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Analogue Joypads For Pcs?


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The reason I ask is, I've been playing GTA Vice City a lot recently, both on my Xbox and my PC.


Driving is good on the Xbox because you use the analogue joypad, but walking around is pretty clumsy.


On the PC it's the other way around. Walking around and aiming your gun with the mouse is good, but driving feels pretty clumsy.


So, I was hoping I'd be able to have the best of both worlds by getting an analogue joypad for my PC to use when driving.


Can you get them? If so would one be compatible with GTA?

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I like the gravis xterminator as it has both a pad and an analogue stick




Review here

A review


I like it for motocross madness where its ok for the throttle and brake to be digital but the bike left/right and back/front need to be analogue.


Bit hard to find now but there is one on eBay



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