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Peel Bay Festival


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I have said nothing so far in this thread but !!

IMO Mr Earnshaw deserves a pat on the back , Street Heritage have not even settled there bills from last years event so why should they have a guarantee against loss for another ? they have brought no body over to the island so why should we guarantee a company against a gamble ?


Good try Mr Irving but good old Mr Earnshaw saw you coming ….

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Well said, Sideways. I was very supportive of JI's initiatives like the PBF and the Viking Festival. But hang on a mo, the PBF was at his own instigation, surely? Did anyone from Government ask him to stage the event to complement the TT centenary celebrations?


Not as far as I am aware. It was a business decision which, unfortunately, turned out not to be a winner. Sorry for that, as I thought it was a great effort but, as it turned out, fell somewhat short of the mark.


Now, to expect the taxpayer to underwrite future endeavours, when the first was such a dismal failure and THEN to spit the dummy out, is just crass and immature from an established businessman.


I'm afraid the 'business mix' wasn't right to make me pay, directly, to see any of the bands (the only band I would have had an inkling of interest in was The Who, but I saw them twice in the early 80's when Daltry and Townshend were more nimble, but still aged then) and it certainly isn't right to make me comfortable paying indirectly through a government subsidy.

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I enjoyed Madness at Peel this year (earlier this month I saw them at Aintree and I thought the Peel crowd were much better).


Really, though, I was glad when the pop music went away and we could concentrate on the TT, perhaps the best annual world class event staged in The British Isles, bar none.

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to be fair, i've been to the Brixton Academy and been told to sit down by security (and punched on my way out of the pit) so it's not ALWAYS security flexing their muscles.


re and all day event, i agree about bands starting in the afternoon having less of a 'turn out' than the evening ones, but if you're bringing people over for this gig, and trying to attract guests from teh UK then you need to do SOMETHING in the daytime. Open air cinema, buskers, stalls, market etc - something needs to be there to keep people occupied.


In better hands the Isle of Man could really encourage 'freedom to flourish' by having a free festival for all and sundry to come and express themselves, a bit like Edinburgh only with a eye towards all the arts. Why not have artists displays, theatre, music and the rest and use the 'freedom to flourish' motto to promote freedom of expression.


All a bit hippy for you maybe, but it ties in with the branding and give a 'festival' more of a chance of succeeding if you cover more bases.

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prepared to open the taxpayer up to an unlimited liability which, Mr Irving says, could be over £1 million.


Speaking from experience? Perhaps that's closer to the total lost, sour grapes..


And I thought it was only us Evertonians that were that bitter....the harder he tries to cling to credibility the more it just slips through his fingers.

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