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Shop Opening Times


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Tried to buy a dryer the other day in the MEA showroom in Douglas only to be told,


"Sorry it's not in stock here. But it's in our Ramsey showroom."

"Ok", says I, "I'll nip there after work as I'm up that way later anyway."

"Sorry the shop closes at 5pm."

"Er ok, I suppose I could quickly make it from Douglas to Ramsey and back during my lunch hour."

"Sorry, the shop closes for lunch, could you change your lunch hour to suit?"

"No thanks, I don't feel like I should jump through hoops just to give you money. I'll shop elsewhere"


WTF can't shops open between 10am and 6pm or 11am and 7pm? At least give us a fighting chance to spend our money here and not on the internet. Opening between 9 and 5 (with or without a lunch break) when most of the population are working makes little sense to me.

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WTF can't shops open between 10am and 6pm or 11am and 7pm? At least give us a fighting chance to spend our money here and not on the internet. Opening between 9 and 5 (with or without a lunch break) when most of the population are working makes little sense to me.



Thank you!!!!! For the life of me, I've been wondering the exact same thing since I moved here over 5 years ago!!!

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Probably because you'd get some moaning bastard asking why you aren't open between 9-10am or 9-11am.




Yes but Mission you know as well as I do that the interwebby thing is open 24 hours a day.


Can't wait for Christmas to come when all those internet warriors who ordered their presents from willneverarriveintimeforchristmas.com to save £2.50 from the local retail price.


Anyway I do know of at least one local manx shop that is open 7 days a week from 10am-6pm Mon - Thurs , 10am-8pm Fri & Sat and 2pm-6pm Sun ;)

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C'mon Mish, retailing is all about service. I can understand, given the line you are in, that you would want to be open for the traditional 9 'til 5, but what about consumer goods? Why can't town centre shops say open late just one day a week and allow people who work the traditional 5 day 9 to 5 week (us office wallahs included) the chance of doing some shopping after work rather than leaving this to impinge on an already crowded weekend catching up with the household chores?


In days gone by, thursdays used to be early CLOSING! The retail revolution has pushed the boundaries to erdicate that and to have shops open on a sunday afternoon. Frankly, I would pass on sunday shopping to have a late night during the week.

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I've tried late opening (for 3 months as it goes) and it didn't make a difference - gave it a go though (not just once a week, but every day).


I agree that retail is about service but then isn't everything these days? I'd like to be able to go to my bank outside of my working hours or better still, be able to speak to someone in my branch on the telephone, rather than some call centre. The Post Office in Ramsey only do a half day on a Saturday and open half an hour later on a Wednesday for staff training and don't even get me started on government offices!


It's easy for those that work a 9-5 in offices to critisise but why should their hours be different to ours? Why should their job be less about service than ours? After all, we're all customers of each other aren't we?

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It's not a criticism of you Mish, just an observation of a missed marketing opportunity for the mainstream consumer retailers (I think you would agree that you are not a mainstream consumer retailer). Let's face it, if the demand for buying fridge freezers isn't there between 9 and 11 why not open later in the morning and close later in the evening when the punters are around?

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