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The Audio Vault is still there - click on PROGRAMMES on the left side of the home page and you'll see it as a drop-down.


I think it's really designed mainly for shorter and specialist programmes though, so it's unlikely that Talking Heads will be featured for the time being.


Thanks for the note about the Feedback link not working... I'll add it to a snag list of other bits for our Man Who Can Code to look at, and no doubt it will be sorted in the fullness of time.



Thanks for that Stu (I'm sure it wasn't there last time I looked!). I emailed your boss about 3/4 days ago asking about where to find the archives, but didn't get a reply.

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Just a few thoughts.


Stu Mannin Line

Any numbers of listeners, callers and those wishing to go on air for the Sunday Mannin Lines yet?


One of Mannin Line's strengths was that it was based over one lunchtime hour. The programme was also a bit of a surprise package in that anything could crop topic up - evidenced by the nappy topic incursion in the middle of the big Mannin Line debate.


Chris - Talking Heads

Most people aren't able to tune in for so long at a time and wait for certain items to crop up, for example the talk by the Guardian journalist. I agree that this talk should have been featured more as a news item.


I applaud the additional local material and introduction to people and stories concerning the island.


The big loss to Manx Radio, and subsequently we the listeners, is the seeming reluctance of our politicians to come on air to be engaged in debate with us all.


Politicians used to be invited onto the Mannin Line years ago. Perhaps that was a time when politicians had more respect for the views of the electorate. They were ready and willing to enter into debate. They now seem nervous of uttering anything outside the protection of Tynwald or the Keys without first having it run by one or other of an ever increasing eloquence of lawyers.


Today, I feel used and abused.


When a politician's actions create problems for the Island, they should stand down. It's simple and honourable. Shouldn't the treasury minister have resigned instead of being tossed the political lifebelt of support by a chief minister and his cronies. But of course wouldn't the chief minister now expect the treasury minister to toss the lifebelt? The chief minister wouldn't expect MHKs to unquestionably support him because he assigns the ministerial positions, would he?


I wonder if there's not so much back scratching etc going on between some of our elected invertebrates representatives, that all those pharmacists might just come in handy to supply some much needed cream?


Or would KY Jelly be more useful?

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Is it true that


Is there a special button on your keyboard that just types those words with just one press? Has it also got the "I heard that..." button that all the gossips are raving about?

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There seems to be a genre in Broadcasting whereby the superstar DJ has a back-up sock puppet to talk to. Someone who needs to feed the main man with "yeahs", and back up the "jokes" etc. while the main man drivels on about nothing really but makes it sound like something intelligent and interesting, but its not.


Well observed and very true. It's just sycophantic gibberish. The worst I've heard on 'national' radio is Jonathan Woss. Euucchh.

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Since Chris Williams is hanging out here now as well, can I ask a question, it is important to me, and I've asked it before but never received an answer.


Why do Manx Radio persist in playing the lamentable "I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight" by the Cutting Crew. Is one them related to a member of Manx Radio Staff and in desperate need of needle-time royalties?

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I was an avid Manxnet forum user, or at least I read it a lot.


I missed the poll that voted Mark DJ of the year though - see website or bottom of the attached clip.




Perhaps the page is tongue in cheek - or did I miss something? I must get myself a modern sense of humour.

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Declan - you've got him bang to rights..Chris Williams was the stylophone player in Cutting Crew! He gets tuppence every time it's on, so he only has £800k to go...so hope you like the song...


Old Git - I've probably broadcast a couple of those myself and was taken in by the apparent sense in and source of the blurb. I almost fell for the 'now enter FORMAT C: in the DOS prompt to clean your system of bugs' before realising. We're not techies, and at 0700hrs there's nobody around who is, to ask... so if NIS gives me a warning flag at home, I generally trust it.


I think on average we get many more right than we get wrong - but if we only catch one Mydoom or worse, I guess I'd rather err on the side of caution than not say anything.


Addie - I wouldn't know personally about numbers, but I guess that if the Sunday Mannin Line is constantly over-subscribed, the gaffers will gladly consider bringing one or more back in the week.


As to feeling used and abused...maybe you remembered the KY too late!

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Stu, the newsroom probably get it right because they check the story out. The on air DJ nearly always seems to get it wrong because they don't appear to check.


Earlier on this year I was on the phone to a friend who works at Manx Radio and he happened to mention he was checking out a virus warning. I mentioned that it was another hoax doing the rounds and gave his some sites to check. He thanked me and said he'd tell the newsroom. Three days later the on air DJ was warning the listeners

about the "virus". He did it a second time about 30 mins later. By this time the hoax was nearly one week old. I can only assume that the DJs don't check with anyone and that the newsroom don't listen to the station's output. I phoned my mate and told him what was happening. Needles to say he was a bit peed that the DJ was spreading an (old) hoax


If you need someone to check with, perhaps running it past this forum before spreading the hoax virus / phone scams might help. There's a lot of technical ability / bullxxxx detectors here.

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