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Tell you what hboy... i'll give you a couple of hours and see what you can come up with.


What you have said is on record.


I won't be adding to this thread. You'll probably think that some sort of victory in your narrow little mind but your comments are on record. Its other people that will be judging you. This constant bounce back of crap from you is boring my arse off now because its like a record stuck in the same groove.


Are you going to respond to Skrappy?




Well... I gave you a chance but you failed to produce any backing to your earlier accusations. Yes, you may well run away from this one with your hands covering your ears n'all... but we all know what happened here.


We don't need to drag this out, but the fact remains - you called me a "total prick" (and other insults) and falsely accused me of saying something quite offensive and cruel. I'm not overstepping the mark here in suggesting that at the very least you should admit that you were wrong, and furthermore apologise. That's all that I was asking for here. Instead you run off and start insulting me in other random and unconnected topics.


Well, that's fine. I can't stop you. But everyone can see how mature you are acting. I guess that will suffice.


I think Skrappy aimed it at you hboy. Well I certainly would of anyway. You cannot hold a meaningful arguement at all.


I understood DJDan to mean that she was asking for sex, not that she was asking for an unpleasant, violent experience.


I'm happy to leave it at that hboy.

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Well... I gave you a chance but you failed to produce any backing to your earlier accusations. Yes, you may well run away from this one with your hands covering your ears n'all... but we all know what happened here.


I'm guessing the hope of getting an apology is either Bob Hope or No Hope.


I think the statements you made are clear. But that is only my view - as I said other people will read them and its really up to anyone else reading what you said to decide how they interpret them.


Personally I think the lady doth protest too much in this instance. As for your mate *daniel* (who is probably you anyway as your never online at the same time) I really don't care what he thinks as he hadn't even read what I had posted properly.


As for Gladys I do count her opinion so I will also repeat one of her earlier posts:


Dan, explain cabbage throwing and street humiliation as a proper response to this eejit. You have also intimated that girl should bear some responsiblity herself ........ I have to say in your posts there was a tad of 'she partook in the devil's brew, displayed herself etc. so deserves the devil's outcome which is what she got
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Hboy you are someone I would not like to see on a jury. You are aggressive, insulting, and close minded.


Please don't take this as taking sides in this debate. I am not because I don't (and I seriously doubt that anyone here does) have all of the facts. It does seem an terribly unfortunate situation, and potentially very worrying regarding the actions of all parties involved. There does appear to be massive errors in common sense and judgment shown by all, and very concerning motives shown by one party. Beyond that it is pure conjecture and getting all bent out of shape because someone is viewing the situation differently to you doesn't seem to be worth the stress.


Maybe it is time to walk away from this one, eh?

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Please don't take this as taking sides in this debate. I am not because I don't (and I seriously doubt that anyone here does) have all of the facts. It does seem an terribly unfortunate situation, and potentially very worrying regarding the actions of all parties involved.


I whole heartedly agree with you Millman and you made some very valid points which really reiterate where I'm coming from.


To finally close this once and for all though (as it it pathetic) I will make the following general observation. People who make throw away remarks or pontificate on these forums without having the facts present forget that there are real people on the Island affected by these events. As the father of a child of a similar age myself, I would be horrified at some of the snidey comments and half-baked nuggets of wisdom imparted by certain people in this thread who have no idea at all of the facts and have read one newspaper article and think that entitles them to suggest certain things.


That is what got me so angry. If people go around asking for apologies they should first consider - would you want the relatives of anyone involved in this situation to read the comments you made? If the answer is 'no' then you really shouldn't be asking other people to apologise to you. If the answer is 'yes' then why are you pedantically defending what you wrote if you felt that what you said was valid and relevant.


As well as no longer adding to this thread, I am also no longer posting here period.

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I wouldn't give up entirely on the forum. The nature of these things is that there is always someone here you don't see eye to eye with. The thing is not to let it upset you. Your views and beliefs are as valid as the next persons, and a bit of heating discussion always livens things up. If we all agreed on everything this would be a very boring place to post.

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As well as no longer adding to this thread, I am also no longer posting here period.

That's a bit of a daft overreaction. If we all took that line about other people's comments/views/understanding/reaction etc. there'd be none of us left on here - I for one would have left months ago.


There's every type on here: from people like Rog advocating all out war in the middle east, the odd BNP poster, naive and right wing fundamenalists who advocate nothing but 'hang em high' - to the Liberals, nanny state supporters, and people who still believe the government can be trusted with our data etc. etc.


Throwing a strop and taking your ball home just lets the idiots and non-thinkers win everytime.

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For her to return by her self later on, is indicating a sexual night in my eyes.... if not then why not go home?


I'm surprised nobody else has picked up on this statement, given that it's far less ambiguous than DjDan's.

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The so-called 'care system' on the island is little better than a bad joke. The care homes are little more than dumping grounds for teenagers with extreme problems or personality disorders who then learn other forms of bad behaviour from each other.

The female in this case was 16 i.e. considered to be an adult and capable of voting. She had been to the guy's flat earlier, along with a friend, and had then returned on her own.

Since he "was known to share alcohol with teenagers at his flat" (And it would be interesting to know why, if that was the case, he hadn't been prosecuted for doing so) the chances are the girl came back with the intention of getting totally wasted on booze (She pushed him away, but was weak from the effects of alcohol.)

He may or may not have misread the signs but, if it hadn't been for supplying the alcohol and using the knife to remove some of her clothing, it seems that there wouldn't have actually been an offence committed (there were no injuries caused and he stopped as soon as the girl said she was going, he did not use force or attempt to restrain her.)

He is guilty of being a sad, deluded, middle-aged man and it seems likely that the sentence reflects the severity of the crime fairly accurately. I can't help suspecting that the phrase 'terrifying ordeal' was more about producing a newspaper story than describing the facts of the case.

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