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[BBC News] Inquiry over Clarkson's footpath


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It seems to me that many of those that are supporting Mr Clarkson are so called petrol heads, and if you don't mind me saying, non-Manx.

Guilty as charged, but:


a: The whole thing is over a tiny stretch of land - the little bit of path on the left in the picture further up. It's not as if the whole of Langness has suddenly been closed. Looking at the article I quoted further up, I guess that's still possible, though, if some people don't get a grip.


b: There seems to be some history between the secretary (founder ?) of PROWL, Dick Hodge, and JC dating back to the UK, leading me to believe that this is not really about a bit of footpath but something more personal. Strangeley enough, his name used to be on the prowl website but isn't anymore - he's sending other people to the front now. The very person that demands the right to walk through someone else's garden coincidentally lives surrounded by a ten foot wall and iron gate.


Yep, totally agree the numbers, on the face of it at least, don't add up. However you can be absolutely sure that there are lots of folks who agree with Prowl, support their objectives, want the same things and yet still remain in their armchairs. Because they already have 60-odd zealots fighting their corner for them so they're not needed.

There already were 135 that disagreed with it and that's only the ones that made it known - clickey


And I still remember the first 'protest' PROWL held at Langness - countless 4x4's and other cars were driven through the countryside and parked up there so they could protest for their right to walk....

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The 'Manx' thing is relevant. There has been a history over hundreds of years of land-owners attempting to extinguish public rights of way on this Island.


You're right there. Manx Farmers have spent years abusing the ROW and nothing is said. Typical.


Soon as the Englander does it, all hell breaks loose, yet again, typical.



If i was JC, i'd close the all my land of to the Public untill the outcome of the Inquiry and then, if found against, fence of the whole said footpath so that it would be the only place to walk.


It would be like Strand Street at Xmas and they could walk in all the dog shit that's left as well.

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It is significant that our resident lawyer has kept out of this one.


This thread perhaps, but if you look at the multiple other threads about this issue, you'll see he has commented.


Not very significant really.


I have looked at the multiple threads about this issue. I have found no comments from he, contrary to your statement.*


So actually quite significant.





I feel I can now no longer trust implicitly the word of Mr anselmo. This has left me with a feeling not unlike that when I discovered that there was indeed no Father Christmas.

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It's not running out of points at all.


Clarkson is exercising his rights. Joe Public in the shape of PROWL are exercising theirs. It's going to cost the taxpayer which it always does when folk's rights are concerned. Now, that's not too difficult to grasp is it?

It shouldn't be costing the taxpayers anything. If access is in dispute between PROWL and JC they should take the matter to the civil courts. If PROWL win then JC may wish to look at the advice given to him when buying; if they lose then there was nothing for them to fight over.

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I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong but hasn't the Attorney General already stated that JC is legally entitled to close off the footpath if he wishes.


From what I understand the footpath is not a legal right of way but has been opened because the previous landowner(s) have allowed it.


If this is the case then we should not be wasting Government money, ie. our taxes (the part of our hard-earned wages stolen by the Government), on an enquiry.


PROWL should be told that they cannot walk on JC's land and told to take their four-legged $hit machines elsewhere.


JC should buy a gun and if any member of PROWL takes their dog on to his land then he should shoot the owner first and then the dog.

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I don't know why dogs figure so largely in all this (apart from the possibility that dogs have been killing sheep). I bumped into JC earlier this year while walking my dog, he was perfectly pleasant and I met his wife and family further on walking their dogs. Their dogs got a bit robust with mine (no big deal, just what dogs do) and Mrs C apologised, which I thought was very gracious bearing in mind with all the hullaballoo she could easily have asked me and my dog to f off out of it.

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Dogs and their owners should be banned from Langness.


I agree - it should be turned into a race track for high speed cars and bikes, killing all wildlife in their path (and a few sheep no doubt). F*ck those who see their homeland being destroyed - Comeovers win (so long as they're rich).

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I agree - it should be turned into a race track for high speed cars and bikes, killing all wildlife in their path (and a few sheep no doubt). F*ck those who see their homeland being destroyed - Comeovers win (so long as they're rich).


Love it....what a great post....homeland....destroyed....comeovers....killing....its got the lot....all its needs is a smoking ban reference and it really delivers.


Is it too late to add a nomination for most ridiculous post of the year....you cock

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