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Peel Bay Festival


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The government always use our money to do what they want! There are a lot of areas where they spend a lot more that the underwriting that has been asked for!


Your just pissed off because the PBF was the only exciting thing that's happened in Peel since the Viking invasion.


Another myth - the Viking Invasion was at Ramsey - Peel only got involved because they had enough long haired 70's throwbacks to run a festival for the visitors - hey isn't that just like the PBF.................

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More shite on the radio today about this. Some dickhead winging on that it's the governments responsibility to make sure 'bands of that calibre' are brought over.


Anyone would think that no bands at all came over before the PBF existed, it's definately a case of selected memory.


what class of act was brought over, did they get any government funding? The villa looses the taxpayer a lot of money, the groups coming over to play there, how are they financed, do they break even? This information seems to be missing!

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what class of act was brought over, did they get any government funding? The villa looses the taxpayer a lot of money, the groups coming over to play there, how are they financed, do they break even? This information seems to be missing!


How about Robert Plant, who's led zep concert is not only a sell out but has had tickets sell for as much as £83,000 each? That's a world class act, I saw him at the Villa, and it ruled.


Other world class acts on at the villa over the last few years, off the top of my head: Brian Wilson, Alice Cooper, Hayseed Dixie, Super Furries, Natasha Beddingfield


The Villa doesn't lose money, it costs money. It's a superb facility, I go there many times a year to watch all sorts of stuff from the Manx Music Festival to comedy acts to Rock bands. I'd rather my tax pounds paid for that all year round than a tent populated with middle aged shite and tribute bands once a year, cheers.


The govenment budgets are available online, you can see the allocations for the department of tourism and leisure, and if you're concerned about the costs of the acts they bring over, you can write to your MHK to ask the question of the house.

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Hi All, I've been reading the debate on this with interest. Here's my viewpoint on last year's Peel Bay Festival:


-Over priced

-Over-reached itself (the tent was barely a quarter full for Deacon Blue- a group who had previously managed to fill the Villa. Robin Gibb was about the same- it was embarrassing)

-Cold, wet, and lacking atmosphere


They stretched it out over too many nights because their eyes were full of dollar signs. The acts were mediocre with one big headliner. The site was hard to get to, they charged a fortune for parking, food and drink.


And what did the island really gain from it? What material advantage would we have if the Government agreed to underwrite the losses on a future PBF? Did it bring hundreds more tourists to the island? No. Did it provide extra revenue for local businesses? No (Even the catering wagons were from across). Did the islanders get value for money entertainment? On average, no! It's a big fat waste of money and time.


For those of you comparing the government subsidies of the NSC and the Villa to the PBF- I'm sorry but it's apples and oranges. These are public amenities which are vital and well-used for many things- the villa is not just used for pop stars to come and play. It hosts the Manx Music Festival every year, the Hospice Christmas fair, local Brass band and youth orchestra gala concerts, and many more.

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Hi All, I've been reading the debate on this with interest. Here's my viewpoint on last year's Peel Bay Festival:


Welcome, and well said! Keep posting.


Your point on the empty tent: even worse when you remember that a lot of those people who did show up to the 1/2 full nights were on freebee tickets.

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I think we can safely say:


"Myth = Busted"...




Please don't say things like 'Busted.' Especially with a capital letter - someone's bound to claim that they were one of the intended headline acts. :rolleyes:

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The Gov should just do what they do best, find out what acts were in line to play PBF next year then go and book some of them for themselves in the villa gardens. I do hope that something happens in the gardens or atleast the Royal Hall this year. There's talks of an all day thing in the Villa with bands on in the two function rooms in the day time and royal hall at night. Which IMHO sounds like not only a financial disaster but a complete waste of time and uncalled for stress.


I'm sure Mr Irving has enough millionaire mates who could throw in a few thousand pounds to help him out.

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I'm sure Mr Irving has enough millionaire mates who could throw in a few thousand pounds to help him out.


Do you really think theres any millionaires that are that stupid ? If PBF was that much of a sure thing they would be kicking his door down to get in !

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