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Christmas Music

cheeky boy

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I have a deep loathing of of most things Christmas, so I was particularly pissed of to hear Christmas music being piped out at Manx Telecom yesterday


For fucks sake it's nearly two months away !


If it gets any earlier I shall move to an Islamic republic


haha... bad idea.


aye, there'll be no christmas music... but something far more annoying.

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I heard it in the Manx Telecom shop on Monday (5th Nov) and had to listen carefully to be sure what I was hearing.


Absolutely ridiculous before 1st December and even then it's that's pushing it. I'm sure that everyone would enjoy Christmas more if the hype was restricted until December

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I have a deep loathing of of most things Christmas, so I was particularly pissed of to hear Christmas music being piped out at Manx Telecom yesterday


For fucks sake it's nearly two months away !


If it gets any earlier I shall move to an Islamic republic


haha... bad idea.


aye, there'll be no christmas music... but something far more annoying.



Not necessarily, being woken up by a bloke wailing from a minaret is a bit of a pisser


But at least he shuts up after a while


Unlike that piped compilation of total shite we get subjected to in every retail outlet from November till January


No wonder Islam is the world's fastest growing faith

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Around 50% of annual retail spending is done in the run up to christmas. That's why they start in October and push it all the way to xmas and try and extend it out to the new year.


Christmas is just one great commercial opportunity these days - and if it was cancelled, would probably result in massive CO2 reductions from not making all of the crap that we buy during this period, crap that most people never wanted in the first place, and seldom use anyway. You can see the same commercialisation approach for the other 'hallmark' days: valentines day, easter, mothers day etc.

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I have noticed a few houses with their decorations up.


I have to admit , I am a christmas nut, i just love christmas, so much so that I moderate a christmas forum, which i will not advertise on here lol


Merry Christmasssss

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I heard it in the Manx Telecom shop on Monday (5th Nov) and had to listen carefully to be sure what I was hearing.


Absolutely ridiculous before 1st December and even then it's that's pushing it. I'm sure that everyone would enjoy Christmas more if the hype was restricted until December



when you consider what they've been charging us, every day is christmas for them .

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Christmas is just one great commercial opportunity these days - and if it was cancelled, would probably result in massive CO2 reductions from not making all of the crap that we buy during this period, crap that most people never wanted in the first place, and seldom use anyway. You can see the same commercialisation approach for the other 'hallmark' days: valentines day, easter, mothers day etc.


Spot on - as ever :) The last few years I have tried to stop buying 'things' for people, favouring giving food and things like that. I so hate M&S and the buy 2 get one free junk made in China 'toys'.

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I bet KB has a copy of Gary Glitter's Rotten Old, sorry Rock n' Roll Christmas sat taking pride of place in his 8 track collection.. :rolleyes:


That said, I love to hear Slade's Merry Christmas, CDB's Spaceman.. & Greg Lake's I Believe in Father Christmas.

But only for two weeks or so. NOT IN OCTOBER!!!! Can't stand all that schmaltzy Americana nonsense though - all that chestnut bollocks.


The above three represent respectively the silliness of the season: drink, food, parties. Why not?

I can't believe I'm lauding anything by Chris De Burgh.. (OK, his daughter is a bit special but I'll leave it there) but it does remind us that Christmas is about the birth of Christ. Or aliens.

Greg Lake's tune for me is what this time of year is all about, and as I remember the video featured scenes from the middle east. Not tinsel, robins and perfect families.


Inidentally, the music you're subjected to down Strand St eminates from Woolies. The firm I used to work for loans them a CD player and the Corpy the speakers. So if anyone fancies a bit of guerilla anti-piped Christmas action you'll know where to cut the wire.. ;)

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I bet KB has a copy of Gary Glitter's Rotten Old, sorry Rock n' Roll Christmas sat taking pride of place in his 8 track collection.. :rolleyes:

How did you know I had an 8 track, lol....... ?

That said, I love to hear Slade's Merry Christmas, CDB's Spaceman.. & Greg Lake's I Believe in Father Christmas.

But only for two weeks or so. NOT IN OCTOBER!!!! Can't stand all that schmaltzy Americana nonsense though - all that chestnut bollocks.


The above three represent respectively the silliness of the season: drink, food, parties. Why not?

I can't believe I'm lauding anything by Chris De Burgh.. (OK, his daughter is a bit special but I'll leave it there) but it does remind us that Christmas is about the birth of Christ. Or aliens.

Greg Lake's tune for me is what this time of year is all about, and as I remember the video featured scenes from the middle east. Not tinsel, robins and perfect families.

Lol,lol, an apt playlist for the overindulgent madness I imagine you revel in, lol....... "MORE (insert cardio casualty cause here) PLEASE, IT'S CHRISTMAS", ; )


However, that wasn't quite what I had in mind. I was thinking more along the lines of David Willcocks and John Rutter?

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I have noticed a few houses with their decorations up.


I see that there are already a few elderly chav's with the outside of their houses done up like a dog's breakfast. What compels people to put up all those crappy external lights and stupid f**king flashing Santa's as soon as the nights draw in? More to the point why is it always commissioners houses that get lit up in this way first - there should be an 'insane annoying old twat' clause in housing contracts.

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