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Roly Vs, Mec Vannin


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the GBP of the Island wasn't a consideration, it was purely down to population. This is the "Threashold" that I mentioned above.


There used to be a Boots here in the sixties, then they buggered off. They only came back when there was enough people to make it worth their while

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Zero tax srategy is just one of those fancy words that the Government use.

Agree or disagree with it, you can't say that it is just a fancy word. It relates to an actual, touch it, feel it policy that will exist, so you can't dismiss it that readily. Whether it will work to either keep the existing businesses or attract new ones is yet to be seen. That was my point.


Yes the Government may well fill some of the empty office space, Dept Collectors



Obviously off on another tangent, haven't got a Scooby Doo what you're on about........

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Re: Zero Tax Rates for businesses (As per previos post)


I refered to the above possibley having an effect on population because...


Government are going to reduce the nation's income as a result of reducing the tax burden on businesses and this shortfall will have to be made up somehow...


1) Increase Income Tax,

2) Increase Indirect Taxes and/or National Insurrance contributions,

3) Spread the existing Inncome Tax & NI across more taxpayers (incomers).

4) Pray that new companies register in their thousands and pay the registration fee.

5) I don't know of a number 5...


Numbers 1 and 2 are non starters unless the Government wish to see street demonstrations as happened when Jersey sought to make up their £100m per year budget deficit.

Number 4 is the hope, but it is an unknown hope. I've heard that one company may be interested in investing here as a direct result of the tax incentive. Until such a time that further news is confirmed, I guess there could be more.


So the only other way that I personally can see to make up the shortfall is to encourage more new taxpayers, if not you, I and our children's children will be skint for a hell of a lot of years to come.

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There used to be a Boots here in the sixties, then they buggered off. They only came back when there was enough people to make it worth their while


From what I hear they won't be here this time next year. They haven't made a profit since they opened and are getting ready to leave I beleive.


Also W. H. Smith are rumoured to be getting ready to upsticks for similar reasons.






Edited for typo.

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From what I hear they (Boots) won't be here this time next year.  They haven't made a profit since they opened and are getting ready to leave I  beleive.


Also W. S. Smith are rumored to be getting ready to upsticks for similar reasons.

To be fair, it seems to be the same downturn in profits everywhere for these two companies.


They don't seem to quite know what manner of shop they are.

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Also W. S. Smith are rumored to be getting ready to upsticks for similar reasons.


WHS are in big trouble everywhere. Too many other cheaper booksellers and supermarkets selling DVDs. Wouldn't be surprised to see them go.



And what will it be like when Tesco open the Mega Store in Braddan, selling everything

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Inflation on the Island is higher than the UK (uk2.5% IOM 6%) so why dont the Manx Government give the Manx Pensioners the manx inflation rise.


Doh! Inflation isn't the same throughout Britain. The UK rate you are referencing is an average across the entire UK. Different parts of the UK have different rates.


Also - using your argument. Manx interest rates should be higher too.


Stand in the corner.

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Also W. S. Smith are rumored to be getting ready to upsticks for similar reasons.


WHS are in big trouble everywhere. Too many other cheaper booksellers and supermarkets selling DVDs. Wouldn't be surprised to see them go.



And what will it be like when Tesco open the Mega Store in Braddan, selling everything


Yeah imagine that, living on the Isle of Man and having the ability to buy stuff at a reasonable price. Choice and value for money.....unheard of.

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So a question to teejay ----


How many generations must one be able to track ones family back on the Island in order to qualify for being Manx.


Seriously.  Spell it out.



Seriously Rog a Manx surnmame which can be traced back would help, not that you have one.


A quartet of grandparents too, again not that you have them.


Rog you are are away with the proverbial mixer, how is life with the Zionists?


You and most of the other cretins posting here aren't Manx, it's truly time you all pissed off.


Ans, Simon, (How's Switzerland ?) Declan, Tonto, Ripsaw hahahahaahah what sort of moron calls himself Ripsaw? Feel really sorry for his kids. Mr Westbrit Slim, who does he work for exactly?


This forum is made up of English people, plus the odd westbrit, totally devoid of the comprehension of being Manx.


Get lost xxxxxxs catch the boat please. Take Slim with you.

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