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Is Calling A Teddy Bear Mohammed Blasphemous?


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Times Story


British teacher faces lashes in Sudan after class teddy bear is named 'Muhammad'


A British primary school teacher arrested in Sudan faces up to 40 lashes for blasphemy after letting her class of 7-year-olds name a teddy bear Muhammad.


Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, was arrested at her lodgings at Khartoum's Unity High School yesterday, accused of insulting the Prophet of Islam.


Bishop Ezekiel Kondo, chairman of the school council, told The Times that the school was in dispute with authorities over taxes, and suggested that Ms Gibbons, who arrived in Khartoum in August, may have been caught up in that.


Teachers at the school, in central Khartoum only a mile from the River Nile, said that Ms Gibbons had made an innocent mistake by letting her pupils choose their favourite name for the toy as part of a school project.


“They came up with eight names including Abdullah, Hassan and Muhammad. Then she explained what it meant to vote and asked them to choose the name,” Mr Boulos said.


Twenty out of the 23 children chose Muhammad. Each child was allowed to take the bear home at weekends and asked to write a diary about what they did with the toy. Each entry was collected in a book with a picture of the bear on the cover, next to the message "My name is Muhammad".


My take on this is that troublemakers are whipping up trouble for their own sakes by misdirecting and taking advantage of people's faith. This has nothing to do with the Prophet.


But I have to dispair at the oversensitivity being displayed - it is all too easy for outrage to be whipped up. Foreigners and peoples of other faith are really at risk of misdirected Islamic justice because of the hysteria whipped up for the mob by the overzealous. Provocators know they can get a mob demanding blood by just raising the issue of blasphemy. Not good.

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I note the children themselves chose the name after a vote from a few choices. It follows that they themselves are at fault assuming that they have been brought up in their faith by their families. However as a 'non believer' the teacher provides a convenient scapegoat.

Yet another cause celebre for fanatics on both sides.

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Can you christen a child with the name "Jesus" in the UK.

I know you can in Spain etc but something tells me you may not here. Im just curious cos im a total athiest, thanlk God :cool:


Can you name/christen your child "God"?

He said the name :o STONE HIM :angry:

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My teddy bear is called Adolf - it's brown, stands upright and the right arm is stuck at an 45 degree angle - is that a problem?


Try and sell it one ebay.de - that should answer your question!

Where do you think I got it from? ;) *





*Disclaimer: I do not really have a teddy called Adolf. He's called Herman.

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I have named one of my chickens mohammed, on christmas eve he will be put in the oven

Well, I'm sorry but this is just plain and utterly wrong...























...a chicken for Christmas???

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I have named one of my chickens mohammed, on christmas eve he will be put in the oven

Well, I'm sorry but this is just plain and utterly wrong...























...a chicken for Christmas???



Times are hard. Saving up for a rabbit for easter. Know anyone with a big one called Allah?

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I have named one of my chickens mohammed, on christmas eve he will be put in the oven

Well, I'm sorry but this is just plain and utterly wrong...























...a chicken for Christmas???



My turkey's called Mary. Just seemed the wrong time of year.

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Isn't it all getting ridiculous?


Ok calling the TEDDYBEAR (not a pig or cockroach or flea or ringy or what ever creature that's not cute and cuddly) Allah I can see people getting upset but wasn't Muhammed the prophet?


I really have no truck (and has moved into the negative with all religions not just the current bad man/women(ppfffttt with Islam? I should co co)) with this god bothering malarky. I think every one should be made to listen to this bloke, you know he's right




You know it makes sense

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