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Our Stu Gets His Fancy Tickled By A Glossy Brochure


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The self styled leader of Douglas Corporation, David Christian, launched a business buffet lunch at the Town Hall last Friday. The full interview was on Manx Radio's Mandate Programme this morning but here is a short clip where David got a bit of a chuckle out of Stu Peters when his eyes must have lit up at the Glossy Brochure .20071126_MR_Glossy_Brochure.mp3


I found the speil all rather intense to listen to but an abridged version of what David Christian had to say is here:


Douglas Corporate Plan 2008-11 . . . . first time any local authority has issued a corporate plan . . . . something I started . . . . clear aims, objectives and time scales. . . . yet another glossy brochure . . . . look beyond the glossy brochure. . . . tables and charts set up . . . . . . aims and objectives . . . . . . hitting performance targets . . . . corporate plan . . . . . indicators to measure performance . . . . forward thinking . . . . meeting targets . . . . strategic planning . . . . achieve time scales set down . . . . local Authority Elections next year . . . . . movers and shakers . . . . Mayor's business lunch - (started, David proudly tells us, by his very self when he was mayor) . . . . .


I could listen to that stuff all day. You have to learn to nod and smile in the appropriate places whilst troughing at the buffet and it is best not to go over board if there is any alcohol offered otherwise they don't ask you back as a mover or a shaker.


I think the important phrase is "local Authority Elections next year".


Expect a lot more of this stuff over the coming months.

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I'll have a table for the next one please. Nothing like a good scoff to background bullshit. Sort of like a puppetless Punch and Judy. I can nod and agree with the most vacuous entities on the planet as long as it's an adequate meal for free.


Just how much is this pointless exercise in self promotion costing the ratepayer?


Corpy couldn't Corporate plan their way out of a paper bag.

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