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[BBC News] BBC DJ bailed over order breach


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Hmm...perhaps he should consider renting a flat in London for six months and staying away for that time. I heard him say on MR he has another partner, but IMO and experience, people shouldn't act like monkeys in these situations (grabbing another branch, before they've let go of the one they're on) - you've simply got to sod off for a bit, get your head straight and concentrate on your career and life etc. - otherwise the only music he'll be facing soon will be of the serious type.

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Hmm...perhaps he should consider renting a flat in London for six months and staying away for that time. I heard him say on MR he has another partner, but IMO and experience, people shouldn't act like monkeys in these situations (grabbing another branch, before they've let go of the one they're on) - you've simply got to sod off for a bit, get your head straight and concentrate on your career and life etc. - otherwise the only music he'll be facing soon will be of the serious type.


Albert, I suppose this is what happens when you let all and sundry in

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Hmm...perhaps he should consider renting a flat in London for six months and staying away for that time. I heard him say on MR he has another partner, but IMO and experience, people shouldn't act like monkeys in these situations (grabbing another branch, before they've let go of the one they're on) - you've simply got to sod off for a bit, get your head straight and concentrate on your career and life etc. - otherwise the only music he'll be facing soon will be of the serious type.



Ah yes but London is where most of the "indescretions" are.

The main reason he moved away in the first place.

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Saw him on the news last night giving an interview outside the court. He looked pretty rough, I hope he's off the drink or at least trying to get off it. I suspect if he shows some sign of getting his life back on track he'll have access to his kids, if that's not motivation enough then what is? I look at the whole thing with a degree of indifference, I don't feel sorry for him but neither do I think he should be vilified, he's clearly not a well man and I hope he sorts himself out.

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Saw him on the news last night giving an interview outside the court. He looked pretty rough, I hope he's off the drink or at least trying to get off it. I suspect if he shows some sign of getting his life back on track he'll have access to his kids, if that's not motivation enough then what is? I look at the whole thing with a degree of indifference, I don't feel sorry for him but neither do I think he should be vilified, he's clearly not a well man and I hope he sorts himself out.



Yes, very sad everyone agrees. But it's pretty well known in the BBC that his private life is a tad... ummmm...complicated shall we say, and he had reasons for leaving London that he wasnt keen to make public.

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A sad situation all round but I'd like to highlight the (apparently) dignified silence from the other party in this situation.


It sounds like Andy is having a rough time but he has been given an enormous amount of sympathy and (front page) access to the local press. I'm sure there are some people - in fact I know there are - sitting in Victoria Rd right now who have experienced similar trouble and frustration in their lives, but are simply branded "criminals" and are not given the opportunity to give their stories to us. Also, the bail conditions in this case allowing travel off-Island for a function surprised me...or am I being harsh?

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I have no sympathy for this man, who courted the media after his last sentencing to announce to the world that he had learned his lesson, had met the latest love of his life, and was moving on. It's the sort of tosh that Mr Moyle hears every week from idiots who wish to minimise their punishment by the courts. The only difference with this idiot is that he's a so-called celebrity. I don't deny he is having problems, but he is clearly very stupid to reoffend so soon (allegedly).

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Also, the bail conditions in this case allowing travel off-Island for a function surprised me...or am I being harsh?


I guess that if your off Island your less likely to bump into or pester the other party so would seem to make sense in this case????


At the end of the day when can you ever go to Peel without bumping in to people you know if they live there? It seems a tad unrealistic for the court to expect no contact whilst he's still allowed to visit the town. You only have to be there 10 minutes to bump into half the population.

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