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Peel Bay Festival


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The future of a music festival seems to have died, at least until the next election as the present minister and chief minister seem to feel that it isn't worth supporting, the amount of other things they do support that are annually loss making, this would have been a drop in the ocean! They keep on looking at the amount of tourists coming over, though the minister seems to forget that this is a leisure item for the people who live on the island and it also keeps our money on the island, rather than our travelling across to the UK or Ireland to watch an act! :(


Dodger, do you repeat the same shit over and over again in commissioner meetings when everyone disagrees with you?


You're wrong, people here have taken a lot of time to demonstrate that you're wrong. Can't you see beyond your nose for once and take some of that in?


I don't agree with the comments that state that the festival should start small, it is continually knocking of people who are trying to improve things on the island! I would like to have seen this progressed for the future, where are we going to see this type of thing in the future, is the government going to do it themselves, I see Rock the Rock went ahead! These acts that were available to come to the island, has the government department been in touch to book them for the Villa themselves? I doubt it!


You would make a good commissioner yourself, the elections are in April 2008, maybe you would put your time and money where your mouth is?! ;)

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I don't agree with the comments that state that the festival should start small, it is continually knocking of people who are trying to improve things on the island! I would like to have seen this progressed for the future, where are we going to see this type of thing in the future, is the government going to do it themselves, I see Rock the Rock went ahead! These acts that were available to come to the island, has the government department been in touch to book them for the Villa themselves? I doubt it!


Reading previous comments I and many others do not really care whether it started small or not or if there was Govt money put in to support. What we did care about was that if Govt money was put in to support it, like any event, there was a realistic chance of the money being spent wisely and with a realistic chance of it providing the various benefits outlined.


What Irving appeared to want was an advertising grant and loss guarantee from the govt in return for which he would put on a festival with no checks and balances etc. What Juan Turner suggested was I though having listened to the debate a sensible considered position but Irving has thrown his toys out of the pram. It is his way or nothing and just because another party has money at stake in the venture how dare they ask any questions of him, let alone seek any involvement or reassurance.


I listened to the debate on Tuesday evening and I have to admit I was surprised by some of the contributions in that some speakers made far more sensible contribtions than I expected. I thought Juan Tuner was good hitting on the relevent issues whilst being supportive. Rodden I was disappointed with as I had higher expectations of him and I thought he would have been much better briefed. Not knowing details of ticket sales etc really undermined his position.


Karran was Karren in that he said a lot but was virtually impossible to follow. Earnshaw if what he said was was basically the whole storey was well briefed and put a very convincing argument of why the PBF was Pie in the Sky. Eddie Lowey seemed to be of the opinion that the Govt should back anybody financially if they had a grand idea with virtually no questions asked.


The outcome to me appeared to be sensible in that if PBF wanted money from Govt it had to go forward in partnership with Govt. Irving has come across to me as somebody who purely wanted the third party finace with no responsibility. I do not believe at any point that he has wanted anything more than Govt to be a banker to him with the option that if they were not going to give him a blank cheque no questions asked then he would blame them 100%.


You would make a good commissioner yourself, the elections are in April 2008, maybe you would put your time and money where your mouth is?! ;)


I do not live in Peel, but if I did I have to admit that I would be very reluctant to give you my vote as you appear to want to be very free with other peoples money. In addition even after all these posts you seem not to understand the point of many which is that there is support for a festival but that it has to stand up to logic and scrutiny if it wants to receive public funds. Irvings case unfortuntaely just full of holes and contridictions.

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I don't agree with the comments that state that the festival should start small, it is continually knocking of people who are trying to improve things on the island! I would like to have seen this progressed for the future, where are we going to see this type of thing in the future, is the government going to do it themselves, I see Rock the Rock went ahead! These acts that were available to come to the island, has the government department been in touch to book them for the Villa themselves? I doubt it!


Reading previous comments I and many others do not really care whether it started small or not or if there was Govt money put in to support. What we did care about was that if Govt money was put in to support it, like any event, there was a realistic chance of the money being spent wisely and with a realistic chance of it providing the various benefits outlined.


What Irving appeared to want was an advertising grant and loss guarantee from the govt in return for which he would put on a festival with no checks and balances etc. What Juan Turner suggested was I though having listened to the debate a sensible considered position but Irving has thrown his toys out of the pram. It is his way or nothing and just because another party has money at stake in the venture how dare they ask any questions of him, let alone seek any involvement or reassurance.


I listened to the debate on Tuesday evening and I have to admit I was surprised by some of the contributions in that some speakers made far more sensible contribtions than I expected. I thought Juan Tuner was good hitting on the relevent issues whilst being supportive. Rodden I was disappointed with as I had higher expectations of him and I thought he would have been much better briefed. Not knowing details of ticket sales etc really undermined his position.


Karran was Karren in that he said a lot but was virtually impossible to follow. Earnshaw if what he said was was basically the whole storey was well briefed and put a very convincing argument of why the PBF was Pie in the Sky. Eddie Lowey seemed to be of the opinion that the Govt should back anybody financially if they had a grand idea with virtually no questions asked.


The outcome to me appeared to be sensible in that if PBF wanted money from Govt it had to go forward in partnership with Govt. Irving has come across to me as somebody who purely wanted the third party finace with no responsibility. I do not believe at any point that he has wanted anything more than Govt to be a banker to him with the option that if they were not going to give him a blank cheque no questions asked then he would blame them 100%.


You would make a good commissioner yourself, the elections are in April 2008, maybe you would put your time and money where your mouth is?! ;)


I do not live in Peel, but if I did I have to admit that I would be very reluctant to give you my vote as you appear to want to be very free with other peoples money. In addition even after all these posts you seem not to understand the point of many which is that there is support for a festival but that it has to stand up to logic and scrutiny if it wants to receive public funds. Irvings case unfortuntaely just full of holes and contridictions.



With regard to the benefits, I have mentioned this many times, it keeps our money on the island rather than having to travel off island to see a live act of a simular calibur.


Advertising grant is available at 50% of the proposed marketing cost, the underwriting has to be verified with the books being provided to the government for checking, there are checks in place!


I didn't have a problem with Juan's amendment! BUT, unfortunately I feel that the parties now will not be able to work together though, the government didn't offer the villa free, they still were not going to underwrite the event and the cost to break even would have made the ticket prices a lot higher. There needs to be a compromise on both sides!


Voting for a candidate in an election is your choice, with regard to being free with public money I am most certainly not!


The government though spends a lot more than the amount requested, the deputy chief exec for the DHSS for example over £100,000 even though 2 years ago the post was scrapped, by an independent assessor. £299,000 for a house refurbishment for those with learning disabilities, this benefits 4 people and up to a maximum of 8, for the record I would have approved that payment as well! I wouldn't have approved the appointment of the deputy, but guess what the minister didn't bring that to Tynwald, I wonder why! It is down to the elected members to provide services to the people of the island, both on local and central issues. The minister seems to have forgotten that he is responsible for leisure as well as tourism and this is a leisure activity and I feel that this is going to be a major loss to the island. What are the government doing to replace this for 2008 or even 2009? Should the DOTL run the whole event?

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I've been listening to Dan Davis discussing this on Manx Radio and I can't believe how many numpties are calling to say that it should be continued because it was such a success!


It lost well over half a million quid.

The tent was hardly, if ever, filled.

It probably didn't cause more than a tiny handful of people to visit the island at the busiest time of the year complete with the highest rip-off prices on transport and almost everything else.


It failed!

It failed because it was over-ambitious

It failed because it was held at the wrong time of year.

It failed because a majority of the acts were past their sell-by date.

It failed because there's a much smaller local audience for it than it's supporters claim there to be.

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I don't agree with the comments that state that the festival should start small, it is continually knocking of people who are trying to improve things on the island! I would like to have seen this progressed for the future, where are we going to see this type of thing in the future, is the government going to do it themselves, I see Rock the Rock went ahead! These acts that were available to come to the island, has the government department been in touch to book them for the Villa themselves? I doubt it!


You would make a good commissioner yourself, the elections are in April 2008, maybe you would put your time and money where your mouth is?! ;)


How many bands have you travelled to the UK to see yourself Dodger?

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I did enjoy reading a brief article in the paper about how the Rolling Stones and Bruce Springsteen will now, not be coming to the festival..


There are rumours that Elvis and John Lennon will not be coming to the festival either...

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I am certain you will find that Manx Radio was a marketing partner, I believe the other radio stations were not allowed anywhere near the event as MR had the exclusive rights in return for the Radio advertising in much the same way as Mannin Media was the printing partners.

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I don't agree with the comments that state that the festival should start small, it is continually knocking of people who are trying to improve things on the island! I would like to have seen this progressed for the future, where are we going to see this type of thing in the future, is the government going to do it themselves, I see Rock the Rock went ahead! These acts that were available to come to the island, has the government department been in touch to book them for the Villa themselves? I doubt it!


You would make a good commissioner yourself, the elections are in April 2008, maybe you would put your time and money where your mouth is?! ;)


How many bands have you travelled to the UK to see yourself Dodger?


And how does paying the fees and expenses of these acts keep money on the Island?

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I am certain you will find that Manx Radio was a marketing partner, I believe the other radio stations were not allowed anywhere near the event as MR had the exclusive rights in return for the Radio advertising in much the same way as Mannin Media was the printing partners.


You may well be right, I haven't asked the organisers to verify this, though it seems plausable and a way to advertise without incurring high costs. ;)

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I don't agree with the comments that state that the festival should start small, it is continually knocking of people who are trying to improve things on the island! I would like to have seen this progressed for the future, where are we going to see this type of thing in the future, is the government going to do it themselves, I see Rock the Rock went ahead! These acts that were available to come to the island, has the government department been in touch to book them for the Villa themselves? I doubt it!


You would make a good commissioner yourself, the elections are in April 2008, maybe you would put your time and money where your mouth is?! ;)


How many bands have you travelled to the UK to see yourself Dodger?


And how does paying the fees and expenses of these acts keep money on the Island?


AI - I haven't been to the UK to see bands, I have been to see them in the bowl in Douglas, Villa gardens and the Peel Bay Festival. I would need babysitters as well to go across to see a band, the boys are too young.


triskelion - I was referring to jobs generated and spending in general within the area by those visiting Peel was very busy as people going to the festival also ate in town and went out afterwards in Peel. I can either spend my money going off island, I am sure that the steampacket money stays on the island, as does Flybe's and Eastern airways etc pay for hotel, food and other travel arrangements. I chose to go Gold as it was still a saving on having to cover the costs of going across to see a band.

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Peel was very busy as people going to the festival also ate in town and went out afterwards in Peel.


If you count sitting in a traffic queue for hours as "going out" then I suppose you are right....


Perhaps the PBF organisers should register as a charity or sponsored event and see how many petitioner signers will put their money where their pens are.....

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You keep going on about the cost saved from going across to see a band, but you're clutching at straws with that argument. E.g. If it costs me £200 for a weekend away to watch Green Velvet live, in the extremely unlikely event of the PBF ever getting Green Velvet (or some other act that I'd want to see), I wouldn't spend that £200 in Peel. I'd do it as cheaply as possible, and then still go away for a weekend.

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