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Peel Bay Festival


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I think it was sensible not to provide government support for this festival, there are better things to spend money on - plus you can't please all of the people all of the time with a limited choice of entertainment and so many people would have felt left out.


Chances are TT will be back to normal numbers next year, so it is unlikely that such a grandiose scheme would stand a chance of making a profit. With enough notice and organisation there is always the Villa and Gaiety to be filled by various big name groups/comedians etc.


Personally, I'd prefer a larger choice of lower-cost decent semi-professional/professional bands at various venues around the island throughout the week - there are tons of them just waiting to be asked to come here, plus several decent local bands. Organising to bring over these sort of groups, and setting up a raft of events (even perhaps under a 'festival banner') is where I would prefer such organisers to spend their time and effort. If bikers are to be attracted to such events, this will only be done by putting on biker entertainment, with the locals joining in as per usual.

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Irvine's statement on the street heritage web site says that they need 6,500 a night to break even with the government guarantee or 8,000 without. As the best night by his own admission was 6,500 then it does look speculative to say the least.


6,500 with the Who, who headlined Glasto the same year and it was the Centenary year. Got to wonder how you're going to top even those ticket sales. Even at that night, I was sat in a gold seat I hadn't paid for.


Anyone know did the other stuff in previous years make doesh? Robert Plant for example?

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If anyone here wants to support the PBF:



I'm all for it but if "Bryan Adams, Simply Red, Duran Duran, Westlife, Girls Aloud and we were also looking at Snow Patrol" is the best they can come up with then it's not for me. A 2 or 3 day festival, full line-ups, proper camping and advertised in the music press is the only way this can continue imo, PBF should put their money where their mouth is. If they had some decent advice regards the line-up it wouldn't fail. Just counting on the manx to come will not work.


Bryan Adams, Simply Red and Westlife? FFS

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I'm all for it but if "Bryan Adams, Simply Red, Duran Duran, Westlife, Girls Aloud and we were also looking at Snow Patrol" is the best they can come up with then it's not for me. A 2 or 3 day festival, full line-ups, proper camping and advertised in the music press is the only way this can continue imo, PBF should put their money where their mouth is. If they had some decent advice regards the line-up it wouldn't fail. Just counting on the manx to come will not work.


Bryan Adams, Simply Red and Westlife? FFS


That'd be a good lineup if it was over two days. Girls aloud and westlife on in the afternoon, Bryan Adams and Duran Duran early evening, snow patrol and simply red headlining your evenings, bosh.

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If anyone here wants to support the PBF:




Is there a petition to support the governments decision?


Really though, I'm sure we would all love a proper festival. But not something along the lines of what happened last year. Seemingly poorly executed, spread out to long, they were mixed up as to what audience they wanted. They just tried to hard, burned all their money on dried out acts, I would of loved to go if it was a number of smalled "fresh" acts, who would of been cheaper to bring over, cheaper ticket prices etc.

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Oh My God, listen to everyone ranting about this!


Surely Irving just needs to use a bit of common sense?


The Valhalla marquee was more than a little optimistic, why doesn't he use a smaller tent and then it will be full...on not one single night was that marquee full...surely that begs the question of why?


Most (not all) Peel residents were highly disturbed by the festival...the idea that they weren't even allowed friends or residents to visit because of parking issues...for an entire week...wasn't a very good way of getting them on side.


I am not saying Peel is not a beautiful city...it is! But Douglas does have better sites...e.g the Shoprite/Robinsons owned land up near B&Q. People need to remember that although Douglas isn't the be-all and end-all of the Isle of Man, it IS the capital and it's where everything is based...especially transport. The public transport links would be much more effective there. Yes Irving would lose out on his horrendous parking charges but surely that's a good thing? ;)


Also I had always thought a festival was pretty much a 24-hour thing over a weekend...or few days. It is true what many others have said-it was a series of gigs. It would be a better prospect (especially for people visiting) to come to the Island for 2/3 nights rather than shelling out for accommodation (even camping costs money!) and all the other costs associated with a holiday (food drink etc etc) for a whole week. Have the festival as a truely great festival on for 3 days!


TT week yes is when the Island is at it's busiest...but would it not be a great thing to have an amazing festival at another time then the Island can have THREE great events in it's calendar...TT...Grand Prix...and the newly revamped FESTIVAL.


The line-up wasn't bad this year...it wasn't great but it wasn't bad. The idea of something to appeal to everyone was great...but why not have it so that in a 3 day/night festival you still have acts to appeal to everyone but do it as 1night a rock night, another a pop/r'n'b night and the last night a dance/trance night...something to appeal to everyone!


The main thing behind the festival was unfortunately Irving wanting to big himself up...'Look at me...Im the saviour of Peel...because of me we have restored/new buildings and a wonderful festival...all bow down to me'. He really needs to be taken down a peg or two. Why will he not learn from his mistakes of last year and make a concerted effort to bring back the festival better than ever...not necessarily bigger than ever! We have 80k people living on this island...it's never going to be Glastonbury but instead of trying to make some extravagant statement by hiring a tent that'll never be filled and making it go on for too long...why not make it short and sweet and hit the spot? Taking people's views and ideas into consideration is the biggest compliment he could pay the public...the same people who will be attending this event. Please do not alienate them and patronise them by making out you know better!


As for the Government underwriting...he needs to make an event to appeal to the Taxpayer...once he does that then the Government will underwrite it! But to have an 'undisclosed loss' for last year just proves is he really something to invest in? The Government aren't trying to put down the people of Peel by suggesting Douglas...they're trying to make it a more profitable venture. A manxie through and through myself I can vouch for the Manx trait of stubborness...but it's all a bit of give and take...so come on Irving...stop blabbing to the press and sit down and look at your mistakes and ASK advice from the people who are in the know as to how you can rectify these! Hold a meeting with the residents of Peel, ask their opinions...don't just steam roller in and tell them THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING...go quietly and ask for advice. Flatter our egos a bit, pay us compliments...and most of all actually listen to what we have to say...you never know. It might just make this thing a success.

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The line-up wasn't bad this year...it wasn't great but it wasn't bad. The idea of something to appeal to everyone was great...but why not have it so that in a 3 day/night festival you still have acts to appeal to everyone but do it as 1night a rock night, another a pop/r'n'b night and the last night a dance/trance night...something to appeal to everyone!


Or have a few smaller tents, dance tent, rock tent, pop tent

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If they were to try to appeal like that then definately more tents, don't know about anyone else but i wouldn't pay to go to a festival that was someone good on friday then westlife on sat and some gash pop dance on the sunday. Put some money into it and do it properly, or not at all.


That'd be a good lineup if it was over two days. Girls aloud and westlife on in the afternoon, Bryan Adams and Duran Duran early evening, snow patrol and simply red headlining your evenings, bosh.

You're taking the piss right?

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festival lasts 2 or 3 days and just get 3 or 4 big acts plus a couple of local acts who PLAY ON THE BIG STAGE AND DON'T GET FUCKED AROUND LIKE LAST YEAR !!!!!! (obviously the organisors don't want some shit arse band who have been together for ten minutes and can do 20 minutes including their abismisl cover of freebird, so have a cd submitting thing)



ok god that probably didn't make much sense i'm in a c00unt of a mood now.

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I sympathise with Street Heritage but they are living in cloud cuckoo land. The Isle of Man isn't, never was and never will be a cool and fun place and will never be able to make a decent festival work. Mr Earnshaw is quite a good representation of what the island is, pop culture-wise. God, this is a place that jails people for microscopic amounts of cannabis never mind the proper festy gear. And the majority of the potential line up would all need a blanket to be put over their knees before going on. Gov. is probably wise to steer clear of this lemon.

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Well, no point in fannying around, KB!

Think you just said what no-one else truly had the wotsits to say..


I'm not saying you're completely right of course, but close.


Simple. In Douglas, 2 days, smaller tent/open stage, not just rock crusties (liking the R & B idea), shuttle buses, package deals from the UK. Let's have that, not a property developer's folly. :shifty:

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I sympathise with Street Heritage but they are living in cloud cuckoo land. The Isle of Man isn't, never was and never will be a cool and fun place and will never be able to make a decent festival work. Mr Earnshaw is quite a good representation of what the island is, pop culture-wise. God, this is a place that jails people for microscopic amounts of cannabis never mind the proper festy gear. And the majority of the potential line up would all need a blanket to be put over their knees before going on. Gov. is probably wise to steer clear of this lemon.



Contender for post of the year in my book.

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I don't think holding it right in TT was a good idea. Did it really attract that many of the visitors?


Most of which were there for the bikes, after already paying for travel and accommodation maybe wouldn't shell out on tickets. Also holding it in the evenings?! If people have been watching the racing during the day, they may not have the time to make it to the festival especially with the roads being busier around this time.


This year due to clogged up ferries there were more people staying the weekend after senior race day. Why not hold it on the Saturday/Sunday after senior race day? The racings over, and it might be a fitting end to peoples holiday to the TT.

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