnesses

6. Heaven is limited only to 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses


14. You are discouraged from attending college (This I know from my wife's experience - she later took a degree with the OU)


25. Jesus'second coming occurred in 1914 (only known to Jehovah's Witnesses)

26. You cannot marry a non-Jehovah's Witness


27. If one does not follow the rules of the Watchtower they will be shunned

36. You cannot speak to former members who are shunned (disfellowshipped)

45. You cannot have friends who are not Jehovah's Witnesses (These three I can also vouch for through my partner's experience)


49. A child abuser is reported to Watchtower elders and not the police (And they will not report the offender to the police unless there are a minimum of two witnessess to the offence!)


71. Women must submit to Watchtower elders

87. If you have a non-Witness spouse your first loyalty is to the elders over your spouse

90. If you leave Jehovah's Witnesses or are expelled from the organization you will not be resurrected

91. Only Jehovah's Witness prayers are heard by God

100. You can never question what is printed in Watchtower literature

10l. You are forbidden to attend a funeral of an ex-Jehovah's Witness (Again, from my father-in-law's experience)

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14. You are discouraged from attending college[/i] (This I know from my wife's experience - she later took a degree with the OU)

26. You cannot marry a non-Jehovah's Witness


27. If one does not follow the rules of the Watchtower they will be shunned

36. You cannot speak to former members who are shunned (disfellowshipped)

45. You cannot have friends who are not Jehovah's Witnesses[/i] (These three I can also vouch for through my partner's experience)


49. A child abuser is reported to Watchtower elders and not the police (And they will not report the offender to the police unless there are a minimum of two witnessess to the offence!)


71. Women must submit to Watchtower elders

87. If you have a non-Witness spouse your first loyalty is to the elders over your spouse

90. If you leave Jehovah's Witnesses or are expelled from the organization you will not be resurrected

91. Only Jehovah's Witness prayers are heard by God

100. You can never question what is printed in Watchtower literature

10l. You are forbidden to attend a funeral of an ex-Jehovah's Witness (Again, from my father-in-law's experience)



I am sorry but you are totally wrong Lonan3


None of these are even remotely true you have your own agenda and you are just servicing it.

1.My sister in law who works in immigration at Manchester Airport attended college to get the qualifications she needed to do her job.She is married to an elder

2.The scriptures advise against marrying a non witness , but to say you cannot is just plain wrong.

3.The Watchtower does not claim to be infallible , does not claim to be inspired of God and so our primary point of reference are the scriptures , not The Watchtower

4.My brother is disfellowshipped yet I speak to him.I have business dealings with disfellowshipped brothers , am I not allowed to speak to them , once again more lies !!

5.My best mate is not a witness

6.This is really pathetic.My daughter was sexually abused by a so-called 'brother'.The first thing we did was report it to the police and he went down.

7.Words fail me on this one as well.Just completely wrong !!

8. See number 7.Do the words 'what God has put together , let no man pull apart' mean nothing.

9.Only God can decide who is resurrected , so for anyone to say that is wrong.In fact in scripture it says that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and unrighteous.Who decides who is righteous or unrighteous ? God does.But the fact the scripture says both righteous and unrighteous would indicate that there will be a vast number who will be resurrected.

10.God is the hearer of prayer , it doesnt say who's prayers though.If an elder says that God only hears JW prayers he is treading on very thin ice

11.You have to question what is written in The Watchtower to see if it matches what the scriptures say.

12.No you're not.Again if the body of Elders in your congregation said this they would have to be seriously looked at.Put it this way , if the body of Elders here said that , I would take it to a higher authority


I am sorry that you have previous problems with JW's but you should not believe everything that is written on the net

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I am not posting in this thread any more because it would serve no purpose , I thoroughly sympathize with Lonan3 and his experiences and can tell him that is in no way what I would want to happen but apart from that , you all obviously have formed your opinions and nothing I can say or do will ever change that


Quoted for lies.

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I see the 144,000 limit on JW's being admitted to heaven is not disputed by MA. How does this work then? I mean if this limit has already been reached (and it must be sometime unless substitutes are allowed) there would appear to be no incentive to be a JW. Seems like a religion with built in obsolescence.

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I see the 144,000 limit on JW's being admitted to heaven is not disputed by MA. How does this work then? I mean if this limit has already been reached (and it must be sometime unless substitutes are allowed) there would appear to be no incentive to be a JW. Seems like a religion with built in obsolescence.


What is the fascination with going to heaven ? Is it because people want to see close friends and relatives again ? Incentive to be a JW is this.For the vast majority of JW's they have no desire to go to heaven because they believe from their study of the scriptures that all their proper desires will be fulfilled here on earth.


I personally look forward to a time here on earth when there will be no sickness, no crime , no hunger , no death , no suffering , no war.All these beliefs can be backed up by scripture.


The limit on 144,000 going to heaven has not yet been reached as scriptures indicate that when the sealing of the 144,000 is complete that the end of this wicked system ( not the literal Earth ) will happen.



ans , if that is the best you can do , to offer something constructive , I would not bother posting as you obviously are quite a petty and childlike person


At least I have some beliefs and morals , what do you stand for ans.I am sure however you will give me some stick for my beliefs rather than outline what you stand for.


For all those that condemn my beliefs and say that witnesses should be tried for murder/manslaughter for not allowing blood , what about all those women that have abortions should they not be tried for murder also , as I view the life of that unborn child from the moment of conception as precious and sacred

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What is the fascination with going to heaven ? Is it because people want to see close friends and relatives again ? Incentive to be a JW is this.For the vast majority of JW's they have no desire to go to heaven because they believe from their study of the scriptures that all their proper desires will be fulfilled here on earth.


I personally look forward to a time here on earth when there will be no sickness, no crime , no hunger , no death , no suffering , no war.All these beliefs can be backed up by scripture.


The limit on 144,000 going to heaven has not yet been reached as scriptures indicate that when the sealing of the 144,000 is complete that the end of this wicked system ( not the literal Earth ) will happen.


Surely if there is a heaven you'd rather go than not go? (unless there is a better alternative) even though there is no guarantee that you would meet up with your mates due to the strict admission policy.


Also you'd get to feel pretty special at being one of a limited number.


I too look forward to a time here on earth when there will be no sickness, no crime , no hunger , no death , no suffering , no war although I can't see it happening before the end of the year

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The limit on 144,000 going to heaven has not yet been reached as scriptures indicate that when the sealing of the 144,000 is complete that the end of this wicked system ( not the literal Earth ) will happen.


Got to lol at the fact JW have actually put a number on this. :lol:


Not JW , the bible


Revelation 14 1And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty and four thousand


Got to laugh at you , ps3 fanboy


Oh but the ps3 is so good and the 360 is so bad boohoo , crawl back up Sony's backside why dont you , you sad internet warrior

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Surely if there is a heaven you'd rather go than not go? (unless there is a better alternative) even though there is no guarantee that you would meet up with your mates due to the strict admission policy.


I don't make that decision though do I.Its not upto me who goes to heaven , but I am more than happy with the alternative.


I too look forward to a time here on earth when there will be no sickness, no crime , no hunger , no death , no suffering , no war although I can't see it happening before the end of the year


No me neither unfortunately , people may mock , but at the end of the day I don't really care what people on this forum think , because you have in your minds that I am brainwashed and the religion rules my life.In my personal experience , from my own selfish perspective , this JW religion has improved me as a person and has given me a better way of life.Is that such a bad thing.Well apparently according to the all knowing , all wise experts on here , it is a bad thing

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As far as I know 144,000 = a dozen dozen multitudes


Don't you just love the output of the 1st century AD's version of google translate.


One query: in your list of a perfect earth there is no mention of death - will death continue to occur?



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