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Is Calling A Teddy Bear Mohammed Blasphemous?


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Interesting to see the comparison of what is deemed to be "inciting racial hatred" in the two countries:

UK - Being an unhinged hook waving madman fundamentalist encouraging people clearly in public to rise up against the infidels and get all jihad on their ass etc etc

Sudan - Allow children to name a cuddly toy a very popular name.


It's just twisted and I hope that somehow this poor woman (and the other ones mentioned) manage to somehow get out of the bullshit they've had thrown at them.

good comparison


Yep - but don't forget that:


"Sudan's top clerics have called for the full measure of the law to be used against Mrs Gibbons and labelled her actions part of a Western plot against Islam."


Naming Teddy bears Mohammed - that's quite a plot!


I really hope that is a misquotation - I fear its not! FFS

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"Sudan's top clerics have called for the full measure of the law to be used against Mrs Gibbons and labelled her actions part of a Western plot against Islam."


Naming Teddy bears Mohammed - that's quite a plot!

Pathetic. If they do imprison, fine, or lash her we should just pull all the British helpers out, break off diplomatic relations, send in the SAS to get her out - and then leave these fu**wits to rot in the stone-age where they clearly want to be.


I have nothing but utter contempt for all religion - the sooner all religious people and their stupidity are wiped off the face of the earth - the better.


In the meantime, perhaps it would be a good idea to give all these naive do-gooders heading out that way some sort of training so they are less likely to get themselves involved in such stupidity.

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I hate stories like this - they just seem so beyond the scope of my understanding. No matter how much I try to put myself in the place of someone who might have been offended, I just can't understand why they can't see that this was an innocent mistake.


I have to conclude that the extreme level it has been taken to is not just a religious reaction to something that's genuinely offensive, but has been exaggerated because a western white woman is involved.


I also have to think that these extreme reactions are driven therefore by something other than religious fervour - perhaps an ingrained envy of western culture or just a natural mistrust of a culture that must seem so alien to theirs?

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When this kind of thing happens, and it seems that Muslims are taking offence at just about everything these days, my first reaction, and I have to be honest, is utter hatred of the whole Muslim religion and its followers! I of course begin to see reason later, calm down and look at things in context.


Why can't these bloody idiots do the same thing?!!!


If they so much as harm a hair on the head of a 54 year old woman, I'm not sure that I will be able to see things in context any more.

Religion has become a conteptable joke due to extremists of all faiths, including Christianity. If there is a supreme being of any sort they must be laughing at some of the interpretations these fanatics have made of them!

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the sooner all religious people and their stupidity are wiped off the face of the earth - the better.


A little harsh perhaps. Until someone proves there's no such thing as god I don't see why people shouldn't go to church on Sunday and say prayers if they want.

You're probably forgetting that aside from a lot of people who are nutcases using the excuse of religion to commit sickening atrocities, there are an awful lot more normal people who get a lot of strength & support from it & from the communities they're a part of.


It's not my cup of tea either but it's the people that are at fault, not religion itself.

If religion did not exist I am quite sure they would just find another reason to torture/kill/invade etc instead.

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I could understand the fuss if she had named an obvious image of Mohammed "Hug Me" or "Yogi" or some such. Also, we tend not to use Jesus as a name, I don't know anyone of that name whereas Mohammed is a very common name amongst Muslems, apparently it's now second only to Jack as the most popular name for baby boys in the UK (if all 14 spellings are used) owing to Muslem parents preferance for names that show a link to the Prophet. That would possibly explain why the children voted for the name in the first place.

The first line of this quote says it all really. Ignorance of Islam is the problem here. She is in an Islamic country and doesn't seem to be aware of the laws of the land. "When in Rome" and all that. She is guilty as charged and must be punished. I agree that Lashing is wrong, as it is for all people. Some education in matters of Islamic law would be appropriate. If I were to work in Iraq for instance I would make myself knowledgeable of the laws of the land. As has been said elsewhere, "Ignorance is no defense".

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I have nothing but utter contempt for all religion - the sooner all religious people and their stupidity are wiped off the face of the earth - the better.


Yes, the world clearly needs more genocide and persecution to make it a better place. Poor old Hitler, his only flaw was obviously not that he was evil, his tastes for slaughter just needed to be broader!


Never mind that this is clearly a case of the deranged Sudanese judiciary and hard religious conservative factions snatching at a chance to make an example of a foreign teacher working at a Christian school, possibly to further exert their authority over what is a racially and religiously divided nation. Let's instead talk about stupid muslims being oversensitive and rubbish.

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Ignorance of Islam is the problem here. She is in an Islamic country and doesn't seem to be aware of the laws of the land. "When in Rome" and all that. She is guilty as charged and must be punished. I agree that Lashing is wrong, as it is for all people. Some education in matters of Islamic law would be appropriate. If I were to work in Iraq for instance I would make myself knowledgeable of the laws of the land. As has been said elsewhere, "Ignorance is no defense".


I'm sorry, but I have no idea how you can say that naming a teddy bear in the name of a child from the class is in any way insulting religion.


This is dogma and distortion for political advantage. Awareness of local laws, "when in Rome" etc is no help whatsoever when taken iby a regime like this. It is highly paranoid, sees conspiracies and plots against it in the most innocuous events.


She most definitely has been found guilty, but to say that she is guilty as charged shows an incredible desire to appease tyranny.


Cultural relativism and all that - doesn't stop me saying this is an injustice. I am relieved that she'll be safe and away from that benighted country in two weeks time, but even then she has been used and this case does Islam no good at all.

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"Sudan's top clerics have called for the full measure of the law to be used against Mrs Gibbons and labelled her actions part of a Western plot against Islam."


Naming Teddy bears Mohammed - that's quite a plot!

Pathetic. If they do imprison, fine, or lash her we should just pull all the British helpers out, break off diplomatic relations, send in the SAS to get her out - and then leave these fu**wits to rot in the stone-age where they clearly want to be.


I have nothing but utter contempt for all religion - the sooner all religious people and their stupidity are wiped off the face of the earth - the better.


In the meantime, perhaps it would be a good idea to give all these naive do-gooders heading out that way some sort of training so they are less likely to get themselves involved in such stupidity.


I'm so grateful that we don't have idiots like yourself in charge of the UK's foreign policy. The 'do-gooders', aka people who actually give a damn about the rest of the world, just need to make themselves more aware of cultural and religious traditions in the countries they visit. That said though this conviction is certainly not justifiable and any judge of sound mind would release her given that she wasn't aware that she was committing an offence and the fact that if a teacher of her school hadn't complained then nobody would have given a damn.


Maybe you should direct your anger to the Sudanese government rather than all Sudanese people who on the whole are good, hard-working and welcoming people and not fuckwits as you claim.

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