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Peel Bay Festival


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There was no need for all the free passes that were handed out, everyone I met at Deacon Blue was on a freebie (and most of them could have well afforded to buy a ticket - scum bag freeloaders). Maybe this is where they lost money? Perhaps PBF would be better if they worked with the man from Triskel or GOMH or someone who knows more 'industry people' than them, they didnt do too badly but there was a lot of flair missing.

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Its a shame something couldn't have been worked out. And that it took the Government 6 months to decide.


Bryan Adams, Simply Red, Duran Duran, Westlife, Girls Aloud and we were also looking at Snow Patrol


These are major acts, and if this level could have been maintained over a number of years, then I can't see why the event wouldn't have been able to become self-sustaining. The Government gives incentives to other business ventures...


At the end of the day, I can understand why people think £250000 is too much to underwrite a commercial venture, but if a strategy had been worked out through co-operation between Street Heritage and Government, then the Government would not have been asked to pledge that much every year. The festival would also have provided news jobs in organising it, as well as the indirect economic benefits of use of hotels, airport, catering, shops in Peel, haulage etc etc. Even though Irving made a considerable personal loss, something like this has a wider effect. And increases awareness of the Island. There is good reason to think that the organisers would have learned quite a few lessons from the first attempt and so be better able to execute it more successfully.



The PBF was over-ambitious.

It should have started out as a 2 or 3 day festival with the hope that it would eventually grow from that.

The mixture of ageing rockers, bland pop stars, and acts resurrected from the past was never going to be a recipe for success.

I'm not sure what you are basing that on. The PBF had some big acts this year and a lot of festivals would envy the line-up it had. The Laxey Blues festival has been running over a weekend for years now, but when they tried to open that up a bit it was terrible, with Laxey being over-run with kids who didn't really understand what it was supposed to be about, so your idea of building it up might not be so feasible either. The Island has struggled to bring over popular (in the mass market sense) acts for many years now, and the PBF brought over a good number of them in one go. From the acts that were being pencilled in for 2008 it seems that the music promotors also felt there was a future in it.


Easy to understand both sides, I guess.

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I'm not sure what you are basing that on. The PBF had some big acts this year and a lot of festivals would envy the line-up it had. The Laxey Blues festival has been running over a weekend for years now, but when they tried to open that up a bit it was terrible, with Laxey being over-run with kids who didn't really understand what it was supposed to be about, so your idea of building it up might not be so feasible either. The Island has struggled to bring over popular (in the mass market sense) acts for many years now, and the PBF brought over a good number of them in one go. From the acts that were being pencilled in for 2008 it seems that the music promotors also felt there was a future in it.


Easy to understand both sides, I guess.


Terrible depending on your perspective. For me, that laxey weekend with the extra tents was one of the best weekends on the island I've ever had.

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I am slightly dissappointed it is cancelled cos I might have liked to go next year depending who was booked. Last year as many said in advances it was wrong place at wrong time. Many locals were off the Island or working as it was TT etc etc.


I do though take my hat off to them for trying something new.


I have no problem with the Govt putting some guarantee in place for something like this but from what I read it seems they wanted some compromises, which might have reduced costs i.e move to Villa Marina Gardens. This makes sense to me as apparently it takes 5,000 and they stuggled to get above that on most of the nights. PBF were not prepared to make those which again I can understand as they were oranising a Peel based event not an IoM event.


What I can not see though is why some of the bands could still not be booked as one off. Ok it is not a festival, but then in never was, it was a headline band and support. The only problem is lack of a big venue and that really was were PBF scored as they put up the big tent. If the Island actually had a decent venue then it would not be an issue.

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The Villa not a decent venue?


I think they want the Royal Albert Hall or something similar. The Villa is good enough for what we get, i.e. a decent band maybe once a year and a handful of comedians. It's pointless getting anything bigger or better because it wouldn't get the use to justify its existance. The PBF has been called off because the organisers don't think the tent will be full to capacity enough of the time and the're having a tantrum because the gov won't underwrite the loss they'll inevitably make.

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