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From the bits of information I've seen and heard of this case, I would hazard a guess that the girl in question is VERY far from being Mary Poppins, that she possibly knew EXACTLY what she was doing, and was getting herself into. To the point where SHE was perhaps the one manipulating the situation to her own ends.


I'm not excusing his actions - the evidence speaks for itself, and iomrob's comments add substance to the consensus that he's a thoroughly creepy type. But according to the court report, the knife and cutting the clothes could have been part of a joint fantasy (there are probably BDSM parties in full swing on the island as I write), he DID stop when asked to, he didn't stop her from leaving, and my understanding is that whilst his actions were highly inappropriate given the age difference, it was more a case of inappropriate behaviour than a violent or sexual assault as such.


It's too easy to excuse her as being naive. I don't know either of these people, but the reported facts from court tell ME a very different story to the one favoured by the MF lynch mob.

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me too, another 16 year old child in 'don't care' doing what it wants, where were the 'carers' ( almost sarcastic that name ). i suppose it's lucky she wasn't murdered or overdosed on drugs? reading the paper it said it was known he had youngsters round for drinks, that in itself is not really a huge crime but i bet he was a pain in the arse for the authorities always just short of doing something they could prosecute for with confidence. the girls story coupled to his attitude has given the authorities a reason at last to get him out the picture for a while and they took it. if the male had been 16 too it would never have got to court.

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DjDan' date='Nov 30 2007, 10:19 PM' post='284407'


I have never said that 'by having a few drinks a woman is "asking" to be sexually assaulted'. If you are angry at me for something I never said.. I think you need to take a moment and rethink what you are saying here.


Let me be totally clear: I do not believe - nor have I said - that this girl in any way deserved to be attacked.


Your own quote, copied below just points out that you're clearly deluded regarding what you did say. Its clear and totally unambiguious what you said at the time. Quite what part of this statement have I not understood.


DjDan' date='Nov 29 2007, 08:17 PM' post='284000'


it may well be that she was asking for it ... but it got way more out of hand than she (and any of us) would have expected.


If you are a young girl... and get drunk alone with a man... who you have already spent some time with... you are being very very stupid.


To say "I was drunk" is not an excuse. It is used all too frequently now.


For additional clarity you also said:


DjDan' date='Nov 29 2007, 10:56 PM' post='284047'


As I explained in my earlier post... she may have been asking for it yes - the sex - not the violence. I'm merely pointing out the possibilities, given that we do not fully know the other side to the argument.

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hboy - give it up already! Now you're just quoting my words completely out of context - and it's looking desperate!!


Your own quote, copied below just points out that you're clearly deluded regarding what you did say. Its clear and totally unambiguious what you said at the time. Quite what part of this statement have I not understood.


DjDan' date='Nov 29 2007, 08:17 PM' post='284000'


it may well be that she was asking for it ... but it got way more out of hand than she (and any of us) would have expected.


If you are a young girl... and get drunk alone with a man... who you have already spent some time with... you are being very very stupid.


To say "I was drunk" is not an excuse. It is used all too frequently now.


Let's look at my words "asking for it". Here is my full post:


That's a possibility... not for the violence (if there was such), but she may have been asking for 'it'.


There seem to be two sides to this, and we do not get to see the other. If what the man said was [somewhat] true... then it may well be that she was asking for it... but it got way more out of hand than she (and any of us) would have expected.If you are a young girl... and get drunk alone with a man... who you have already spent some time with... you are being very very stupid.


To say "I was drunk" is not an excuse. It is used all too frequently now.


the parts that you quoted are enlarged.


you ignored the words at the beginning when I said (in reply to the question - "She was asking for it?")

: "That's a possibility... not for the violence (if there was such), but she may have been asking for 'it' "


Clearly... i said "not for the violence". Meaning she was not asking for the violence... but for "it" - by that i was referring to the sexual opportunity.


This was further clarified in the other post you have quoted:

For additional clarity you also said:


DjDan' date='Nov 29 2007, 10:56 PM' post='284047'


As I explained in my earlier post... she may have been asking for it yes - the sex - not the violence. I'm merely pointing out the possibilities, given that we do not fully know the other side to the argument.


I cannot believe you are using these words and again, trying to infer that I have said that she deserved to be attacked.. or that she was 'asking for the violence'. Here.. you have emphasised my words "she may have been asking for it yes". But ignored the words that followed. Here in full:


"she may have been asking for it yes - the sex - not the violence. I'm merely pointing out the possibilities..."


So please tell me.... where have i said that she deserved to be attacked? or was asking to be attacked? It's quite clear, that I was suggesting that by being there alone... and in being drunk with him... she may have been asking for a sexual opportunity (which go way out of hand!!). I do not suggest however, that she was asking for any violence or to be attacked.


Do you now agree?

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Now you're just quoting my words completely out of context


You're just looking pathetically lost now. Big letters, italics, bold, underlined. Desperately trying to ignore what you actually said and inferred in your posts.


It all adds up to the fact that you blamed the victim of a crime for the position she was in.


As I said. I hope you never ever get called for jury service if this is your view. As manxamillion said:-



kids that age are not known for their excellent judgement. Faulting her for a lack in judgement would be the same is faulting the maker of the wine she drank.


He is 47 and she is a child. What ever else needs to be said.


Whatever else indeed.

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Now you're just quoting my words completely out of context


You're just looking pathetically lost now. Big letters, italics, bold, underlined. Desperately trying to ignore what you actually said and inferred in your posts.





Nope. I'm using the Big letters, italics, bold, underlined to try and help you to read. You are the one making stupid accusations without anything to back you up. You have all my words in front of you. Try to use them to construct a decent argument against me. Your earlier attempt failed miserably.


You have accused me of saying that I believe she deserved to be attacked. I'm still waiting for you to show us all. As demonstrated by your earlier attempt.... you cannot. :D


ps. you also underlined words, and put them in italics.... have you forgotten that already?


It all adds up to the fact that you blamed the victim of a crime for the position she was in.


If a 22 yr old man hung out with drug dealers... and went with them to do a deal. The deal goes badly wrong, there's a shoot out... and he is injured as a result. Would you not say that he was stupid for being in that position? And furthermore, had he not been there... he would not have been injured??


This girl was in a place where she should not have been. Doing something she should have not been doing. Am I soooo bad a person to suggest that she was stupid for being there? and had she not been there... it would not have happened?

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If a 22 yr old man hung out with drug dealers...


A 22 year old is not a child. You seem to fail to realise that we are talking about a naive child maybe being attacked for being too trusting. You claim that she was asking for something, conciously putting herself in a "position". That stands you out as a jerk in my book as few people at that age appreciate what goes in in real life.


How about another hypothetical situation:


You knock on somebody's door offering them a religious pamphlet. They say that they are interested and invite you in, then knock you about the head and shag you up the arse. Would it be your fault for putting yourself in that position????


Please keep posting. My sides are splitting.

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This girl was in a place where she should not have been. Doing something she should have not been doing. Am I soooo bad a person to suggest that she was stupid for being there? and had she not been there... it would not have happened?

So what? If her parents had never met it wouldn't have happened.

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If a 22 yr old man hung out with drug dealers...


A 22 year old is not a child. You seem to fail to realise that we are talking about a naive child maybe being attacked for being too trusting. You claim that she was asking for something, conciously putting herself in a "position". That stands you out as a jerk in my book as few people at that age appreciate what goes in in real life.


You appear to be living in dream land. A naive child? drunk out of her head at 16??? sure!!


Remembering that at 16 yrs, you can vote on this island. I think you need to wake up and realise that not everyone thinks as you do... and not everyone is "a total prick" as a result of their differing opinion.


'16 yrs' does not = naive children.


How about another hypothetical situation:


You knock on somebody's door offering them a religious pamphlet. They say that they are interested and invite you in, then knock you about the head and shag you up the arse. Would it be your fault for putting yourself in that position????




by the way... I'm still waiting for you to back up your earlier rant.

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by the way... I'm still waiting for you to back up your earlier rant.


By the way I'm still waiting for you to answer my hypothetical question. surely in that situation it would be your fault if what you have already posted is what you believe?


You knock on somebody's door offering them a religious pamphlet. They say that they are interested and invite you in, then knock you about the head and shag you up the arse. Would it be your fault for putting yourself in that position????
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no.. it is not the religious persons fault. That situation is completely different and anyone who has a clue knows that.


Now I have responded... it's your turn to back up your earlier accusation.


Where did I say that she was 'asking' to be attacked?







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no.. it is not the religious persons fault. That situation is completely different and anyone who has a clue knows that.


But he would have been alone in someone elses house. Like this case - they invited him in. He didn't have to be there. He put himself in that position by letting his guard down. They lured him in under the false pretence of talking about god and he trusted them? To use your logic he should have known better and is therefore the author of his own misfortune.


Its no different I'm afraid. In fact its exactly the same. But your such an idiot you can't see it.


By the way this is getting boring for everyone and you are embarrassing yourself.

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