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[BBC News] DJ Kershaw held over bail breach


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In my experience, the deeper into the abyss people travel, the further the journey becomes to get out of it.


Time to go away for a bit Andy, get some help talking this through, stay off the booze and get a couple of decent programs made - the longer you leave this, the longer it will take to reach and come to terms with the new 'normaility'. 50% of families go through break-ups and face major change, so it's not like other people don't understand - but always remember that their patience and understanding has limits - and that most of the patience, understanding and coming to terms with a relationship breakdown has to be found within yourself.


One of the worst things you can do when you are not thinking straight is jump straight in to a new relationship on the rebound (and I've been hearing a couple of rumours about how his new relationship actually started). IMO, no one is anywhere ready for a new relationship after the breakdown of a long term relationship, until they have first rediscovered their 'new' self, and adjusted themselves to the 'new normalities' of their life - and effectively re-invented themselves and are once again happy within themself. Hitting the booze just numbs the senses, distorts behaviour, increases and extends the pain - and simply delays the time it takes for people to realise this.

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From the IOM Online report it states that he breached his bail, specifically curfew conditions - not his restraining order...


RADIO presenter Andy Kershaw has been remanded in custody for breaching bail conditions.

Mr Kershaw, 47, who lives in Peel, admitted the breach when he appeared before High Bailiff Michael Moyle this morning.


He was on bail awaiting a court appearance next Tuesday, on charges of breaching a restraining order and a charge of being drunk and disorderly.


The court heard that on Wednesday evening he breached a curfew imposed on him for between the hours of 7.30pm and 7am.


The restraining order against Mr Kershaw prevents him entering Oak Road, Ballawattleworth, Peel, to contact former partner Juliette Banner.


Mr Kershaw apologised to the court.


I think that many are thinking it is the restraining order he has breached, whereas I would imagine that a curfew of 7.30pm to 7am is easier to breach, the man could have been just out to the shops?

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IMO we'd all be better off if he, and his predicament, were excluded from the press and the forum.


The guy has problems [possibly self inflicted] and possibly sees himself vindicated in part by the media attention - he may even be happier with his lot gaining him media notoriety and celebrity status. We don't see his former partners position spread all over the media and everything is being judged on this fever over a minor celebrity. There must be any number of other fathers/mothers/ex-partners who have found themselves in similar curcumstances and who are just left to sort their own lives out.


Lets leave it here, he's proved himself to be a knob and might think again if he fades into anonymity.

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IMO we'd all be better off if he, and his predicament, were excluded from the press and the forum.


The guy has problems [possibly self inflicted] and possibly sees himself vindicated in part by the media attention - he may even be happier with his lot gaining him media notoriety and celebrity status. We don't see his former partners position spread all over the media and everything is being judged on this fever over a minor celebrity. There must be any number of other fathers/mothers/ex-partners who have found themselves in similar curcumstances and who are just left to sort their own lives out.


Lets leave it here, he's proved himself to be a knob and might think again if he fades into anonymity.


So, because he can't handle what life has chucked at him, allied to a drink problem and the fatc that celebrity = "bigger news"...all of a sudden he's a "knob" ? How judgemental of you in your glass house over there...



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Maybe when he next appears in court he'll tell Mr. Moyle that he's found the new "love of his life" and that he'll be a good boy, drink less, and that he's learned his lesson.


Hang about though - he used that one last time. At least he's got some time in jail to do some creative thinking and come up with another load of old bollocks......

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Funny really,


I have never heard of the chap until his name started appearing on the front page of the local rag and on this forum.


Mind you I stopped listening to the pop radio type thing once they scrapped "Our Song" or whatever it was called.


Where is this place they call Peel is it near?


What is a Creg Marlon?


He is over the last

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I agree with Albert in that Andy should seek help. Family breakups are indeed stressful, but drinking only temporarily relieves the situation and in many cases, aggravates it.

I hope that the spare time you have in prison helps you in some way, certainly the lack of booze will clear things a little and I hope that you have the opportunity to see your kids again.

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I think you lot need to give him a break he is probably just wanting to see his kids and be a dad.


The trouble is the law does not give the father as much power as the mother.


The trouble is that when it comes to Family Law, I believe there is no such thing on the IOM.


Law and, preferance, come down to who is sitting on the Bench.


Having been through this, I found that Mr Moyle lets his opinions come before Law, that's no supprise, and does not actually read what's in front of him.


He admited himself, that he had only read about my case, 20 mins before he came into court, yet bollocked an Advocate for his mistake.


When people have and need help from someone in the IOM, you would think in this caring socierty there would be people to help?


The DHSS think that you are a spounge and fat boy thinks you take the piss.


No wonder the suicide rate in the IOM is so high with that type of help. Beggers belief IMO.

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A bit strong seeing Mr Moyle does not sit in or decide upon family or matrimonial cases.


He sits exclusively as a stipendiary magistrate dealing with criminal prosecutions by the Police (except when he is sitting as coroner of inquests)


Of course many criminal cases do have a family element to them, and once thee is an anti harrassment order in place it can be very difficult to see kids and to do anything without ex shouting wolf


Moyle is not bad, last wolf allegation I represented got a conditional discharge. He recognised it was ex over reacting


Moyle does not read prosecution papers in advance, they are not provided to him. He hears evidence read to him and oral submissions by advocates.


only thing he would get in advance is a social enquiry report, if he admits to not having fully reda it it is an invitation to the adviocate to go through it in some detail, not a suggestion he is not doing his job properly


I don't want to down pl;ay the fear and terror that an agressive ex can inflict on his family, I do wonder if some of the bail conditions are proportionate

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Funny really,


I have never heard of the chap until his name started appearing on the front page of the local rag and on this forum.


Mind you I stopped listening to the pop radio type thing once they scrapped "Our Song" or whatever it was called.


Where is this place they call Peel is it near?


What is a Creg Marlon?


He is over the last


Is Peel near ?--- I'd have to say it's a question of relativity!


What is a Creg Marlon? ---It's a bit like a Blue Marlon ,only made of bricks !

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