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I'm guessing that you don't have kids...


Are you saying you do have kids and they're foolish enough to have put themselves into the same position as this girl?



I don't have kids

But I can still sympathise with a young girl who has gotten herself into an unfortunate position like this.


Many people here are looking down on this girl as a fool. She was 16. Perhaps you think of all 16 year old girls as savvy and street wise, sexually aware and responsible for their own actions, people who certainly should know better than to get themselves in this position. but they're not - there's a whole spectrum from street wise to incredibly immature for their age.


Making judgements on either party involved in this case based on a few lines of a news report is ridiculous.

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Your statement is even worse than daniels.


Sad man living on his own lets kids into his flat to drink alcohol, but they're "asking for it". You really are a total prick.


Heh, it amuses me that just because you hold a different viewpoint to myself, you immediately blurt out the insults.


As I explained in my earlier post... she may have been asking for it yes - the sex - not the violence. I'm merely pointing out the possibilities, given that we do not fully know the other side to the argument. If I'm a "total prick" for being open minded... then so be it.


She's 16 years old. What judgement do you expect her to have? She's a child. She's probably more interested in getting a mouthful of White Lightening than getting into that sort of situation. As most people comment you tend to think that this sort of thing does not happen in the IOM. Its maybe what she thought too up until the minute the knife came out


:D Oh yes... 16 year old girls are innocent and childlike. Probably she just wanted a friend to play childlike games with. ..heh. A mouthful of White Lightening?? It'd be nice if that was the limit to the national expectation at that age.


2001: The second NATSAL showed that the average age of first intercourse had dropped from 17 in the 1980's to 16. It also revealed that a quarter of girls and nearly a third of boys were sexually experienced before the age of 16.


I do not consider 16 yr olds to be 'innocent children'. Remember... she was drunk. That sounds like a little more than 'a child.. probably more interested in getting a mouthful of White Lightening'.


Any way... go on calling me a "total prick" - not that I care. As Daniel suggested... she should not be putting herself in these situations. She knows better - and yes, she is old enough to make proper judgement. Having said that, neither of us are condoning the acts of this man.

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In the report it mentioned that the girl was being picked up by her carer


The fact that the kid was in care probably means that she had been through a troubled life and was more prone to ending up in a situation like this


A grown man supplying a vunerable girl with drink, then getting nasty when she wouldn't shag him deserves to spend a few years on the beast wing getting his porridge pissed in

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Cannot comment on this case as I have only read the same report that everyone else clicking on the link above will have done. But all I would say is that in law the girl was perfectly capable of consenting, she was not a child as far as the law is concerned. That is not an excuse for the way he behaved, and I am quite repulsed by some old soak trying to get his hands on a young girl, but does it make him a paedophile as some have intimated?


Edited to add: re-reading that, some may misinterpret my meaning. The point I am trying to make is that this man should be viewed as a threat to all young females, not just a threat to children that the original post implied.

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Dan, explain cabbage throwing and street humiliation as a proper response to this eejit. You have also intimated that the girl should bear some responsiblity herself. Well, I agree to a degree, but as a 46 year old man he should be in more responsible control of himself and the situation.


I have to say in your posts there was a tad of 'she partook in the devil's brew, displayed herself etc. so deserves the devil's outcome which is what she got.'

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well... those are your words and suggestions, not mine. I'm merely saying that the girl could also have some responsibility in arriving at the event of a 'sexual opportunity'.. and not merely as 'innocent' as others have implied. I hardly think that's a bewildering 'christian view'.


more so.. throwing cabbages... well, you are getting petty now. I said that more as light humour.. but even in a real sense, it's hardly 'unchristian'. Christian's can implement justice too. Cheeky boy said he needs to be taught a lesson.. I suggested a couple of ways to do this. Anything wrong in that?


ps. I did not say that 'throwing cabbages' was a sufficient punishment for this crime.


I know you're only nitty-picking here, but at least.. try harder.


I don't generalise everything you say to be "oooh... not a nice atheist thing to say" blah blah.

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