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Peel Bay Festival


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It's a relief to know from comments here that not everyone has lost their wits. I thought I had for a second when I found that I agreed with the govt, then I realised that for once they really are talking sense...


To all the people bleating on about what a terrible shame it is that it's not going ahead, how our chances of ever seeing a local festival are fading faster than taillights in the fog, and how Irving coulda been a contender were it not for the nasty, horrid govt pissing on his chips....


It's not THEIR money to spend - it's mine! And yours! And just because the govt have wasted taxpayers' money on many other foolish things does not mean they should add insult to injury by doing it here! If you want to support a farce-tival so much, then just buy your bloody ticket for Simply Red, Halo James, the Wurzels, David Essex etc etc and respect my decision to spend my hard-earned beans on something else.


If he approached me for financial support, I'm afraid I'd do an Earnshaw too: having taken a look around PBF this summer, it didn't take me long to figure that Irving's perception of a successful festival 'with legs' was as far away from reality as the Earth is from Pluto. The fact he thought he could actually fill the largest available tent for hire in Europe with acts which, for the most part, would have struggled to fill the Villa, speaks volumes. That PBF wasn't a total, crippling disaster and a few dozen people kissed his ass obviously went to his head, because somewhere along the way he began to confuse himself with Christ, bringing miracles into the lives of ordinary folk via the medium of has-been rock.


Let's get this straight: this is not the govt trampling all over the dreams of some humble Jimmy Stewart archetype; it's a businessman with a dodgy proposition going to the public money tap and throwing a tantrum because the money ain't flowing.


As for the argument that a homegrown festival would 'keep' money on the Island because it would dispense with the need for local music fans to travel 'away' - that's real dummy logic! Don't tell me what I do and don't need from a music festival! I will go to events here but I'll go to events in the UK and Europe, if they sound good to me - simple as that.


Irving has made himself look a right doofus by acting like a spurned lover - "it's all over! So there! You will never see me again, ever! And I want my Bonnie Tyler records back too!" Let him have his tantrum, I say. FFS, it's not like he is the only person eligible to put on 'festivals', is it? For every local who's got an aching festival-shaped void in their life - have a go yourself!

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It's a relief to know from comments here that not everyone has lost their wits. I thought I had for a second when I found that I agreed with the govt, then I realised that for once they really are talking sense...


To all the people bleating on about what a terrible shame it is that it's not going ahead, how our chances of ever seeing a local festival are fading faster than taillights in the fog, and how Irving coulda been a contender were it not for the nasty, horrid govt pissing on his chips....


It's not THEIR money to spend - it's mine! And yours! And just because the govt have wasted taxpayers' money on many other foolish things does not mean they should add insult to injury by doing it here! If you want to support a farce-tival so much, then just buy your bloody ticket for Simply Red, Halo James, the Wurzels, David Essex etc etc and respect my decision to spend my hard-earned beans on something else.


If he approached me for financial support, I'm afraid I'd do an Earnshaw too: having taken a look around PBF this summer, it didn't take me long to figure that Irving's perception of a successful festival 'with legs' was as far away from reality as the Earth is from Pluto. The fact he thought he could actually fill the largest available tent for hire in Europe with acts which, for the most part, would have struggled to fill the Villa, speaks volumes. That PBF wasn't a total, crippling disaster and a few dozen people kissed his ass obviously went to his head, because somewhere along the way he began to confuse himself with Christ, bringing miracles into the lives of ordinary folk via the medium of has-been rock.


Let's get this straight: this is not the govt trampling all over the dreams of some humble Jimmy Stewart archetype; it's a businessman with a dodgy proposition going to the public money tap and throwing a tantrum because the money ain't flowing.


As for the argument that a homegrown festival would 'keep' money on the Island because it would dispense with the need for local music fans to travel 'away' - that's real dummy logic! Don't tell me what I do and don't need from a music festival! I will go to events here but I'll go to events in the UK and Europe, if they sound good to me - simple as that.


Irving has made himself look a right doofus by acting like a spurned lover - "it's all over! So there! You will never see me again, ever! And I want my Bonnie Tyler records back too!" Let him have his tantrum, I say. FFS, it's not like he is the only person eligible to put on 'festivals', is it? For every local who's got an aching festival-shaped void in their life - have a go yourself!


Agree with you 100%. All Mr I has proved is that if you have enough money you can hire a very large tent thing, engage some expensive, but out of date, musos and still have a failure. What has not been proven is that there are the seeds for future success, sufficient to warrant any underwriting in any form from the public coffers.


Sorry Jon, but that is about the top and bottom of it.

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I think the PBF is proper f***ed. Anyone still arguing in favour of funding this might as well be handing the Captain of the Titanic a plastic coffee cup in order to try and save the day. Give it up - as Lonan said - nice try, but it failed big style. I'd rather see £500K a year spent on youth clubs etc. etc. etc. etc. Things are inevitably going to get tighter here over the next few years - so stop trying to pi** about with my money and get back to some of the priorities that need to be addressed/funded.


Of course it would be nice if it had worked - but you had your chance - and it didn't IMO.

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In any case I do not expect PBF to issue detailed accounts to all and Sundry, it is a private matter,


If you're asking for public funds, it shouldn't be private.

Depends on your definition of private. Yes they should be released to Government etc who are required to consider the matter, but I see no requirement that they are released to the general public

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What has not been proven is that there are the seeds for future success, sufficient to warrant any underwriting in any form from the public coffers.


Dead right - this is public money, which can be better used elsewhere - we lost more than enough over last years PBF.


If it was fully viable, it should have been possible to get business funding.

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Depends on your definition of private. Yes they should be released to Government etc who are required to consider the matter, but I see no requirement that they are released to the general public


Seeing as it's the general public's (ie the taxpayer's) money, I see every requirement that we are made fully aware of what our government is spending our money on.


Or not, as this case appears.

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Depends on your definition of private. Yes they should be released to Government etc who are required to consider the matter, but I see no requirement that they are released to the general public


Seeing as it's the general public's (ie the taxpayer's) money, I see every requirement that we are made fully aware of what our government is spending our money on.


Or not, as this case appears.


Fair enough as long as that is a consistent policy across the board so every organisation be in a business or a club who received a grant, guarantee against loss is required to publish their accounts for public consumption. >this would include numerous local clubs etc.


I do not believe that is realistic so I am happy that that it is only a requirement that the audited acounts are presented to the relevent department. I have never applied for a grant for my business but have for a local club. If a grant was available to by business I would be reluctant to claim if I had to make my accounts freely available to the public because there is information in there that might be useful to competitors. I would probably decide that was more valuable than the grant but obviously it depend on the value of the grant

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so it's been announced that PBF isn't happening ever ever again. I think it's glaringly obvious that Adrian Earnshaw has something up his sleeve for TT. I just hope to God it's not the all day event i've heard rumours about.

So the island has learnt it's first few lessons in putting on a gig:

1) Don't hire a big f00k off tent that you'll never fill

2) Don't give away most of your tickets for free

3) Get someone with an ounce of knowledge about the music industry to help organise it.


Now next lesson, pay attention now budding promoters


DON'T EVER EVER PUT ON ALL DAY GIGS, THEY NEVER WORK. there's only about 10 people that turn up before 2pm and after that people will come and go and the place will never be filled until about 9pm. On the whole the event will be seen as a sham apart from the last 3 hours when the crowd who were there all day will be too plastered to remember who they saw. It's a total un needed stress for the organisors and the bands get bored waiting round because their slot is now 40 minutes later than it's meant to be.


If anyone knows someone in the Dept of Tourism tell them this

5,500 people cap. in the villa gardens (so i've been told) £20 a ticket = £110,000

use the tax payers money to cover stage hire, security, give bushys space for a beer tent for nothing. and Spend the £110,000 a night on an amazing act. All local support (obviously paying them about £500 and not treating them like the pbf lot did) AND BAN THOSE FU**ING A HOLES QUILL!!!

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so it's been announced that PBF isn't happening ever ever again. I think it's glaringly obvious that Adrian Earnshaw has something up his sleeve for TT. I just hope to God it's not the all day event i've heard rumours about.

So the island has learnt it's first few lessons in putting on a gig:

1) Don't hire a big f00k off tent that you'll never fill

2) Don't give away most of your tickets for free

3) Get someone with an ounce of knowledge about the music industry to help organise it.


Now next lesson, pay attention now budding promoters


DON'T EVER EVER PUT ON ALL DAY GIGS, THEY NEVER WORK. there's only about 10 people that turn up before 2pm and after that people will come and go and the place will never be filled until about 9pm. On the whole the event will be seen as a sham apart from the last 3 hours when the crowd who were there all day will be too plastered to remember who they saw. It's a total un needed stress for the organisors and the bands get bored waiting round because their slot is now 40 minutes later than it's meant to be.


If anyone knows someone in the Dept of Tourism tell them this

5,500 people cap. in the villa gardens (so i've been told) £20 a ticket = £110,000

use the tax payers money to cover stage hire, security, give bushys space for a beer tent for nothing. and Spend the £110,000 a night on an amazing act. All local support (obviously paying them about £500 and not treating them like the pbf lot did) AND BAN THOSE FU**ING A HOLES QUILL!!!



Totally agree - and when looking to put together the organising team reject anyone who was part of PBF as they suceeding only in loosing £750k plus and proved nothing other than their complete lack of business accumen in the area of pop festivals.

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