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Doctors treating a Chinese woman who complained of feeling weak discovered she only had half a brain.


The woman, 39, from Wuhan city, has lived a perfectly normal life and only came into hospital after she complained of feeling weak and stiff.


Zhang Linhong, director of Neural Rehabilitation Department at the local hospital, said: "On the MRI scans we were surprised to see that she only has grey matter on the right side.


1. Why were they so surprised?

2. Why does it say she only had half a brain?

3. Am I in deep trouble with about half of the Forum members? :sweat:

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Did anybody watch one of the Extraordinary People series on Channel 5? "Living with Half a Brain" was about a little girl who suffered from severe fits so they removed half of her brain to help cure her.


Didn't see that but i've heard that only having half a brain doesn't make you any less Untelligenceness.


S'pose it depends whether it's left or rightness unintellywhatsname.


Missis put on Half Man Half Tree whilst I was having me tea last night. Not much puts me of me food but that did :lol:

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Doctors treating a Chinese woman who complained of feeling weak discovered she only had half a brain.


I'm guessing that there are quite a few town councillors suffering from a similar affliction that are yet to be found out.

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