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Peel Bay Festival


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I think from reading his posts that Dodger may well be on the payroll of a certain Mr Irving...why else would someone choose to have their head stuck so far up Irving's a***!!! :lol:


Well I'm not, I just happen to think that the festival is a good idea for the island! He at least tries to improve things rather than just complaining, because that will be next, there's nothing to do in 2008..............I wish as many people would put their money where their mouths are!

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maybe there's a few eccentric old bastard who he could talk into signing up.


I realise it has to be done in Peel as it's being put on by street heritage, but surely there's other things he could do.

Newton Faulkner (i don't like him but the kids are going mad for him) in the Centenary Centre

Sigur Ros *ahem* TIFs *cough* and Medieavel Babes in Peel Castle.


maybe a £50 a ticket special acoustic session with someone in the cinema autditorium bit of the House of Mannan.


There's no need for this mahoosive tent that can only be half filled when they can put on smaller nights that will be gaurentee to sell out and will be memorable.. fuck it put if needs be do something crazy like putting Kasabian on in the Creek and getting the BBC involved to record it for radio one, I know there's a producer for the BBC living over here who i'm sure could be tapped as a contact.

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There's no need for this mahoosive tent that can only be half filled when they can put on smaller nights that will be gaurentee to sell out and will be memorable.. fuck it put if needs be do something crazy like putting Kasabian on in the Creek and getting the BBC involved to record it for radio one, I know there's a producer for the BBC living over here who i'm sure could be tapped as a contact.


Agree. He needs to start smaller and sustainably, rather than a huge thing from the off that needs govt support.

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Well I'm not, I just happen to think that the festival is a good idea for the island! He at least tries to improve things rather than just complaining, because that will be next, there's nothing to do in 2008..............I wish as many people would put their money where their mouths are!


I agree that a festival is basically a good idea for the Island but if it is cancelled in 2008 there will still be other things to do in 2008. It could still go ahead if he put his money where his mouth his 100% but we will not. He is looking at possibly £290,000 of public money to put on


If you want £290,000 of public money you should be able to support that with a business case. Nothing I have seen yet does. Last year he says it was affected by the timimg in TT weeek. All points that were made by many prior to the event. In that case the many were proved right and he was wrong.


Now the many are querying his figures, the track record as shown above shows that last year he was bit off kilter. The business plan is for 4,500 people visitng the festival for 5 nights and each spending £450 each. this is for "headline" bands that I doubt will draw people to the Island. I apprecaite that that is speculation but if you check out the Tour details for Westlife & Girls Aloud you will see plenty of tickets available for dates in the UK. If you can readily see this acts in the UK why are you going to spend an additional £450 coming to the IoM to see them? The answer can not be is that it wil be a festival because as I think that as everybody agrees last year was not a festival but a seriess of gigs.


Ultimately I am happy for the authorities to subsidise to an extent, even if the choice of music is not to my taste, provided that PBF can put up a business plan which stands up to scrutiny. Presently it does not in my opinion and the Govt have taken the right action. The response of PBF should be to review, amend and explain the business plan so that it stands up to scrutiny. Are they doing that? No. they are purely trying to create a media storm to cover what I believe are there own deficiencies.


If they get their way it will not be because they have proved their case, but purely that the Govt have bowed to the public lobbying. That is not a basis for making decisions and if it does not work outthen in X years time we will all be on here shouting our mouths off about the Govt wasting public money.


The one to put up or shut up is Steet Heritage

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You won't do very well on here if you keep making sensible posts like that one, Weegie. :)


Thanks, Lonan & Droid. I enjoy a wee bit of argy bargy in my idle moments :-D


I have to 'fess up- I am horribly biased against the PBF.

LIKE THE WIND, commissioned by the Arts Council from renowned composer Barry Russell to commemorate the Centenary of the TT, was performed at the Peel Bay Festival on 2nd June 2007 on the same bill as Bonnie Tyler, Chris Norman and Robin Gibb.

The night began with a performance of "Like The Wind" an exciting, celebratory piece of music featuring two rock bands, massed brass, wind and percussion groups. The piece reflected the various aspects of the TT - tension and build up before the race, revving up, riding like the wind, and wide open spaces. During the three months leading up to the 2007 TT Festival Barry Russell worked with two local rock bands (Chiaroscura and Stone Creation), brass and wind musicians drawn from the Douglas Town Band and the IOM Wind Orchestra, and a community group who formed the percussion section playing recycled blue plastic tubs in the manner of Japanese Taiko drummers. Click here to see a review of the performance on the Peel Bay Festival website.


I was part of this- the reality of it was, we were not allowed our allotted rehearsal time because Bonnie Tyler overran in her sound check, and when it came round to our performance we got half-way through before the stage manager decided we had gone on too long and killed the power, shoving us off the stage to the sound of boos and jeers from the audience. You can rest assured that wasn't mentioned on the PBF "review"

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If they get their way it will not be because they have proved their case, but purely that the Govt have bowed to the public lobbying. That is not a basis for making decisions and if it does not work outthen in X years time we will all be on here shouting our mouths off about the Govt wasting public money.

Odd, the Steam packet make a commercial decision not to provide a loss making service and all hell breaks loose and government are supposed to jump in and sort it out.


I know there are differences, so no need for anyone to go all snotty on me. it was just the bit about government bowing to public pressure that caught my eye. So what was the point of the Steam Packet petition again?


Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't.

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Odd, the Steam packet make a commercial decision not to provide a loss making service and all hell breaks loose and government are supposed to jump in and sort it out.


I know there are differences, so no need for anyone to go all snotty on me. it was just the bit about government bowing to public pressure that caught my eye. So what was the point of the Steam Packet petition again?


Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't.

I think if you read my posts on both topics I am fairly consistent with my stance. However both are similar in that petitions are being drawn up to try and put pressure on the Government to change their position. The main difference was that one relating to the SP seems to have been started as a whim with no self interest and it took off, the second relating to PBF has been organised and heavily promoted and advertised by those with a vested interest. I wonder if such a petition would have been started by the general public if PBF had not organised one in favour of themslevs. I think not but we will now never know.


As I have said before I would like to see a decent festival on the IoM and would not mind the Govt contributing if it was potentially going to attract visitors. However PBF give me absoltely no cofidence they have and would get it right which is a shame considering the effort they have and appear to be willing to put in to the event. Hoever there is no point an event just because there is no alternative if that event itself is not the right one to support.

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Not knocking your posts Lost Login, as I said it was just the bit about Government bowing to public pressure that caught my eye. it could have been made by anyone about any situation on the island, it just happened to have been made by your good self on this subject.

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