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Guitar Hero 3


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ps2 version, graphics are not as sharp

song order is different and seems abit harder on the higher difficultys

no online downloads!


Get GH2 & il buy it again and can help me get the 2 player achievements :lol:

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Oh yea, but you can get it on PS2... Wierd


Not really though is it. GH2 was released on the PS2 originally last year and then on to the 360 in...I don't know, early 2007? When the PS3 was released it had BC so it didn't matter, you could play your PS2 version on it. Plus, GH3 would've been well on it's way by then, only 3months after the UK PS3 release, so there would've been even less point spending time/money developing a PS3 version of GH2. Blah.

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Having put a bit of time into this I can confidently say that GH2 is substantially better than GH3, to the point that it probably isn't worth buying GH3, because you'll end up just being annoyed with the random crapness of it.

I agree.


Songs in GH3 = crap


songs in GH2 = Amazing


360 imo is the best platform for it.


Downloadable songs and all that. Spent a fair few points in gh2 :lol:


Completed it on hard, got rid of it cos had low £ flow, gona go buy it now im sorted :)


Bit harsh on some of the songs on GH III


Paint It Black , just a superb track , glad it made it on there , quite like the Pearl Jam track as well , but overall tracks are probably just about better on GH II.


The apprehension I had was that there were a few issues with the 360 Wireless Guitar but in my so far limited experience it has worked quite well.Its quite good to play GH II with the nice wireless guitar although the explorer is quite good too.


Shame you can't get some of the other guitar heroes on 360 , Wii like Guitar Hero Rocks 80's or GH I.


Might be best to go for PS3 Virtual Boy as then you will be able to play those other versions on your PS3 60Gb

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Was decided on the 360 version, now you've thrown a spanner in the works lol

So what kind of deal are you gonna do me mark?

Oh by the was sorry I wasn't too talkative when you delivered my PS3, was full of a cold, the fact I was playing Halo 3 didn't really help either :P

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The music on GH3 is as good as GH2, arguably better.


What isn't as good is the way they've synced up (or rather, not synced up) what you have to do on the guitar with what's happening in the song.


GH2 really "flowed" and it was possible to get to the stage to know what you were supposed to be doing without even looking at the screen 'cause it always "felt" right, in GH3 they've artificially left some obvious notes out, and added superfluous ones in, or you'll have a few bars of music which are identical but you'll be doing individual notes for a couple of the bars, and then chords for the next two, even though the underlying riff is the same.


On top of that, there's a ridiculous amount of going up and down the full range of notes, so whereas on GH2 doing a full ascend/descend was pretty cool and quite exciting when you nailed it, they have you doing it all the fucking time in GH3 which seems like nothing more than a sneaky trick to make the 100% completes harder to get.


GH3 had a different developer to GH2, and it shows.


Oh yes and finally, the fucking boss battles. Cool idea, shite execution, and just serve to chuck up artificial barriers to getting along with the game.


The best bit about GH3 is that you get a wireless guitar to play GH2 with, which also then means you have two guitars, so you can do GH2 jamming sessions with a chum or significant other.

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Rock band looks cool though, I think it will be funny having each of the kids playing a different instrument lol :P


Yeah, it looks ace, but it's just too much dosh for a single game. You know your kids are capable of learning to play real instruments, yeah? :)

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I reocon it's a shame harmonix went so OTT with rock band. It's just too much for me to buy, if it was just guitars I'd prolly buy it over GH3.


Although that kind of defeats the point of the band aspect of the game. I was looking at getting it for the ps3 from the US but I don't want it that badly so I'll wait til it's released here but over there I'm pretty sure you can buy the game/drums/guitar/mic seperately, which would solve your problem if they did it with the UK version.

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Im a massive gh fan. Ive got gh1, gh2 (twice) and gh3.

but i also imported rockband from usa on the ps3.


I can say rockband just blows gh away. Playing the drums is absolutely fantastic, one of the best gaming experiences there is. Especially on expert.

The guitar section is as good as any gh. (slightly easier tho which is good cus gh3 is mentally difficult on hard and expert) Going online and playing with 3 other people in a band works so well u have to do it to appreciate it.

Also rockband are pumping out dlc every week. Since its come out there is about 15 tracks to download now. Ive got about 8 of them.


but yes back on topic. Gh3 tracks are definately better than gh2. gh2 is the weakest in the whole of the gh series. (excluding thunderhorse on it and the top gear tune on it)

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I'd never played any of the GH series but after reading the positive comments here, and on other forums I thought why not...picked it up from Marcus the other day and haven't put the bloody thing down since! Jebus me arms are aching...i've managed to get through my first song on Medium ( yeah yeah I know ), how the hell you're supposed to play any song on expert is beyond me...

Can you buy the guitars on their own or do you have to fork out for a copy of the game each time???

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