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Experts warn of 'abrupt' warming


A UN panel has agreed a landmark report declaring that climate change is "unequivocal" and may bring "abrupt and irreversible" impacts.


After arduous talks in Valencia, Spain, scientists agreed a document they hope will shape debate on the next phase of the fight against climate change.


Among their conclusions are that carbon dioxide emissions are rising faster than they were a decade ago.


The text will be officially launched by UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Saturday.........


..........."This is the strongest report yet by the IPCC - but says that there is still time to act," Bill Hare, an Australian climate scientist and one of the authors, told Reuters.


Among the report's top-line conclusions are that climate change is "unequivocal", that humankind's emissions of greenhouse gases are more than 90% likely to be the main cause, and that impacts can be reduced at reasonable cost.


You've heard what the smart peeps said - there's still time to act and we gotta reduce emissions by a lot. I've got a few spare nukes I keep for a rainy day, so that's China taken care of - any volunteers for India and the USA?

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You know how touchy the yanksare about people threatening to blow them up. The feds are probably already en-route to your secret underground bunker flat as we speak.


Or following high quality intelligence and satellite surveilance, a precision targeted air strike will be made, which means the wedding reception three streets away is in deep s*it...........................

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  • 1 year later...
You've heard what the smart peeps said - there's still time to act and we gotta reduce emissions by a lot. I've got a few spare nukes I keep for a rainy day, so that's China taken care of - any volunteers for India and the USA?


Global warming 'underestimated'


The severity of global warming over the next century will be much worse than previously believed, a leading climate scientist has warned.


Professor Chris Field, an author of a 2007 landmark report on climate change, said future temperatures "will be beyond anything" predicted...


....He said the increases in carbon dioxide have been caused, principally, by the burning of coal for electric power in India and China.


/checks ebay for a copy of "Nukes for Dummies".


The new findings reinforce my thinking, though - although it's common sense thinking to look after the place you live in, in real and global terms it makes f-all of a difference what we do on this little isle...

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The new findings reinforce my thinking, though - although it's common sense thinking to look after the place you live in, in real and global terms it makes f-all of a difference what we do on this little isle...


Why is it exclusive Amadeus? What the new data says to me is that we need to try harder, but it needs to be a global effort. So what we do here is vitally important.

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Then at least we need to get our priorities right and sort out the big problems first before we turn to the small problems here, otherwise all you're well meant local efforts will be for nothing.

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Then at least we need to get our priorities right and sort out the big problems first before we turn to the small problems here, otherwise all you're well meant local efforts will be for nothing.


Why? All these arguments that you have to do one thing or the other. You don't, you can do both.


You're just after self justification for not doing a jot.

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Experts warn of 'abrupt' warming


A UN panel has agreed a landmark report declaring that climate change is "unequivocal" and may bring "abrupt and irreversible" impacts.


After arduous talks in Valencia, Spain, scientists agreed a document they hope will shape debate on the next phase of the fight against climate change.


Among their conclusions are that carbon dioxide emissions are rising faster than they were a decade ago.


The text will be officially launched by UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Saturday.........


..........."This is the strongest report yet by the IPCC - but says that there is still time to act," Bill Hare, an Australian climate scientist and one of the authors, told Reuters.


Among the report's top-line conclusions are that climate change is "unequivocal", that humankind's emissions of greenhouse gases are more than 90% likely to be the main cause, and that impacts can be reduced at reasonable cost.


You've heard what the smart peeps said - there's still time to act and we gotta reduce emissions by a lot. I've got a few spare nukes I keep for a rainy day, so that's China taken care of - any volunteers for India and the USA?


Stu Peters - are you reading this 'cos it's extremely irritating that you use Manx Radio to express your global warming denial views.

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Stu Peters - are you reading this 'cos it's extremely irritating that you use Manx Radio to express your global warming denial views.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, radio presenter or not. Who wants people towing the state-ordered bullsh1t line? Not me.


Too many people these days are too willing to believe what they hear, or what they want to hear.

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Stu Peters - are you reading this 'cos it's extremely irritating that you use Manx Radio to express your global warming denial views.

Who wants people towing the state-ordered bullsh1t line? Not me.


Too many people these days are too willing to believe what they hear, or what they want to hear.


Current affairs talk radio in Britain was more or less perfected by LBC in the late 80s. The nastiest and most reactionary presenters ultimately got sacked and ended up on what is now Talk Sport. It is a cliché of the format, a convention, than the presenters express, from time to time, strong (irritating) opinions - because that encourages the listeners to call ... either to contradict or, more often, to congratulate the presenter and express an opinion much like what Albert Tatlock has just posted.


None of that is a criticism btw. It's definitely an interesting format. It's cheap and people like it. Sometimes stations take it a stage further by having dual hosts from very contradictory povs. Rather like when Austin Mitchell and Norman Tebbit used to joint host on Sky News. Or when John Junor (I think it was) and Julie Burchill had a joint column in The Mail.

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, radio presenter or not. Who wants people towing the state-ordered bullsh1t line? Not me.


Too many people these days are too willing to believe what they hear, or what they want to hear.


I agree, but I think it's important to present that as an opinion. What I've heard Stu do on the radio is insert subtle snorting mockery of such things, and that's almost a subliminal type of opinion that can be very persuasive.


I accept it must be difficult to be on the radio and treat things impartially when appropriate, but not an issue as important as this.


In my opinion :)

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