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Voiceover Woman To Mind The Sack


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Voice of the Tube silenced


The woman who became the "Voice of the Tube" has been sacked after allegedly criticising London Underground (LU).


Voiceover artist Emma Clarke, 36, is the woman millions of Tube travellers hear warning them to "mind the gap".....


.....Ms Clarke also made a series of spoof announcements on a website promoting her voiceover work.


Mind the gaffe: Ms Clarke’s spoofs


“Passengers are asked not to drop litter on the train. Please use the tramps provided”


“Passengers are reminded a smile is a friendship signal, not a sign of weakness”


“We would like to remind our American tourist friends that you are almost certainly talking too loudly”


“Would passengers filling in their Su Dokus please accept that they are just crosswords for the unimaginative and are not more impressive because they contain numbers.”


“Would the passenger in the pinstripe suit and £1,000 glasses who obviously works in the media please take one step forward on to the track”

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I particularly liked:


"Residents of London are reminded that there are other places in Britain outside your stinking city, and if you remove your heads from your backsides for just a couple of minutes, you may realise the M25 is not the edge of the Earth."


"Passengers should note that the bearded man's rucksack contains the following items only: sandwiches, a library card and picture of a bare ankle, and is no cause for concern."


To be fair, though, the spokesman's statement that "London Underground is sorry to have to announce that further contracts for Ms Clarke are experiencing severe delays." wasn't too bad, either.

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