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Tynwald Question Time Today


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There was a fair bit of ding dong going on this morning, particularly when President of Tynwald tried to stop supplementary questions at one point because he believed that the questions were becoming debate.


Manx Radio described Noel Cringle as 'rather riled'


Question Time is normally tabled for the morning session and if necessary there is a vote to suspend Standing Orders to allow Question Time to continue into the afternoon.


The motion to suspend Standing Orders came from none other than Steve Rodan, Speaker of the House of Keys. The seconder was David Cannan, who took the opportunity to say he believed that it was in the greater public interest to continue Question Time.


This motion was passed in the House of Keys no problem but failed by 5 votes to 3 in the Legislative Council (a two thirds majority is required to suspend Standing Orders).


I wonder who the three in the Legislative Council were? Perhaps someone who was present could let us know (it will save waiting a few weeks until Hansard is published).


I would speculate that those against were strong supporters of Mr Cringle, who seemed to be having a bit of a day.


I also wonder if they will be up for re-election in February, although I very much doubt that any of those 4 would vote against the House of Keys at this delicate time in their parliamentary careers.

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Have I got this right? The elected house passed the decision? The majority of LEGCO agreed with them, but just three mlc's were able to stop it?


Yes, you are quite correct.


The remaining questions will be answered in written form, but this prevents any supplementary questions. Personally, I would have liked to have been given the opportunity to continue listening to Question Time on the radio as I was enjoying it.


Maybe I shall phone up the 3 three MLCs and let them know that, but I won't know for a few weeks now and by then they will probably think I am some anorak adorned nutter.

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Perhaps to better engage the public, question time might be produced as a form of street theater by mime artists or selected groups of school children producing short pieces of drama or music to illustrate the reply.

I personally would like to see Flipper ( Yes the Dolphin ) as MC.

Debate on contentious legislation could be conducted along the lines of Warhammer with the last politico standing being the winner.

Just a thought.

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Perhaps to better engage the public, question time might be produced as a form of street theater by mime artists or selected groups of school children producing short pieces of drama or music to illustrate the reply.

I personally would like to see Flipper ( Yes the Dolphin ) as MC.

Debate on contentious legislation could be conducted along the lines of Warhammer with the last politico standing being the winner.

Just a thought.


Monkey Tennis?

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The three MLCs were Pam Crowe, Clare Christian and George Waft.


I notice there was a question on the order paper asking Mrs Crowe who did she consult prior to closing the IOM Post Office Workers Pension Scheme to new entrants. Perhaps she didn't want to answer it? Just a thought - politicians do have their ways!

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They were probably showing loyalty to the President of Tynwald. Which is ok because come February all the elected House who were thwarted by them will have forgotten all this. Probably.

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It all smells rather iffy.


Members of Tynwald often complain that there are not many people in the Public Gallerym, although it does become quite full when a question is being asked or a motion debated that greatly concerns people. I understand this was the case on Tuesday.


There they all were, sitting, waiting patiently, crossing off the questions leading up to the one that concerned them, the reason they had taken time off work . . . . . and then pffft!. In a fit of pique our great democratic system had decided they would have to come back another day.


Whatever the question was, it had best be early on in the agenda next time.

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