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Is Calling A Teddy Bear Mohammed Blasphemous?


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oooh politics and religion


Religion is a form of mind control used by those who have, to control those who dont have. It is used by the weak to make themselves feel better about dying and gives their life meaning, it is a crutch.


Whats happening in Sudan is joke, you can call a kid Mohammed but not an inanimate object???


ffs Muslims need one thing

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Thousands of people have marched in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to call for UK teacher Gillian Gibbons to be shot.


The protesters gathered in Martyrs Square, outside the presidential palace in the capital, many of them carrying knives and sticks.


Marchers chanted "Shame, shame on the UK", "No tolerance - execution" and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad".






Are these people mad?

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Thousands of people have marched in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to call for UK teacher Gillian Gibbons to be shot.


The protesters gathered in Martyrs Square, outside the presidential palace in the capital, many of them carrying knives and sticks.


Marchers chanted "Shame, shame on the UK", "No tolerance - execution" and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad".






Are these people mad?

I was watching this 'story' 'develop' on News 24 over the past few days. The BBC reporter had 'helpfully' been going around asking what the locals thought about this issue - about half hadn't heard of it, around a quarter said she should apologise, and a minority gave the standard fundamenalist reply 'ooh that's bad - she should be severly punished' etc.


Because the BBC were there, it then makes the local rag, and then of course the national Sudanese rags, which in turn gets all the senior fundamenalist rag-heads involved - and before you know it - turns into a furore.


In other words it is the BBC (and other no doubt other reporters - Sky etc.) that have pushed this into the world of politics and out of the world of reality and commonsense - when some simple behind the scenes diplomatic negotiations could have had the issue resolved quickly and quietly. But oh no - what else is there to put on the 24 hour news channel?


F**k the BBC and all 24 hour news channels! If anything further untoward happens to this woman, I know where the blame firmly sits - but already the BBC can certainly be proud that they had much to do with her getting 15 days in prison.

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Nicked from a BBC comment:



If you go out to Sudan today

You're sure of a big surprise.

If you go out to Sudan today

You'd better cover your woman’s legs face and thighs!


For every teddy that ever there was

Will wonder there for certain, because

Today's the day the teddy bears names get nit-picked!.


Picnic time for Muslim teddy bears,

Muhammad the Teddy bear is not having a lovely time today.

Watch them, catch the English unawares,

We will stop their aid and make them pay!

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"Thousands of people have marched in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to call for UK teacher Gillian Gibbons to be shot.


The protesters gathered in Martyrs Square, outside the presidential palace in the capital, many of them carrying knives and sticks.


Marchers chanted "Shame, shame on the UK", "No tolerance - execution" and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad".



Those fucking up their arse religious nut job bastards! I'm fucking glad i never gave money to their "help us we're starving" fund in the 80's....oh the pack of extremist c00unts. I see they're all up for shooting the teacher but i'm sure they wouldn't do the same to the kids who came up with the idea of calling the bear that in the first place. The world has gone to fucking shit. God knows what'll happen if someone bops her off while she's in prison. I see they didn't give a fuck about it when Cassius Clay decided to change his name, they're just a bunch of attention seeking bellends, and i sincerely hope someone like russia or china (a proper force of a country, not america they're cunts too) carpet bomb the fucking lot of them. innocent people aswell, after seeing how they've behaved with this it just goes to show you can't trust anyone.



ahem rant over... sorry about the language mods, but that's really fucked me in the angry gland.

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Interesting to note that Darfur and the atrocities going on there is due in not a small part to the Sudanese governments failure to control the Arab militias. A form of 'ethnic cleansing'. Given whats gone on there, the murders and rapes, I find it very hypocritical for them to start ragging on about a teddy bears name. Where's all the money given to Sudan as aid actually gone?

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