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Roly Vs, Mec Vannin


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AFAIK the point is that if you have (even) one grandparent from an EU country then you can consider yourself as being of the EU by birth.


Does this also work for marriage? eg if I marry someone from England I can claim full working rights in the EU?

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Are you REALLY telling an old Yiddisher zaider  like me about such matters?  In the words of one contributor to the old Manx forum and at first to this one, someone who although I didn’t always see eye to eye with but  I did respect, “pfft”..


Teejay – it’s ended.  You have just joined my ‘ignore’ list.  It’s a short one,  but it’s there.



Poor old Rog, it's OK for you to get personal but when the reality of Zionism is pointed out you suddenly get all precious. Face it Rog you are a Zionist and a fascist.


Great to see all the other fascist comeovers falling over themselves to support you too.


Hardly anyone on this forum is Manx, and certainly no contributor that I can see cares about our island.


Suggestion: change the forum's name to Comovers Corner.



What a load of tossers.



Manx? Not so long as you've got holes in your arses

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(moderators note - that's enough examples Dec)


I would have thought the best hope for preserving Manx Culture is to encourage as many people as possible to become involved and feel part of it, rather than try to exclude as many as you can?



Nice lad Dec, maybe. But Manx? No; offspring of comeovers yes.

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Manx? Not so long as you've got holes in your arses


Eeeeek.... so are you saying that true manx don't have a hole in their bottom?


Sheesh... I didn't know that.

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Tonto another Walter Mitty, claims that Manxman.com somehow wronged


I am a comeover though. oops. :rolleyes:


Obviously; now get lost.


You are clearly mixing me up with another on-going vendetta. Yet somehow you feel qualified to tell me that my 'claim' that manxman 'wronged me' is incorrect? You really need to get some polish on the old chrystal ball - it's letting you down big time. Just goes to show that none of you had or have any idea of what you were doing or the possible consequences of your actions.



Enlighten us all then, exactly how do Manxman wrong you?


Oh and I do have a plane ticket in the morning - and it's first class. :D


Good take it please.


The biggest laugh about all this stuff is that I get decried by tossers like you but actually I speak for true Manx. We hate you all, full stop. Your biggest problem, similar to many others, is denial. Which actually makes things even more hilarious for the likes of me.

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Teejay's account is now suspended for 7 days, after which he is on moderator preview to approve his posts.


Don't think we'll miss his contributions really eh?

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Oh don't give him the satisfaction of being suspended, it's very poor trolling at best, at worst an idiot who has a very narrow minded view of the world typing tripe. Nobody is actually listening to him, and if they are they shouldn't be.

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I applaud the forum moderators' stance here but there is something of a double edged sword in such censorship.


As an idealistic student in the Democratic Republic of South Yorkshire* all those years ago, I remember well the calls for "Freedom of Speech" and "Everyone must have their say in a democracy" etc. I looked up to the firebrands making such calls but was always confused when they in effect always seemed to add the proviso "oh, except the National Front" et al.


Now without doubt TJ has been offensive here and that just isn't on, but his/her thoughts and opinions are just as valid as everyone elses.


"I don't necessarily agree with what you are saying but I defend your right...etc."


I'm not making a complaint at all. Just a point that occurred to me.







* Council Leader David Blunkett (he was Left Wing in those days)

Miners Strike and Arthur Scargill (ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )

Oh and Ramones played. Nothing to do with politics but I just thought I'd mention it as this post sums up about all I remember of my student days.



ps. We always knew who the extremists were. Let them have their say. They always make themselves look ridiculous and it gives everyone else a good laugh at their expense.


pps. I've just realised that this post has put me in the TJ firing line. Maybe he/she will be doing the "we know where you live/we don't know your grandad" bit on me.


pps. Oh dear (I'm gutted)


ppps. (no really, I am)



pppps. ( ;) )



Typo edit

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