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Shop Opening Times


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I do get the whole point of the arguments in the thread and yes, in an ideal world we'd all be able to access the facilities we need, when we need them (we all work different shifts). The whole closing for lunch thing and half day closing does annoy me tbh - especially when it's a place where there is more than one member of staff and therefore no need to do so. I get stick for nipping out for 5 minutes or so once or twice a day and I'm on my own but what can you do, if you need the loo or you might need to nip to the bank for change - such things are unavoidable (I don't get a lunch hour, I have to eat inbetween serving customers - not great for digesting the food!).

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I do get the whole point of the arguments in the thread and yes, in an ideal world we'd all be able to access the facilities we need, when we need them (we all work different shifts). The whole closing for lunch thing and half day closing does annoy me tbh - especially when it's a place where there is more than one member of staff and therefore no need to do so. I get stick for nipping out for 5 minutes or so once or twice a day and I'm on my own but what can you do, if you need the loo or you might need to nip to the bank for change - such things are unavoidable (I don't get a lunch hour, I have to eat inbetween serving customers - not great for digesting the food!).

But Mish, the digs are at the larger retailers who could very easily organise their work shifts to actually provide a service. It truly isn't a go at the smaller but very necessary retailers, it is a dig at the big retailers who do have the staff.

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Mission, I've no idea what kind of shop you have but well done for trying the late opening. However for it to work there needs to be co-ordination between the shopkeepers (I presume there's an association?) to get more shops opening later together. A solitary shop open at 7pm on a Wednesday or Thursday night in Strand Street (or any of the other towns) will do sod all business but if there were 10 or 20 open (and publicised) then it would obviously do better. And yes I agree it should apply to other businesses too - esp Govt offices!

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i would guess shop opening hours are historical from decades ago when man worked and woman worked/stayed at home. she would go shopping while he was at work and family time would be evenings and sundays. the retail sector needs to catch up with modern living practices. if you ever go down strand st early am, it's pretty much dead bar a few deliveries anyway.

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Recent "local shop for local people" experience: :huh:


One of my headlights decided to die last Saturday night and, given the recent press as well as practical considerations, I set out to replace it ASAP.


Now, back in Scotland I'd head to Halfords or an independent car spares place on the Sunday and get one no problem. Thing is, I had to be awkward - I wanted to upgrade the 1998 spec bulbs for modern Xenon gas thingies.


Out of curiosity I searched the net for a guide price. Around £7 + postage for a pair seemed to be he ballpark figure.

So, headed to a well-known spares place on Monday. £10. Each. Oh well, they're here and I can sort the car now.

Or I could have done if he'd have sold me the right ones!! :angry:


So another day wasted. They didn't hold the bulbs for my obscure make of car. A Fiesta..

Now, I should point out that the guy was as nice as pie (both times) and as helpful as he could be without actually having any stock. They had plenty of pink steering wheel covers, a cheap bass-box and some wheel trims but a shit selection of bulbs.


Brilliant, at this time of year..


At last, I can see where I'm going though maybe not as well as I could have. Bearing in mind there's no cat's eyes on the TT course or on many other sections of the island's roads and much of the road markings dissappear on a wet night but I digress..


Hmm.. local shops <_<

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If I can, I will. However I didn't think that getting a bulb locally would be a problem!


Especially as without it I couldn't/shouldn't have been using the car.


But yeah, the internet is my most used shop now. Well, apart from Spill The Beans.


Kind of hard to post a regular Mocha.. :P

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