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Is Calling A Teddy Bear Mohammed Blasphemous?


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Nicked from a BBC comment:



If you go out to Sudan today


We will stop their aid and make them pay!



Stolen from Barry Beelzebub's column


If you go down to Khartoum today

You're in for a big surprise:

If you go down to Khartoum today

You'll never believe your eyes.

For every bear that ever there was

Was rounded up at gunpoint because

The rumour was that one had been named Mohammed.


It wasn't really a very bright

Idea to pick that name.

You might have thought it'd be alright,

But better to call him Wayne.

There's folk around who rather enjoy

Being offended by a stuffed toy.

The irony is mostly they're called Mohammed.


Fatwa time for teddy bears

The little teddy bears, the victims of nut-case bigotry.

They had better all beware:

A mullah hides up each and every tree.

They would like to gad about,

They'd like to play and shout

But none of them even dare.

At sunset all the elderly mullahs who disapprove of joy

Will take them home for their evening prayers.

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She's back now, but the story is still headlined on the BBC....so some of us still feel we mustapaha say.


Meanwhile...next to a laden-bin in a quite residential street somewhere in Liverpool...



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Could I suggest to teachers that if you're going to go out to these countries and get yourselves into a situation like we've seen, could you have the decency to not be an ugly bastard. I can't look at that womans face without feeling ill.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's unfortunate the UK media have focused on this case when a far worse one is virtually ignored.


In Saudi Arabia, a 19-year-old, who has not been named, was travelling in a car with a male friend last October when the car was attacked by a gang of seven men who raped both of them. She has become known as the "Qatif girl", a reference to the largely Shia town where she lives.

Four of the attackers were convicted of kidnapping but the court also sentenced the rape victim and her friend to receive 90 lashes each for the crime of "illegal mingling".

Last week, the court increased the woman's sentence to 200 lashes and six months in jail. It also banned her lawyer from the courtroom and took away his licence. The Saudi justice ministry said the sentence was justified because the woman was in a car with an unrelated man.

So far, it appears that only Hilary Clinton has dared to lift her head above the barricades, calling it an "outrage" and rebuking President George Bush for failing to confront Saudi officials over the case.

Dubya, of course, has kept his head down while the UK was too busy showing King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud around Buck House and offering whatever he wanted to be bothered about such trivialities. What does the fate of one person matter compared to the great issues of state after oil all?


Just to update this story - LINK


King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has pardoned the teenage victim of a gang rape who was sentenced to 200 lashes and jailed for six months in a case that caused an international outcry.

The intercession by the monarch, reported in the Saudi media yesterday, came on the first day of the haj pilgrimage and as the kingdom's Muslims prepared to celebrate the Eid al-Adha festival, which starts tomorrow and is traditionally a time for royal pardons.

The woman's companion was sentenced to 90 lashes. It is not known if his sentence was also lifted.

Fawziya al-Oyouni, a Saudi women's rights activist, welcomed the pardon but said it was not enough. "We don't want to rely simply on pardons. We need harsher sentences for guilty parties and we want to feel safe," she said.

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