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Roly Vs, Mec Vannin


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That rings a bell, although I also thought it was something to do with allowing non Manx people to stand.


No idea really, I pay little attention to slobbering radicals who don't even account for 1% of the population.


Edit: This is kinda interesting though http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mec_Vannin I see the got totally owned the one time they did stand. That's why they don't stand now :)

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Andrew Jessop can not get elected either, so he gathered the 20* who voted and formed TynwaldWatch.


More barking and not much biting, but like MV, they inspire hope in some.


*assumed 20 as this is the number of nominees required in order to stand for the house of keys.


I am sympathetic towards some of the ideas and thoughts of Mec Vannin (for what it is worth to the racists who couldn't care less). I think that Government had to create inward investment and wealth, which they succeeded in doing, but have screwed up in overall implimentation.


There are towns around the Island that are happy not to be like Douglas (and I don't blame them), but wouldn't complain if they had more of the share of the spoils. It is nice that one can leave the urbanised Capital and retreat into something that resemmbles most peoples idea of what the Island should be like.


I don't see myself as a comeover, or despite my earlier comment, a Douglas resident, I am an Isle of Man resident and happy to be so. I want to live here, I want my son to grow up here and to appreciate all the good things about this Island and it's history that sets it aside from the UK from where I originated.


I think that too many people are employed in the running of the Island, yet the actual power to make decisions is shared between too few, and some of those have never contemplated the hindrence of an election.


I don't agree with population capping, especially now that the Zero rate for businesses is being introduced. I know that house prices have gone up at stupid rates due to a lack of supply and I'm not advocating the wholesale raping of the land to destroy what open land we have, I do however think that there are many services that would be appreciated by many residents Manx born or not and we are just under a threashold that would interest the business to invest here. How often do we hear that we suffer a "scale of ecconomy" as justification to charge the gas, petrol, food etc. prices.


I need to do some work this morning, so will sod off for now. Thoughts?

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My main thought is that if we don't introduce population capping at some point will the towns outside Douglas that "still resemble most people's ideas of what the Island should be like" stay that way for long?


Already towns are increasing in size at an alarming rate, Peel's new estate was opposed by virtually all Peel residents, as were big developments in Laxey, Onchan and most other areas.


But also, I think it's unlikely that most people who have come over here to live would be in favour of population capping (or stricter development contols), which is why it worries me that there are more of them here now than there are of Manx-born.


I know you (Ripsaw) have talked about creating a new town - I would hate that to happen too, especially if the population did rise to such a level that we could then attract more multinational corporations here as you seem to be suggesting. Personally I think, no thanks, but again that view may differ if you are a comeover more used to much more choice...


On the Mec Vannin subject, as far as I know, they only want to restrict standing for Government to Manx citizens, I'm not sure exactly how that would work, but likely after an incomer had lived here for more than a certain number of years and applied for citizenship etc. Seems fair enough to me.

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My main thought is that if we don't introduce population capping at some point will the towns outside Douglas that "still resemble most people's ideas of what the Island should be like" stay that way for long?
Surely the main reason that the population is rising is because of babies being born. And because, thanks to the recent economic boom, fewer young adults have been forced to move away.


Same as everywhere else in the British Isles.


Any good stats? My understanding was that employment related immigration (into the IMO) has more or less ceased (net) over the past 18 months.

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I have to say that although I was born and have lived most of my life here the term "Manx" to me just seems like an outdated concept.


What does being Manx actually mean. Is it the ability to constantly moan about anything that is different; or is it the inability to turn your fog lights off when the fog has lifted?


Our economy has nigh on full employment; crime is relatively low; we have a decent level of schooling and health care; low taxation and a fairly relaxed pace of life.


OK so some of our politicians leave a little be desired but whose dont. Mr Blunkett is in bother this morning I see.


Maybe we should stop chasing this rural Utopian ideal and be grateful for what we have got

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Payment of Pensions on the IOM is Governed by the UK why, most paid their NI here on the Island, Inflation on the Island is higher than the UK (uk2.5% IOM 6%) so why dont the Manx Government give the Manx Pensioners the manx inflation rise.

We only think the IOM is doing well from what the politicians tell us. If thats true why is there so much empty office space on the Island and why do we have more properties for sale now compared to two years ago.

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.....We only think the IOM is doing well from what the politicians tell us.....

The Royal 'We' I presume. You might only think what the politicians tell us, however, I look for myself and see that the majority have enjoyed prosperous times recently.


Are there those who are less fortunate than others, within the population? - yes, of course, as with every society and we should do whatever we can to help them. But where do we stop? That one's open for debate.


IMO there are some signs of a slowdown and I think you will see the employment situation change over the next two or three years and therfore, some of the transient population may well be upping sticks. (Hence the properties for sale maybe).


We wait to see whether the Zero tax strategy will help to fill some of the vacant office space, or maybe some other Government Dept will 'expand' and fill it up.

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Ripsaw said;-

and some of those have never contemplated the hindrence of an election

Delicious Ripsaw, if that phrase were edible it would be a big dish of profiteroles.


Regarding a new town, I think that jobs in other towns might assist the housing situation and the island as a whole. How many thousand people from the north, south and west trail into Douglas every day? During the working day these towns - and villages between - are slowly dying because no-one is there during the day. The local shops await customers that don't come because people do their shopping where they work, in Douglas.


Government could assist in this by siting even more departments outside of Douglas.

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We wait to see whether the Zero tax strategy will help to fill some of the vacant office space, or maybe some other Government Dept will 'expand' and fill it up.


Zero tax srategy is just one of those fancy words that the Government use.


Yes the Government may well fill some of the empty office space, Dept Collectors

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I know you (Ripsaw) have talked about creating a new town - I would hate that to happen too, especially if the population did rise to such a level that we could then attract more multinational corporations here as you seem to be suggesting. Personally I think, no thanks, but again that view may differ if you are a comeover more used to much more choice...

I wrote recently that I purchased 3 pairs of speakers fro the Internet for £159 (delivered IOM) because they were cheaper than the £99 per pair locally. Add to that a Dyson Vac for less than £100 a Denon Receivr for under £200... A friend has had the fortune to meet Julian Richer (He of Richer Sounds) When asked why they didn't have an outlet on the Island and clean up on Electrical Goods sales, the GBP of the Island wasn't a consideration, it was purely down to population. This is the "Threashold" that I mentioned above. I'm not jumping up and down saying that we "need" more living here, I just see some potential positives if the population did rise.


On the subjet of a new town, this isn't based on an increased population (even though they would need somewhere to live) it is purely in consideration of the current situation of plans for 500 new houses over the next 5 years while there are alread 800(?) in the waiting list. That is 800(?) existing residents (minimum 5 years residency to be entitled to go on the list) not new arrivals.


The houses are needed for people already here and as Birch Hill residents will tell you, infill and sideways isn't always the prefered choice. Any number of reasons are available as to why not extend current settlements.


My reason for thinking "New Town" is simpley to avoid Birch Hill type problems. I can see that my thinking of two different subjects overrun, but they were completely seperate thoughts.

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