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Kosovo Bye Bye


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Does anyone think we will soon see the ethnic cleansing, of serbs, from Kosovo soon with the EU/Nato wringing there hands and saying "well what can we do?"


I remember the spiel when we started on this nonesense " sovereignty is not an issue, Kosovo is and will always be part of Serbia"


Trust in the words of the West my arse.

















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It's quite unlikely that there will be "ethnic cleansing" of Serbians as a large number of those living in Kosova have plans to leave the area if independence is declared. However, the possibility for violence remains and if the EU recognises Kosovan independence then this may create problems in Kosova, Macedonia (with Albanians living there) and Bosnia Hercegovina (as the Republika Srpska will seek more autonomy or union with Serbia).


By allowing independence for a country which has no economy, poor human rights and is certain not to recognise the rights of the minorities within its borders (i.e. Serbians and Roma) we are setting a bad example and encouraging similar actions in places like Russia (Checnya, etc.) , Spain (Basque region), Slovakia (Roma minorities in the east) and elsewhere in Europe.


Serbian statements like "Kosova je Serbia" are pretty pathetic but likewise the wish of Kosovan-Albanians to declare unilateral independence without international support and any kind of economy are just as pathetic.

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