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Peter Tobin


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It looks likely that Peter Tobin is under investigation for multiple murders.


The murder he was convicted of in Glasgow was a nasty sordid affair with the young girl much abused by various older men, but it now looks like the police are interested in Mr Tobin helping them with their inquiries into other crimes going back many years.


Makes you think - most of the time I experience a society where people are known and cared for - but occassionally there are hints of another world - a world of transients, abuse and people going missing only remembered in the occassional laments of a mother given momentary press coverage or in the orgy of tabloid revelation when remains and arrests are made.


It looks like Tobin lived in such a world as he tramped around the UK doing his handyman jobs. Nasty

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Googled "Bible John" (including the inverted commas) and 2nd from bottom is an article from The Times which shows a staggering similarty between a police drawing of the killer known as Bible John and Peter Tobin - who moved from Glasgow just after the last of the murders in this case.


It would be quite staggering if the two were linked, bringing together such well known crimes over such a long period of time.

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Police searching a house in Kent where the remains of 15-year-old Vicky Hamilton were found have discovered a second body.

Officers from two separate police forces have been on the site in Irvine Drive, Margate, since Monday.


Essex Police are investigating the disappearance of 18-year-old Dinah McNicol, who failed to return home from a trip to Hampshire in 1991.


The body of Vicky from near Falkirk, Stirlingshire, was found on Monday.

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