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Most Wanted: 2008


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Just finished probably the densest period of superb games releases I've ever known, with Orange box, Halo3, Mass Effect, Mario Galaxy, Metroid 3, Bioshock, cod4 and Crysis all coming out within a few weeks of each other. So what now? I've still got to play a bunch of those games, but I always like to have something to look forward to, so what's on your must buy list for 2008?


The wii has the strongest lineup next year for me, Super Smash Bros nd Mario Kart look nice. Okami looks like it'll rule on the wii too.


Other than that theres No More Heroes, Fragile, Animal Crossing, a Kirby Game, A Pikmin game, Kid Icarus, Samba Di Amigo, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Tales of Symphonia, Dragonquest: Swords, Disaster, Project O, Eternity's Child. Oh fatal frame. And I imagine wii harvest moon will find some love in our house too.


Basically looking for the wii to fill my freaky jap game hunger to compliment the 360 and PC. I recon the wii's got a much stronger 2008 lineup than the 360. I can't think of anything exclusive on the 360 apart from Mercenaries 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2?


Cross platform there's GTA 4, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Burnout all looking superb.


On the PC, the big realease for me next year will be Starcraft 2, but again I can't think of much else on the way? Then I'll have to try and avoid the temptation to buy the next warcraft expansion!

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[*]Metal Gear Solid 4

[*]Killzone 2


I'm not ps3 bashing, honest, but MGS3 was a bit of a mixed bag and MGS2 was bloody awful, remember those half hour phone conversations, urgh. Twin snakes pretty average, and the psp outings bloody awful. Killzone was also a very average game. I'm not sure why there's so much anticipation for these two when they've been so pap in the past.


[*]Final Fantasy XIII


This ones going to be a killer, bah!

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  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Killzone 2
    [*]Gran Turismo 5
  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Army of 2
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
  • Unreal Tournament 3
  • Tom Clancy's EndWar
  • God of War 3

I'm sure I'll think of more...


What he said, bar Gran Turismo 5 and Grand Theft Auto IV

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