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this is why there is so much of a shortage


It's certainly part of the problem, but wouldn't happen if there were plenty of supply in the first place.


Just saw one go for £300 on ebay...


Edit: those wii's have just appeared on Dixons, cheapest bundle is £350. Conning twats!

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this is why there is so much of a shortage


It's certainly part of the problem, but wouldn't happen if there were plenty of supply in the first place.


Just saw one go for £300 on ebay...


Edit: those wii's have just appeared on Dixons, cheapest bundle is £350. Conning twats!


Haha , anyway we have just got ours but not for general sale , got a waiting list and we are not taking anymore names


Shame that we are not stitching people up like some


£380 for a used one on Amazon


This guy is selling this package which comes from a company called Just Distribution for around £230 trade cost for £500




Rip off

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I read last time round they held stock back to create a false shortage (photos were posted of packed boxes piled high in warehouses). I assumed they were doing the same again.

Most companies that have a product in demand do this type of thing but its normally to keep the price high not to create seperate advertising by saying its outsold everywhere.

Still seems a not nice thing to do to consumers but its obviously working cus whereever u look people are talking about this "shortage".


A photo of boxes in a warehouse means nothing - sounds like sloppy reporting to me. Nintendo is a public company. If word got out that they weren't selling all the stock that they had, the stock holders who own the company would not be happy. The only reason that I could think of for holding back on sales is if they had already met their budget targets for a year and wanted to keep some revenue for the following financial year if the expectation was that sales would sharply decline in that year.


Most companies who have a product in demand will do their utmost best to get that product out while it is in demand. They don't play silly games to try and increase the buzz on their product when it's already on the 'most wanted' list.

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Hah! this whole thing is funny, the Wii has least amount of decent games on it and some of the worst ports ever made..............I love playing Super Mario Galaxy mind you.


Those poor kids not getting a Wii for christmas and having to made do with an Xbox360 or PS3(!)

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Some of us don't get the choice of what we buy, it's what the kids want from that fat guy in the red suit.


There are a few turning up on manx classified at the moment - all going for between £295 and £300. They sure sound like the ones that were in the shops for £175 though.

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Some of us don't get the choice of what we buy, it's what the kids want from that fat guy in the red suit.


There are a few turning up on manx classified at the moment - all going for between £295 and £300. They sure sound like the ones that were in the shops for £175 though.


Write a letter from Santa explaining the situation, then make a Santa Authenticated Voucher, that is able to used at any retailers in exchange for a Wii in the new year....get them a couple of Wii games at Christmas so they now they will be getting one eventually. They will be disappointed, naturally but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Besides, kids who still believe in Father Christmas are fickle, distract them with with other stuff.

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Oh arent my kids ace, I asked my eldest if she wanted a Wii and she said "No, they are well gay mum." that'll do for me...Im a bit scared of what she does want though, some mental synthesizer with lights on the back and a built in vo-coder (the inability to sing runs in the family) but that would be much more fun than a Wii. I always laugh at people playing on Wiis - they look quite daft imho.

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Just had a local man in the shop and he said he got 20 from across.Selling them for £250 , everyone's at it.Like Ramsea said much better to get a 360 or a PS3 as the games especially on the 360 are much better


The wii's an ideal 2nd console really, not enough games to support a full time gamer, but has enough essential buys to warrent ownership. There's nothing on any console better than Super Mario :)

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There's nothing on any console better than Super Mario :)


Very bold statement and very possibly true.However look beyond that superb Mario Game and what do you get ? Thrillville ? Big Brain Academy ?


Mario is a unbelievably good game but thats just not enough to warrant the frenzy that is going on right now.


Good games on the 360 for all ages are far too numerous to mention

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I got a call late today... "Are you the shop with the wii in the window?"


Err no.


So, somewhere in Ramsey, there is a shop with a wii in the window apparently - let the chaos commence!


Probably just a display box in Gamemasters shop window?, sure fire way to get attention! :lol:


I've been on the look out for a wii locally, because they're going for a fortune on ebay, its an easy £50 to be made! :)

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