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Tropical Fish


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he has a corner in the Isle of Man Farmers shop, far left as you go in the door. he has about 20 tanks, a good selection of fish. he is only there on a Saturday just now, but the girl in the shop will help you during the week.

i have a lot of Endler Guppies that i need to get rid off, if thats the type your after.

also there is a shop openned just above the Islander chippie on Bucks road, he is quite goot as well.


if you go to Isle Of Man Farmers, dont forget to get some coal from the coal firm down there, :whistling: ...........eerrr i forget their name :rolleyes:

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I enquired about the Farmers shop regards the fish and it appeared that someone deliberately sabotaged 'Grifs'? tanks and pulled the plugs out.

How can anyone do that to someone?


Anyway, I said I'll pop down on Saturday afternoon and buy a few bits and pieces and will let you know what I think then.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had good service from Griff too. He's very passionate about looking after tropical fish (known him for a while) and he's very happy to dish out advice about them.


The other two places I've been over the years (won't mention any names in case I get in trouble!):

One place don't really seem enthusiastic at all and have always struck me as mainly stocking a lot of dull & similar species. You sometimes get the feeling you're in the way if you want to buy some stock.

The other place has better variety, and are happy to offer advice/knowledge, but if anyone else is in the shop besides you (never mind a few people) you should be prepared for a long wait before being served potentially.

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Just a timely reminder to all, please think before you post. I think the business concerned here have been more than reasonable in their response. Perhaps taking the matter up directly before posting on here should be the order of the day in future.



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